Kaleidoscope open the door

Kaleidoscope Opens Chapter 334


Kota Hirano didn’t question or refuse Saya Takashiro’s request that he was not too much. Although it was a bit unreasonable, he took a look and found the problem. The originally easy-to-use scope turned into a honeycomb grid. The field of vision, let alone aiming, can't see clearly.

The scope has been scrapped!

Hirano said in shock:

"Gaocheng, what's the matter?"

All of his strength lies in the firearms. The broken scope is a big problem, but Hirano didn't feel lost. His scope is more than this one, and the scope within 100 meters is not indispensable for him.

In fact, Hirano’s broken sight is not an exception. Shizuka’s mobile phone is also scrapped, and all electronic-related products such as the working computer in the villa and the forklift that is building a defense system outside have also experienced problems.

It's just that no one wanted it. It was this sudden accident that caused the crisis of destruction of the Gaocheng family soon, and Bai Lu and his party had to set off in a hurry.

Saye Gaocheng didn't think too much, but explained to Bailu and others:

"This is electromagnetic pulse, ep attack, hane, which is the so-called high-altitude nuclear explosion. After the nuclear warhead explodes in the upper atmosphere, gamma rays will separate the electrons in the atmospheric molecules and produce the CommScope effect. The separated electrons will be The electromagnetic pulse that is captured by the earth's magnetic field produces a large range of spreading electromagnetic pulses. This effect has a fatal effect on electronic devices.

Any electronic product with a receiving function will receive this electromagnetic pulse, and as a result, it will burn the integrated circuit."

Bai Lu twitched the corners of his mouth. He was impatient with Rory's wordy popular science, so he concluded:

"In short, from now on, we cannot use any electronic products, mobile phones and computers."


Saya Gaocheng nodded and added:

"Even computer-controlled cars can't drive, and the power plant should be paralyzed. It would be a different matter if ep protective measures are taken.

But that is limited to a very small number of Self-Defense Forces or government agencies."

Hirano Kota suddenly thought of the heavy tank Hummer he had been relying on along the way.

"Where is our Hummer? That's a military item, right?"

"do not know."

Gao Cheng Saya replied in an annoyed way. She is not a fan of military or car. She doesn't know anything about military Hummers, but she is a little bit suspicious. Even if the U.S. home Hummer is not seen, there will be ep protection measures.

At this time, Takashiro Souichiro said:

"Is there a way to fix it?"

After driving away the wisteria, he discovered the anomaly before leaving the hall. After listening to his daughter’s explanation, he asked directly. He usually deals with various matters of official affairs and family affairs. For technology, he is only at the stage of being able to use it. Know nothing outside.

Saya Gaocheng was surprised and proud of his father asking him for advice, but he was not addicted to it. After a few seconds of calm thinking, he spoke:

"Replace the burned parts, maybe some cars can move, and some cars are less affected by electromagnetic waves and are not damaged.

Of course, cars without chips are not affected."

"Check it now."

Takashiro Zouichiro gave orders to his men behind him, turned his head to look at Saya Takashiro, and said with a faint smile:

"Saya, in this sudden change, you can still think calmly, which is worthy of praise."

Saye Gaocheng showed joy when she heard the words. It was the first time that she was recognized by her father. Sure enough, choosing independence was a very correct thing.

However, before Saya Gaocheng's joy could last for two seconds, he was interrupted by an exclamation outside the gate.

"Roads and roadblocks were..."



The exclamation was suppressed by the gunfire, and after the gunfire turned into a scream of fear and pain, everyone could see the zombies dangling on the street.

Takashiro made a decisive choice.

"Close the door!"

The middle-aged in a white suit heard this and was shocked:

"Commander, so you have to abandon the people outside!"

Gao Cheng Zouichiro said coldly:

"Now you lose everything if you don't close the door. Close it!"

Although it is a very cold and ruthless command, it is also the most correct choice. In many cases in the world, there is no best of both worlds. The words'don't abandon anyone' are prepared for those protagonists who have problems with their heads but have good lives. of.

No one in the Gaocheng family was mentally disabled, and didn't feel that his life was good, so he executed the order in silence and pain.

Chapter 314 A blessing in disguise

"Yes! Sir!"

Gao Cheng Saya was startled by Hirano Geng's excitement, and everyone was quite speechless. Fatty, why are you so excited?

On the other side, the situation at the door that had just stabilized became uncomfortable again. I saw that the originally sparse zombies became denser in such a short time. Looking at the head of a person, shoulders are against shoulders, the door is completely blocked. , And desperately trying to squeeze in.

Although the gate has been slammed against it, it is not a gate fixed to the wall with bearing installations after all, and the gate is too large and the force-receiving area is too long. It seems that it may not be able to stand it for a long time and it will be gathered more and more. Zombies overthrew.

"Miyamoto, go to the garage to see how Hummer is. We will stay here for a while."

Bailu finished talking to Miyamoto Rei and stepped forward to help hold the door, and drew out the knife to pierce the heads of the zombies through the gap.

It's not that Bailu has any good feelings for the Gaocheng family, but that he is now the captain of Gaocheng Saye and others. He chose to be independent and go out to build his own power. At this time, if the Gaocheng family collapses, I am afraid it will cause a lot of her next plan. influences.

After all, I don’t know if the military Hummer was affected by the ep attack. If it is really affected, there is no Gaocheng family to help replace the parts... He can say that the game is over, because the fragile humans and the zombies who have died without pain. Than, the gap is too big.

Teammate Taicai, the king wears bronze, if you don't open it, you can't bring it!

Xiaomuro and others also hurriedly followed to help, and their expressions changed immediately. They were under too much pressure, but fortunately, the Gaocheng family did not eat dry food, and came to block the door or counterattack.

I don’t know how long it took, Xiao Shi Xiao gritted his teeth and said:

"I can't stand it anymore."

Bai Lu didn't speak. The Gao Cheng family didn't make corresponding emergency measures for so long, and he couldn't help it. If he couldn't stand it, he could only choose to give up.

Miyamoto Rei also ran over at this moment and said to Bailu:

"There is a little problem with the Hummer. Mr. Matsudo said it will take three to five minutes."

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