Kaleidoscope open the door

Kaleidoscope Opens Chapter 335

Bai Lu nodded slightly, Xiao Shi Xiao and others were also refreshed when they heard that, as long as they lasted three to five minutes, they would be able to escape successfully, even if they gave up the door.

Fortunately, the Gaocheng family was not all waste. Soon someone did not know where they got a few wooden stakes and so on. They laid them down on the door frame to make the top beam, which immediately greatly reduced the support of the door. Human strength, but this is not a long-term solution.

As the master of the Takashi family, Takashiro was not indifferent. He quickly organized those who were rescued by him to use various encapsulation soils and pile them behind the door to make a simple fortification wall. Although not very strong, it matched those The support of the top beam also worked.

Komuro sat slumped in the open space in the middle of the courtyard, panting, moving his wrists, and relaxed:

"Finally blocked."

Saya Gaocheng said in a frustrated tone:

"The way we left was also blocked."

She wanted to make a career on her own, but she didn't get a good job... No, she was stuck in her own home before she got out. It was really depressed and depressed.

Xiao Shi Xiao and others were stagnant when they heard the words, and then they realized that it is true that they are going to leave, and not to mention the establishment of influence. The matter of finding their parents has to be pushed back, and in the last days, many Delaying one day or even one minute is very dangerous.

It is indeed a good thing to avoid a huge crisis, but the future is not so good.

"You performed very well, but fortunately, you delayed the construction of the fortifications."

Takashiro Zouichiro came over, said admiringly, and then said:

"The neighboring pavilion is not affected. You can get through the wall and you can walk from the other side."

The only characteristic of zombies is that they are very sensitive to sounds. The gunshots here just now attracted almost all the zombies nearby. The Gaocheng home is big enough, the wall is long enough, and the zombies are crowded, so the adjacent hall did not receive much attention. influences.

To be precise, it was precisely because the main house was too dynamic, the quiet neighbor was ignored by these zombies.

As for the zombies stuck in front of the door, you don't need to care too much, just completely seal the door, and just walk from the adjacent hall when evacuating and transferring.

In any case, today's difficulties are temporarily passed.

As night fell, the wealthy Gaocheng family prepared a lot of oil lamps to be placed in the courtyard to maintain lighting. Many people did their duties, doing their own things silently, or replacing parts for cars, moving supplies, or dismantling. Drop the wall that divides the next door.

In short, everything is very quiet, carefully, not to alarm the group of zombies that have been steadfastly blocking the gate.

Standing on the balcony on the second floor and looking down, the oil lamps in the courtyard are quite beautiful, but the group of zombies outside are very eye-catching.

Rei Miyamoto was puzzled:

"Obviously there is no sound anymore, why don't they disperse?"

Saya Gaocheng seems to have done some research and explained:

"They have only hearing, no intelligence, and no thinking. If there is no new sound to attract them, they will always move towards the position of the previous sound, and even if they spread out, the range is very small."

Bai Lu thought for a while and said:

"Hirano, throw out your incendiary bomb and give it a try."


Hirano Kota heard the words and ran downstairs, went to the garage and took the incendiary bomb left in the car, and threw it out the gate directly after igniting it.

Hirano considered that there were too many zombies outside, so the wine bottle was thrown high, and it fell to the top of the zombie’s head, and it broke. With a crisp sound, a big fire suddenly ignited in the group of zombies outside the door. The fuel burned extremely fast, and after the clothing materials on the other zombies were ignited, it took a long time for the zombies to fall down.

Bai Lu looked at it on the balcony. What a surprise, these zombies were originally "dead people", and the only key point was their heads. So it’s not surprising that the incendiary bomb was not effective. Those fallen zombies may not be really dead, probably just The muscles that supported the body to stand and walk burned down and simply fell.

Of course, it’s not all bad news. The good news is that incendiary bombs play a great role in this dense zombies. Because the zombies are too dense, the clothes are lit one after another, and they quickly burned into a sea of ​​flames, except for a few most. The periphery has been scattered, and the others have been burned into coke.

From this point of view, the effect of the incendiary bomb is surprisingly good.

The hands of the Gaocheng family who were in charge of the guard at the door saw that the little fat man lost a bottle and easily solved the group of zombies outside that made them fearful. They couldn't help but gave a thumbs up and heartily applauded:

"Good job, boy!"

Kota Hirano scratched his head embarrassedly when he heard the words.

Bai Lu also saw a clean zombie that was almost burned outside the door below, and turned his head to say to Gaocheng Saye, who was also unable to sleep because of the zombies blocking the door:

"Okay, let's all go to rest, get enough energy, and set off tomorrow morning."

After finishing talking about others, he turned and left.

Gao Cheng Saya and others looked at each other and showed a relaxed smile. The better the captain's performance, the more assured they would be in the future.

Thanks to Bailu's command of Hirano's excessive fire, the zombies were almost burned clean, and everyone in the Gaocheng family, including everyone in the Gaocheng family, had a good night's sleep, and began to actively prepare for the transfer the next day.

Bailu and his entourage also left Gaocheng's house from Linguan and drove into the empty street after saying goodbye to their parents in Gaocheng Saya. So, yesterday, Gaocheng's house was blocked by zombies. It was a blessing in disguise.

Chapter 315 Search

The blessings and the blessings relied on the blessings and the misfortunes. Perhaps it was the baptism of a large number of zombies blocking the door last night. Today Bailu and his party went very smoothly. There were not many zombies along the way. At this time, they saw that Bailu gave The Hummer has the foresight to install the front bumper and the sharp knife.

The front impact angle is obtuse. After hitting the zombie, the vibration of the Hummer is obviously smaller than before the installation. The zombie slid directly from both sides, and then was slashed by a sharp sharp knife, even if it was not cut off. It was also severely damaged.

In fact, the car is the same, as long as it is not directly on the car with the collision angle, the horsepower of the Hummer and the obtuse angle of the front of the car can easily knock the scrapped car on the side of the road.

The slightly modified Hummer is even more rampant.



The Hummer once again ran into the zombie in front of him, and steadily stopped at the door of Xinbei No. 3 Elementary School, Xiao Shi Xiao said with a sigh of relief:

"Unexpectedly smooth."

I was worried that the chaos in the early apocalyptic period caused traffic jams or corpse groups to block the streets, which would cause delays and even worse conditions. In fact, the corpses did encounter and even had to change the route twice.

As for traffic jams, I didn't encounter them. As long as it wasn't the kind of serial traffic accidents that blocked a large area, the Hummer's current strength and protection are enough to force it through.

In fact, when the disaster happened, it happened in the afternoon when everyone was working or attending class. There were not many people and there were not many cars on the road. Except for a few places with high traffic volume, there were almost no serial traffic jams.

Alice Lori hugged the black-eared puppy and said happily:

"Brother Qianshou's foresight to modify the Hummer played a big role."

Bai Lu smiled and touched Lolita's short hair when she heard the words, and said to Gaocheng Saya and Heping Ye Gengtai.

"According to the plan, I will go in with Xiaoshi and Yuzi, and the street corner or even another street when you come and be used as bait. Once the number of zombies gathered exceeds the response limit, immediately send a retreat signal and come over to respond, ok?"




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