Kaleidoscope open the door

Kaleidoscope Opens Chapter 344

Hummer got a yacht. The next thing was nothing. It took some time when the yacht chose to dock on the island. Although the yacht is not big, it is a boat after all. It is not as small as an assault boat. Even if two or three people are on the shore It can also be pushed into the sea, and it is necessary to find a suitable place to anchor, which will not run aground, but will not affect the survivors' disembarkation.

It is a pity that the small island is not big, and there is no natural berth. We can only find a satisfactory place for the survivors to disembark and cross the water to the island.

"Sister Gaocheng, Sister Miyamoto, Teacher Shizuka, Brother Senju, they are back!"

Alice Lori was sitting on the shore, her eyes were good, she clearly saw the people driving the assault boat, and ran to tell the only small shop on the island and the only girl in the planning base of Gaocheng Saya. .

When the yacht docked, Gao Cheng Saya's daughters were also waiting on the shore. Gao Cheng Saya looked at the survivors cowering, raised his eyebrows, and walked to Xiao Shi Xiao and asked in a low voice:

"What did you do to them?"

Komuro also lowered his voice and replied:

"Thousands of weapons killed three people."


Saye Gaocheng was silent. Although she was also a high school student, the particularity of her family made her vision far wider than that of Komuro and others. Hearing this, she immediately understood her purpose. Thinking of such brutal means to rule is not It was conducive to conquering people's hearts, and I couldn't help but frowned, but the next moment I thought that there seemed to be no better way.

It is very difficult for the student counties who have just come out of the ivory tower to formulate and control the rules. First of all, they are too young and have a serious lack of prestige in the hearts of these adults, and they do not have enough materials to attract these people, so apart from using force There is no better way to rule by force.

Having seen how tricky the survivors were taken by the Gaocheng family, Saya Gaocheng has no confidence in persuading these survivors who originally occupied the resource-rich department store.

Unable to think of a better way for a while, Gao Cheng Saya simply didn't think about it, and handed over the rudimentary base construction drawings he had drawn to Bai Lu.

"This is my design, what are the shortcomings?"

Bai Lu glanced at the rather crude hand, which looked like a drawing of a child's graffiti in his eyes, pulled the corner of his mouth and nodded slightly:

"Yes, add a watch tower at the highest point."

Saya Gaocheng heard this and said:


Bailu returned the drawing to Saye Gaocheng casually, scanning the island lightly and said:

"Where are the supplies on the island?"

Gao Cheng Saya sighed, pointed to the small wooden house with the special sign of the cold drink shop not far away, and said helplessly:

"It's just a small shop that provides rest for people who come here. There is no food reserve, only a few boxes of mineral water.

No fresh water is found on the island. The vegetation coverage rate is about 60%, and they are all big trees, but there are only a dozen coconut trees."

Bai Lu nodded, did not say anything, raised his chin to the survivors who were huddled together awaiting the verdict of fate, and said lightly:

"You arrange it."

"Hey? Me?"

Saya Gaocheng was surprised when he heard the words and pointed to him in amazement. To be honest, she was already, not just her, Xiao Shi Xiao and others were also accustomed to Bailu being the captain, making plans, and issuing orders. He did not expect to hand over power at this time It was given to her, and Saya Gaocheng couldn't react for a while.

Chapter 322 Obedience

Xiaomuro and others also turned their attention to Bailu, but Dudao Tsuko knew that Bailu was already preparing to leave, and he no longer monopolized power, teaching Gaocheng and others to grow.

Choosing Takajo Saya is also easy to understand. Komuro Takashi and Miyamoto Rei were originally ordinary students, and they would definitely not be able to do it all at once. Shizuka-teacher is a fool, Alice is a child, Hirano Kota is a mess except for the military, but Toshishima Sayako can but Focus on kendo, not interested in power.

Counting and counting, only the famous family, the ruling class, and the fascinated by the lord of the bed-owner city since childhood, Saya Gojo is the most suitable for training.

Bai Lu nodded and said nothing.

Saya Gaocheng took a breath and calmed down. Although the base construction plan was made, Bai Lu would give her power so quickly that she felt empty in her mind for a while, and she had to think about what she should say What to do, this will affect her right to speak and prestige in the base in the future.

Saya Gaocheng sorted everything in his mind, did not rashly say anything to the survivors, and whispered to Bai Lu:

"Can you tell me about the condition of this group of survivors first?"

Bai Lu glanced at Xiao Shi Xiao.

Komuro immediately understood the situation of this group of survivors, especially the female police officer Asami Nakaoka and the person who had promised to be the leader of the ten-man team.

Saya Gaocheng quickly made a plan in his mind. After Komuro Taka finished speaking, he pondered for two seconds and smiled at the uneasy survivors:

"Although I have seen it once before, there are still many people who don't know me. I will introduce it again. I am Takajo Saya, the lord of the bed lord Takajo.

There is no malice in bringing everyone here. Although the methods used by my companions are a bit rough, they are just for everyone to live better in the last days. After all, one more person will give you more power.

You may not know if you have been hiding in the supermarket. Zombies don't dare to go to the river. We are safer on small islands hanging overseas.

However, this small island has no people to develop, there is no food, no fresh water, everything needs everyone to work together."

Saye Takashiro said so, and then transformed into an imperative tone very naturally.

"Now, there are people who can efficiently extract fresh water and who can fish, and people who have experience in field life and civil engineering (masonry) are listed."

Although a group of survivors complained that Bailu was not violent but cruel. They complained that it was safe for them to eat, live and live in the department store, but when they heard Gaocheng Saya's words, some people walked out. At this point, they can only be obedient, and they Not stupid, it can be heard that what Gaocheng Saya needs talents.

Many office workers or punks feel regretful that they don't have the skills.

Eight of the seventy-five survivors walked out, six of them can fish, and one of the six even claimed to be able to fish directly in the sea, and the other two are friends. They have rich experience in wild life, but no one can be efficient. There are no people engaged in civil engineering to extract fresh water.

However, people who are experienced in wild life are familiar with how to obtain fresh water and how to build shelters without tents.

Civil engineering operations are dispensable.

Of course, some of the survivors must have hidden clumsiness, but this self-recommendation is an opportunity. The master who grasped it naturally said that if you can't grasp it, you can't grasp it, and you can only work as a coolie in subsequent activities.

Saya Takashiro turned his attention to the man who Komuro Takao had promised before:

"What's your name?"

The man's eyes lit up and he bowed and said:

"Miss, Shunsuke Yoshida, the villain."

Maybe I saw a few women on the island before and still had cautious thoughts, but after hearing Gaocheng Saye's self-report of his house, all cautious thoughts were extinguished. Gaocheng's house was a big mountain above the heads of all the bed owners.

Saya Gaocheng nodded and ordered:

"Yoshida, you pick ten people to work as supervisors and go around to find firewood."


Yoshida raised his eyebrows and called friends triumphantly among the survivors, but he was also well-measured. Although he picked people who had a good relationship with him or flattered himself, he did not faint and picked five men. Five women.

Saya Gaocheng did not sit idle when he was picking people in Yoshida. Instead, he treated the two humans with field experience:

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