Kaleidoscope open the door

Kaleidoscope Opens Chapter 345

"Before the sun sets, take people to build a place that is enough to spend the night, and collect dry wood for heating by the way. You can use those people as you like."

After that, he turned his head and said to six people who can fish:

"You can catch as many fish as you like before sunset, and the person who catches the most fish is your captain in the future."

Then he said to Nakaoka Asami:

"The Zhonggang police officer picked a few people to count and sort the supplies."

The survivors looked at each other with hesitation.

"Didn't you hear what Gaocheng-sama said? Hurry up and move!"

Yoshida, who had already selected his subordinates, immediately roared at the other survivors, urging the survivors to move reluctantly, turning around and showing a flattering smile to Gao Cheng.

Saya Gaocheng looked at Yoshida's flattering smile, only feeling very wretched, so she couldn't help getting goose bumps, and waved her hand:

"You too!"

"Yes, Lord Gaocheng."

Yoshida didn't mind Saya Gaocheng's cold attitude, and when he turned around, he changed to a complacent expression, leading a group of subordinates, and the villain began to work as supervisor.

The rest of the survivors saw their teeth tickling, but they knew that Yoshida Fox was fake.

Asami Nakaoka also resigned, and took a few women to sort out the big bags on the ground.

As rulers, Saya Gaocheng and others did not need to do it themselves. They returned to the small shop and sat by the window watching the survivors busy. Saya Gaocheng said to Bai Lu:

"What do you think of what I did?"

"very good."

Bailu affirmed the arrangement of Saya Takaseong, which was actually good. The arrangement of Saya Takaseong was the most important thing at the moment. The arrangement of Yoshida also happened to shift some of the survivors’ hostility towards Bailu and others, creating new contradictions. Yoshida contained the survivors who were dissatisfied.

Generally speaking, the processing is very good, but there are also shortcomings.

"You forgot to set the rules for them, but you can announce it at night. Just take advantage of this time for you to think about it."


Saya Gaocheng nodded and began to think.

Komuro frowned and looked at the materials accumulated on the beach outside the window, and said with some worry:

"Those things plus the fish caught won’t last long. Don’t we bring the supermarket stuff back?"

Bai Lu said calmly:

"Don't worry, the current things can last for a period of time, the supermarket things either do not move or bring them all at once.

Take your time, there must be other skilled people among the survivors, mainly repairing cars and boats. It is simple to have enough cars and boats to bring back to the supermarket.

Now we should stabilize first, and after incorporating them, we can gather our strength to do things more efficiently."

Xiao Shi Xiao and others were also infected by Bai Lu's calmness, nodded, showing a relaxed expression, everything is difficult at the beginning, no matter good or bad, they have already taken the first step, and the rest can be done step by step.

"very hungry."

Teacher Shizuka relaxed from the previous tense state, and immediately felt hungry. Although there was nothing to do, after all, it was a long time since I didn't eat much in the morning. It is natural to feel hungry, so she hugged her Oupai:

"It will shrink when there is nothing to eat."


Miyamoto Rei and Takashiro Saya heard Shizuka-teacher's words and saw her behavior, and the corners of their mouths twitched at the same time. They said that their two European styles are also outstanding among their peers, but they are super-standard's weapon 'It's far from the comparison, I am very envious in my heart.

Toxic Island does not care much. She is a bit distressed about her proud bust. Of course it is good to be the capital of feminine charm, but as a swordsman it is a burden... So she feels that she maintains the status quo. That's great.

It is worth mentioning that the bust of Toshishima Yoko is much larger than that of Miyamoto and Takajo, the one that can tell the difference at a glance.

Hirano Kota and Komuro squinted their eyes directly, looking like a lust and soul.

Rei Miyamoto squeezed the soft flesh of Komuro Takashi's waist unhappily, and watched Komuro Taka's instant awake and grinning, and said helplessly to Shizuka teacher:

"Teacher, don't sell cute maliciously, we have food."

Teacher Shizuka's confusion probably forgot that they also brought a lot of food to the island.

Alice dragged out a big bag from under the table and opened it to reveal the vacuum-packed food inside:


Toxic Island Suiko helped Alice take it, and said to everyone:

"Speaking of busy, everyone is hungry now, let's eat together."

"it is good."

Hirano Kengtai was eating canned ham, suddenly thought of something, and looked up:

"I remember that supermarkets also have fresh meat, vegetables and fruits. The ep attack has only passed one day. Even if the power is cut off, the air-conditioning inside should last for a few days. Let's find a chance to bring those things back as soon as possible. After all, it may be the last meal. Eat fresh."

Everyone was stunned when they heard this, but they did not think of this, and nodded in unison:

"It makes sense."

Bai Lu nodded and said:

"Then make a plan. After the meal, make a summary of this pulling action. The next vegetable plan will be as detailed as possible to prepare for the next search action."

"it is good!"

Everyone is full of energy. After eating packaged food for several days, they are very eager for fresh food, not to mention that they will not be able to eat fresh food for a long time.

The survivors outside are also working hard. Although they were very reluctant at the beginning, they were unable to resist. They thought of living here in the future, but they became serious.

Chapter 323 A Short Rest

Time flies, and a week has passed unconsciously. The originally uninhabited island has changed from a primitive triangle and half cellar shack to a wooden house shared by many people. Although it is not very comfortable, it is stronger than the original. Do not know how many times.

On the land close to the forest, fields are divided into ridges. Small green seedlings drill out of the land. In the current season, some food and vegetables can be planted to store for the winter. Rows of wooden poles are used in the open area by the sea. On the shelf, there are strips of salted fish.

Several berthing points have been built on the island. Although they are very simple, they are enough for yachts and assault boats to dock. The yachts with smooth lines and bright colors were dragged on the shore torn apart, and several men beat them. Shirtless and sweaty to modify it.

Among the survivors, there are technical talents in related fields who are not particularly proficient in ship technology, but it is not a problem to convert a yacht into a simple structure transport ship. Under the temptation of interest, someone will naturally come forward.

Although the base on the island has only just begun to be established, and the controllers of the base are just a group of children who have just stepped out of the ivory tower, they have developed a pattern and have established a simple institutional framework. Driven by the interests of the system, The survivors made their best efforts to prepare fresh water extraction equipment and power supply equipment in a short time.

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