Kaleidoscope open the door

Kaleidoscope Opens Chapter 349

The weak-tempered girl whispered like a frightened little rabbit, and said weakly:

"Hey? No, no."

Although it is true, in front of this one, you must grit your teeth and say no, otherwise you can call your neighbors to see God when you get up tomorrow!


Haruhi Suzumiya was upset, hands on hips, very dissatisfied, big and energetic eyes fixed on the weak girl, the weak girl really shivered like a little rabbit, which is pity.

Seeing that the weak girl has a tendency to be unable to persist, and pitying Yuxiang, Ah Xu opened his mouth and said:

"Head, don't bully the elder sister, there really is nothing, you want to see aliens or something hallucinating."

Even if you talk to the head of the group like this, you will definitely be worried about it in the future, but if you don’t say it, I am afraid that it will be fooled by Haruhi Suzumiya. Only at this time, the more certain the performance can be overwritten, and the appearance of Haruhi Suzumiya can be eliminated. Some thoughts that might make the world strange.

A Xu looked at the ground, breathed a sigh of relief, and said calmly:

"You said that when you saw the chase, there was no blood on the road."

Haruhi Suzumiya turned his head to look, and then looked carefully, and finally had to admit in frustration that there was no blood on the ground... Is it really an illusion?

Haruhi Suzumiya wasn't sure this time, because she saw with her own eyes that the boy in white running ahead had a scarlet spear stuck in his heart.

Axu and the others noticed the changes in Haruhi Suzumiya's expression, glanced at each other, quietly let go, and finally fooled.

But where did those two people come from??

Poor these people are doomed to sleep.

At the same time, Bai Lu, who had arrived in another world, was not confused.


Gakuen City, which occupies one third of the western part of Tokyo, is home to 2.3 million people, of which over 80% (1.8 million) are representatives of scientific forces: students.With the world's most cutting-edge technology, it is generally considered to be about 30 years ahead of the outside world.

In addition to general subjects, students in this city are more important in accepting ability development and acquiring superpowers through drugs, hypnotism, and electrical stimulation.

There are different types of superpowers. According to the scope and power, they are divided into incapable (lv0), low-powered (lv1), super-powered (lv2), strong-powered (lv3), high-powered (lv4), and superpowered. (Lv5), those with absolute ability (lv6).

Of course, the Absolute Ability (lv6) is only theoretical, in fact, the highest level in the Academy City so far is the Super Ability (lv5), and there are only seven.

Misaka Mikoto is known as the "Princess of Electric Shock". Although he is one of the seven at the top of 2.3 million people, he is still a high school student and has his own high school life. Today, he is accompanied by a school named Shirai Kuroko, which is pronounced "hentai" My sister is shopping with two new friends.

I was very happy at first, but I didn’t expect to meet a capable person to rob the bank across the street during the break. It’s fine to rob the bank and hurt her new friend. He was a very good child and enthusiastic. Cheerful, and gave her the last quack from the crepe shop... anyway, I can't bear it!

It is a scum to act on a child, it is even a scum to act on a girl who protects a child, and it is a scum in the scum that kicks a girl in the face. It is unforgivable to dare to act on your friends!


Hearing Misaka Mikoto’s voice, Shirai Kuroko felt bad, my sister, this is...

"Next is my personal fight, sorry, I'm going to shoot!"

Very calm tone, but equally serious and firm.

Bai Jing Heizi had such an expression on her face, she knew it would be like this, she was really a wayward sister.

At this time, the robber who was nailed to the ground by a thin metal stick recalled a certain rumor and said with a frightened expression on his face:

"I remember, it was rumored that being arrested by the Commissioner for Discipline and Discipline means that there will be an old book of life, there will be a black-bellied space capable person who will ravage your body and mind to collapse..."

Heizi Baijing heard this as if he had nothing to do with her, and said indifferently:

"Who are you talking about?"

"What's more, there is also the strongest electric shocker who can tame that spatial ability..."

Hearing this, Bai Jing Kuroko laughed proudly, raised her head, raised her head as if she did not have her chest, and said proudly:

"That's right. He stands on the top of 2.3 million people, the 7 superpowers are the third, the super electromagnetic gun-Misaka Mikoto's sister, she is the proud of Tokibandai Middle School, the world's invincible electric shock princess!"

Seeing Bai Jingheizi's pride, people who didn't know thought they were talking about herself.

Of course, the second half sentence was added by Shirai Kuroko herself, the world is invincible. If it is truly invincible, Misaka Mikoto's ranking is not No3.

It is worth mentioning that the ranking of the academy city superpowers is not purely based on the rank of combat power, but comprehensive ability.

While talking, the robber who kicked the girl and angered Misaka Mikoto ran to the car not far away in a panic, and drove back after the start... Maybe he thought the girl would be scared by the speeding car. Arrive, or be hit and fly.

However, the robber, as a capable person, has forgotten the most important thing. This is the Academy City. Any brick can hit several capable persons. Unfortunately, the one in front of him is the Academy. There are only seven in the city, and they are all top superpowers in the world!

Zuotian Leizi dullly said:

"Dead, dead?"


Bai Lu spouted a mouthful of blood and visceral fragments, raised her head to look at the several distinctive girls in front of him, and said weakly:

"I think I can save it."


Shirai Kuroko, who is closest to Bailu, was not doing well. Misaka Mikoto screamed out in shock. She has the name of the strongest electric shock messenger. She was actually quite courageous. She was startled by Bailu who was suddenly scammed .

Chapter 327 The head is broken?

Bai Jing Heizi looked at Bai Lu in amazement.

"Are you not dead?"

Although I was a little surprised, I didn't think it was weird. After all, this is a school city, and there are many people with abilities in the body strengthening department. Among ordinary people, there are also hearts growing on the right.

In short, many may be able to explain why Bai Lu did not die...

Bai Lu Heimian stared at Bai Jing Heizi, as if he should die!?

If it weren't for a sticky head and a serious injury, Bai Lu would answer Bai Jingheizi if he wasn't sure.

Zuo Tian Leizi looked at the two newly acquainted eldest friends a little collapsed, is it time to scream and discuss why they are not dead?

"Well, I think I will really die if I delay it."

Good people.

Bai Lu remembered the sad black-haired girl in front of her.

Misaka Mikoto also woke up and urged anxiously:

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