Kaleidoscope open the door

Kaleidoscope Opens Chapter 350

"Heizi, stop talking nonsense, send people to the hospital soon!"

"Yes, my sister!"

Kuroko Shirai glanced at Bailu's chest, which was already much smaller than the original injury. She thought that it might not take long for Bailu to recover, but Misaka Mikoto said that she would be sent to the hospital. Naturally, she would not go against the wishes of her sister.

Shirai Kuroko turned his eyes to the short-haired girl wearing a wreath and said:

"Then I'll leave it to you in the early spring."

After all, she is a Commissioner of Discipline, and Academy City replaces the existence of the police. Even though it is during vacation time, after encountering and intervening in this robbery, she can't leave it. Fortunately, there are friends who are also Commissioners of Discipline, but it is not troublesome. .

Chuchun Shili nodded and urged:

"Okay, Shirai-san, go quickly."

"Know it."

Bai Jing Heizi responded, gestured, and gave up the idea of ​​holding. She was unwilling to hold a man, and reached out to grab Bai Lu's wrist to activate her ability.


Bai Lu raised her eyebrows, not knowing what kind of world she came into this time, the feeling just now can't be wrong, it is very similar to Flying Thunder God, it is definitely a space jump.

Super-electromagnetic gun... shouldn't it be that world?

With a move in Bai Lu's heart, she suddenly remembered the flash of light from the tea-haired girl's fingertips.

Before Bai Lu thought of more things, the feeling of being stuffed with a lot of things in his mind came again, and because of serious injuries, Bai Lu completely lost consciousness this time and passed out into a coma.

Heizi Baijing glanced at Bailu, and found that she was not dead but she was in a coma. Go and rest to continue the space jump. Even if she is out of breath, it does not matter. At her speed, as long as there is no brain death, the medical conditions of the Xueyuan Metropolitan Hospital can be rescued. .

It is not a boast that the comprehensive scientific and technological capabilities of the Academy City are ahead of the outside world for 30 years!

At the same time, in a building with no doors or windows in the first school district of Xueyuan City, various pipes are staggered and integrated, and the light is dim. In a small space, a jar filled with an unknown translucent liquid hangs upside down, The silver-haired, fair-skinned man silently stared at the real-time image of Bailu on the screen in front of him.


When Bai Lu regained consciousness again, her eyes were white and her eyes were blank. After a while, her eyes focused. Although she wanted to say "unfamiliar ceiling", she finally didn't say so, turned her head and looked at the person standing in front of the bed...

Well, doctor, looks a little strange, with dense white hair on both sides, but a bright spot in the middle, with big eyes and a big mouth.

Although it was rude to say that, Bai Lu thought that the doctor really looked like a cartoon frog.

Doctor Frog Face's eyes were clear, as if he could see through people's hearts, and said lightly:

"Juvenile, it's not good to be rude to your doctor when you wake up."

Bai Lu felt so embarrassed at once, and the complainant was discovered, so he said sincerely:

"Sorry, thank you doctor for your treatment, what do you call a doctor?"

Doctor Frog Face said lightly:

"Old man chasing his soul."

Bai Lu was dumbfounded, is this a title or a name?Uh, no matter that, as a doctor, dare to use these four words, doctor, you are really good!

Soul Chaser didn't care about Bai Lu's surprise. He had long forgotten whether these four characters were nicknames or names. People called him that way long ago.

However, now he is very interested in Bailu.

"Your physique is very special, boy, how about giving me a period of research?"



Suddenly, what he said was too brief, and explained in detail:

"I mean, you give me a few drops of blood for research every once in a while. Your physique is very special, has super regenerative ability, can quickly absorb and transform energy, and is full of vitality. If you give me a period of research, there may be a lot of energy. Big gain."

"no problem."

Bai Lu dropped his vigilance when he heard the words, and responded with one mouthful. He knew the particularity of his body very well, but he still had many secrets, so he didn't mind studying the soul chasing of the Underworld. With the high-tech help of the Academy City, perhaps it could really Researched out something different.

That's right, Bai Lu has already remembered that this world was very famous in his previous life, even no less than the three major migrant workers, even he, who is not very interested in animation, has seen it.

Although a long time has passed, the memory of the plot has been blurred a lot, but the flash of lightning at the fingertips has always been as clear as first sight.

Bai Lu did not expect that she would be so lucky to come into this world, probably this is the so-called blessing in disguise.

Heizi Baijing accompanied her elder sister to the hospital to see Bailu who was accidentally injured by the electromagnetic gun. By the way, he investigated some things, but when he entered the door, he saw Bailu's smile with memories, looking silly, and couldn't help chasing the underworld in front of the bed:

"Doctor, has this guy's head hurt too?"

Underworld Chasing the Soul didn't seem to hear Bai Jing Heizi's spit, and said seriously:

"I don't know, a detailed inspection is needed."

Bai Lu regained his senses, rolled her eyes reluctantly at the conversation between the two, too lazy to argue, staring at the petite figure with short brown hair at the door without blinking.

Misaka Mikoto also recovered from the look of the soul chasing god in the land, feeling a little embarrassed, and looked away from the white dew on the hospital bed.

With her eyes facing each other, Misaka Mikoto's inexplicable heartbeat increased.


Only a few steps away, Shirai Kuroko actually used the space to move, crossing between Shiroru and Misaka Mikoto, blocking the sight of the two.

Misaka Mikoto came back to his senses and said blankly:


Bai Jingheizi didn't look back, but when he thought of Bai Lu's look at her elder sister, she felt very upset, and the waves and two horsetails shook automatically without wind, staring at Bai Lu and said:

"Academy City does not have your information, who are you?"


Bai Lu twitched the corner of her mouth angrily, and changed the subject:

"What about the spear on my body?"

Heizi Baijing suddenly thought of the scarlet spear that was frightening just by looking at it, and frowned Liu said:

"It was a murder weapon, of course it was confiscated."

This is of course nonsense, even if it is a murder weapon, it has nothing to do with the Commissioner for Discipline and Discipline.

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