Kaleidoscope open the door

Kaleidoscope Opens Chapter 390

Mai Ye Shenli took out a small pink box from the pocket of the dress, opened it, poured out two white pills, swallowed it, and felt the power of running away inside his body. He looked at Esther who walked in and pulled the corner of his mouth, revealing crazy Smile.

"I don't know when there is an ice lv5 in the Academy City, but if you want my life, use your own life to change it!"

After the words fell, Mai Ye Shenli no longer suppressed his ability to run wild, and his whole body shot tens of millions of rays of atomic destruction in all directions.

This is not a short-lived, instantaneous explosion, but a continuous emission, even with more and more pipelines, covering the entire body outline with light. Mai Ye Shenli's figure is no longer visible, replaced by an oval light group.

At this time, Maiye Shenli has no loopholes and no dead ends, and he releases permanent death attacks in all directions in 360 degrees.

It's a long story, but it only took one second, maybe less than one second.

Bailu and others who watched the battle through the mapping magic saw that the institute was penetrated by countless pale green lights, then disappeared, and gradually disappeared, leaving only a small fan-shaped area. The sharp corners of the fan-shaped vertices are where Esders stood. local.


Flanda exclaimed, there was sadness behind Takikuri. As Makino Shenli's subordinates, they naturally knew what kind of trump card Makino Shenli had. Now this situation has been swallowed by Makino Shenli. Regardless of own safety, the result of overload output.

Regardless of whether Maiye Shenli achieved his goal, Maiye Shenli's best result was a serious injury.

However, as a result of the overburden outbreak that was paid regardless of the cost, Mai Ye Shenli was full of cold and despair.

"Suicide attack, a good mentality, can be tuned and taught."

Esther's faint smile commented that her favorite things are four things, fighting, interrogation, training, and being with Bailu.

In front of Esdes, her palm was stuck with a rectangular blue film that was more than two meters high and one meter wide, easily blocking all the atomic collapse, under the attack of hundreds of atomic collapses. , Not moving, stable as Mount Tai.

If you observe carefully, you will find that the blue film does not have a thickness, that is to say, you can't see the blue film when you stand left and right or up and down.

Freeze the space!

After Mastering his own stunt'Moko Botemo', Esders separated two moves,'Freezing Time and Freezing Space' from it, and then spent several years mastering the two moves.

It is no longer an uncontrollable coverage of a large area after unfolding before, but free control to freeze a specified area or a specified object to achieve the goal with the least energy.

The only flaw is that it cannot be controlled out of the body, that is to say, whether it is freezing time or freezing space, Esders needs to have contact with body parts.

Even so, such moves are extremely powerful, as you can see from the desperate expression of Mai Ye Shenli.

Asides likes Maiye Shenli's desperate expression, but she will prepare Maiye Shenli for more despair.

suicide?Thinking too much!


With a soft drink from Esdes, the blue film instantly expanded, turning into a light blue hemisphere buckling on the ground, and then rapidly expanding. Everything passed by was still, even the atomic collapse was no exception.

Naako Uzumaki saw everything in the light blue hemisphere stand still and time freezes, and said in amazement:

"what is this?"

Although she gets along well with the girls of Esthers, she still hasn't really understood the strength of the sisters.

Misaka Mikoto also looked at Shiroro. The destructive power of the atomic collapse was not weaker than that of her super-electromagnetic gun, and the rate of fire was faster. Just the fourth place was overburdened with full force, and destroyed several hundred meters in a blink However, the blue hemisphere was completely still in the research institute, how could we not let Sister Pao be curious.

Flanda and Takiju also pricked their ears and listened. They really didn't expect the powerful and invincible Maiye Shenli to lose so fast, but even if they had to lose, they had to lose clearly.


Sister Ai's stunts have frozen the time and space in the ball. Inside, Sister Ai is the master, and she is absolutely defensive outside.

The blue film before was the ability to freeze the space separated from the Mokobotem."

Bai Lu did not hide anything, but was very proud. He introduced a little excitedly, and then said proudly:

"This is the stunt that Sister Ai specially developed in order to catch me."

Back then it was really super dangerous. If you weren’t particularly cautious (counseling), now I’m afraid Sister Ai will use a collar to tune and teach...

Bai Lu laughed twice thinking of something inappropriate for children.

Misaka Mikoto, Flanda, and Takiko's three views were shocked when they heard this, and they were stunned. Misaka Mikoto was the first to recover, and said with some uncertainty:

"You mean'freeze'?"

Bai Lu nodded, and said in confusion:

"Well, what's the matter?"

Misaka Mikoto jumped around the corner of her eyes. Before she could speak, Flanda jumped up and shouted:

"Impossible! Freeze, then she should be an ice or low temperature ability person, how could it freeze the space!"

Misaka Mikoto nodded silently. For example, her abilities, electrical abilities, the most intuitive phenomenon is electric discharge, but it can also be used to make a'super-electromagnetic gun' through precision manipulation, and it can also affect electronic instruments, electromagnetic force, and even become a super horror. There is no problem with customers.

But electricity and space... she couldn't even think about it.

Bai Lu waved her hand and said indifferently:

"Nothing is impossible. If you haven't seen it, it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Also, what Sister Ai freezes is time and space."

Bailu didn't explain more detailed things. This is not something science can explain. This is a matter of the height and width of the horizon. If you don't stand at that height, you won't understand it at all details.

"It makes me happy that you understand me so much."

A cold wind blew, Esdes appeared next to Bai Lu, holding an ice chain in his hand, and the other end of the chain was wrapped in an ice collar around Mai Ye Shenli's neck in a coma.


Flanda exclaimed, and then rushed forward after the treatment with Takiju. Seeing the humiliation of Maiye Shenli, she said angrily:

"How can you treat Mai Ye like this!"

She could already expect Mai Ye to go wild again after waking up. With Mai Ye's arrogant character, she would rather die than accept such humiliation.

Chapter 356 Capture intem

"This is the privilege of the winner."

Esdes answered with a cold smile.

If it were plain and natural, he poured cold water on Flanda, let Flanda understand the current situation of herself, Shenli Maiye, and Takihu, and felt chills in her heart.

Jingle Bell···

Mai Ye Shenli suddenly rang a cell phone ringtone, and Flanda bit her lip, pretending to look at Bai Lu pitifully. She could tell that Bai Lu was the real principal.

Bai Lu didn't care, nodded slightly and said:

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