Kaleidoscope open the door

Kaleidoscope Opens Chapter 391

"Come on."

Before the phone was connected, Flanda had no time to speak, and there was a roar from the other side and the unevenness of Jian Qi's favorite, asking for help in a hurry.

"Maiye, the mission is complete, but all the peripheral personnel have been super killed. I am now super running away and request super support."

"Silk Flag..."

Flanda almost cried, and replied with a nasal voice:

"We were all arrested, Mai Ye is still in a coma."


Jian Qi loves to hear the words and stagnates, and behind her is a more violent underwhelming milk who is chasing after her. Three teammates, including the strongest leader, are all on the street. What should she do?She is so desperate.


The wall beside him exploded, and a long leg broke through the wall and was drawn on the body of the silk flag favorite who had heard the "bad news". The silk flag favorite smashed the wall next to him and slumped in the ruins.

The pillar in his heart collapsed, and the last bit of nitrogen, which was the last bit of Nitrogen, which was concentrated by the overdraft of Jian Qi's favorite overdraft, could no longer be maintained and was completely defeated.

Flanda heard the movement on the other end of the phone and said anxiously:

"Silk flag!"

"Finally gave up."

Leonai sighed. She was unfamiliar in such densely built places. There were small alleys everywhere, playing chase battles, relying on the smell of the Beastmaster and hearing tracking to avoid losing the target. There was no physical energy consumption, but it was true. Heart tired.

Black pupil leaned over and picked up the phone that silk flag loved the most, and put it in his ear:


Flanda raised her heart.

"who are you?!"

Black pupil didn't answer, just said:

"Give the phone to Bailu."


Flanda showed confusion, she didn't know Bai Lu.

Black pupil told Flanda a very efficient way to confirm the target.

"The only man by your side."

Flanda turned her head and could easily see a little green white dew among the ten thousand flowers. She was stunned, as if she understood something.

Bai Lu smiled, reached out and took the phone in Flanda's hand in a daze, and chuckled softly:

"Black pupil, it's me."

Black pupil glanced at Leonai, who carried the silk banner's favorite, and said lightly:

"The big cat is making too much noise. You can pick us up."

Leonai said dissatisfied:

"It's the Lion King, what big cat!"

Black pupil lost his eyes, ignoring Leonard's words. In her opinion, Leonard's appearance when fighting was no different from a big cat.

Bai Lu had already used Fei Lei Shen to reach Hei Tong and Leo Nai, and glanced at the guards and power armor with live ammunition downstairs, as well as the messy battle scene and the conspicuous battle traces along the way.

"You are so quiet."

Leo Nai's firepower was full, with one punch and one pit, and one foot like a Tomahawk missile. The movement was difficult for the security forces of the Academy City to find out.

It's really not easy for Jinqi's favorite nitrogen armor to escape for so long.

Leo Nei's ears trembled, and she smiled without speaking. She was upset after chasing in such a complicated place, and she had no choice but to turn her fire on.

Bai Lu smiled and shook his head, leading the three women to leap away. As for the expressions and moods of those security guards who waited and found nothing, it didn't matter to him.

The Anbu organization'(prop) te' once again gathered together, but this gathering was very embarrassing.

"What did you do to me?!"

Makino snarled in anger and rushed to Esdes. Under Tsunade’s superb medical ninjutsu treatment, her injury recovered and she woke up in a very short time, but the collar on her neck made her a little She wants to be crazy, and she wants to run away again without thinking, but she can't control her ability.

For those with abilities, ability is everything, the higher the level, the more so, the loss of ability is tantamount to falling into the mortal world, making it difficult for her to accept.


The ice chain flicked and slammed Maiye Shenli without mercy. He staggered, and the expensive designer dress had an extra hole, revealing the delicate skin with traces of red whipping.

The force of the extreme cold eroded, Mai Ye Shenli fell to the ground, hugged in a ball, pale and trembling.

Misaka Mikoto watched from the side, his eyelids jumped, hesitated for a moment, and still spoke:

"Um, Bailu, would this be too..."

Bai Lu smiled and said calmly:

"Sister Cannon, do you know that if you fall into their hands today, there is a half chance that you will be killed, and the other half will be sold as goods to a certain research institute or some people.

Don't you think they are lucky?"

The things Anbe does are the darkest things in the academy city, killing people and overwhelming things is commonplace, and the relationship between them and the mission target is often a life-and-death relationship.

Those with lv5 and lv4 abilities are not so miserable, they have some research value, and may be bought by some research institutes for anatomy...In some respects, it is better to die quietly.

In short, being tuned and taught by Esther is not the best result, but it is definitely not the worst. Compared with other missions that failed to be killed, or sold as their counterparts, the te four are lucky.

Of course, Bailu is a bit exaggerated about Misaka Mikoto's words. The number of lv5 is so rare that it is the most important experimental observation material and the chess piece for the implementation of the plan for the hanging man. The hanging man will not sit and watch Misaka Mikoto be killed.

It is quite possible to be sold to a certain research institute.

Misaka Mikoto was silent, she had just seen the darkness of this city, she knew and understood some things, but could not accept it.

"An Xin, Sister Ai teaches them to correct evil and return to righteousness, and behave well, but the method is more radical."

Bailu's wording is more particular, stretches out his hand to brush Misaka Mikoto's short brown hair, pushes back a few twisted naughty ghosts, and softly calms:

"Go back and get a good night's sleep. When you wake up tomorrow, the world will still be as beautiful as before, trust me."

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