Medusa pointed to the two people inside, Yu nodded, and took out an iron wire from her body, which he had prepared in advance when he came.

  Wire lock, Yu Zeng has learned, as long as it is not a very complicated lock, he can open it.

  Obviously, the lock here can't be stumped Yu, I saw Yu inserting the wire into the lock, twisting it at will, and opening...


  At this time, the criminal is naturally sleeping.

  The sound of the lock being opened still woke the criminal in the cage.

  You ignored the unrelated people, pointed to two of them and said coldly: "You, and you, come with me."

  "Uh, who are you? You don't seem to be a prison guard."

  "Not a prison guard? Really."

  There was not much light in the prison. They looked at the clothes on You and knew that it was not a prison guard. Looking at the door that had been opened, several disheartened criminals suddenly had the idea of ​​escaping.

  Those who do not live enough will die, and no one will think about it.

  Those who have the idea of ​​escaping from prison have implemented actions one after another.

  However, Yu stood in front of the door and stopped them all.

  "Get away from me!!"

  The scumbag criminals like rape-rapists will never be in C4 prison, and the weakest here are all murderers, so all of them are ruthless masters.

  Having said that, after all, they are just human beings, and Yuu can easily kill these people even if he does not transform himself. …

  However, there is a two-headed dog, so he doesn't need to take action.

  "Bastard? Do you want to move the boss? Pass me first!"

  The two-headed dog appeared in front of Yuu, and punched everyone who came to the ground with one punch after another.

  Because of the lack of light, no one found out that the double-headed dog was a monster, but only thought it was a very strong person.

  "Double-headed dog, take these two Gates out by the way."


  In this way, Yuu and Medusa wandered through all the cages, and whenever they found a Gate in it, they took it out of it.

  Of course, the unlocked lock, after bringing Gate out, Yuu locked it again.

  There were ten Gates in total, and they were all knocked out by the two-headed dog.

  "Double-headed dog, we're going out first, you take all the ten Gates out."


  The double-headed dog looked confused, and said weakly: "But... I can't do it with ten at a time."

  "Idiot, once is not enough, five times is always fine, right?"

  "Oh, okay, wrap it on me!"

  So Yuu and Medusa left the prison first and went outside.

  The two-headed dog went back and forth several times to carry all the Gates out.

  Because there was not much movement, no other prison guards noticed.


  A secluded place away from the city.

  "Wake me up!"

  The two-headed dog slapped all Gates awake.

  The two-headed dog at this time was in human form, so Gate, who woke up, was not surprised when he saw the two-headed dog.

  They looked around and found that they were not in the prison but outside. They thought it was a dream, and they pinched the flesh on their bodies. It was very painful. Isn't this a dream?That is to say...

  "You are free." You smiled, smiling wickedly.

  Gate was so excited that he almost wanted to cheer.


  "Double-headed dog, kill them, kill them slowly." You said coldly. The double-headed dog was stunned when he heard it, but he didn't hesitate. He immediately carried out the order given by You, and turned into a phantom with ten fingers on his hands. sharp minions.

  Suddenly, screams rang out one after another.

  From hell to heaven and back to hell, it can easily shatter Gate's heart and give him despair.

Chapter 122 If something happens to her, let's be buried together

  After three days, the sage learned from Medusa's mouth that Yu had made nearly thirty Gates desperate.

  Such achievements, even the sages were dumbfounded.


  Among these thirty Gates, none of them can suppress despair, and all of them have become Phantoms...

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