This is embarrassing.

  After all, what the sage really wants is not a phantom, but a Gate that can suppress despair and become a magician.

  Not counting the ancient magician-Nitou Gongsuke, there is only one magician today, Masaharuto, and two Gates who have suppressed despair. They have the qualifications to become magicians-Daimon Rinko and Nara Shunpei.

  There is only one missing now, as long as there is one more Gate to suppress despair, four magicians can gather together, and they can hold a witch's night banquet on the day of the solar eclipse next month!Easter Calendar!


  The sage injected magic into the crystal ball held in both hands, and the crystal ball immediately reflected the picture.

  The scenery reflected by the crystal ball is the Hall of Shadows.

  This is the daily habit of the sage. He loves his daughter to the point of being perverted, and peeping at the history is his daily routine.

  Of course, the sage is perverted and correct, but he is not a 'ghost father', and he will not read the contents of Li's bath that he should not peek at.

  In other words, today is not in the Shadow Hall, the sage can't see his daughter, although it is a bit lonely, but because there are other things to prepare, the sage also stopped watching, used 'Teleportation Magic 15', went to a place that did not known place.


  Yu was taken away by the Phantom, and there is still no news until today. Li and Qingren are very anxious about this. Although they go out to search every day, the results are not satisfactory at all.

  "Yu, where are you?"

  Walking alone in the downtown, Li muttered to himself.

  Li believed that Yu would be fine, so she never gave up searching.

  Perhaps it was the emperor who paid off and Li found Yulao in the suburbs.


  Li shouted, but because the neighborhood was very lively and various voices were chattering, Li's voice could not be conveyed.

  When Li passed through the crowd, Yu was already far away.

  After so many days of searching, Yu was finally found, and Li definitely did not hesitate to catch up.

  It's a pity that Li's body is weak, not to mention that You have already gone far, and Li was still several hundred meters away from you until he came to a forest after chasing You.


  Li was stunned for a while, isn't this... the forest where He Yu came to fetch the Blue Magic Stone?Why is Yuu here?

  Li didn't understand, shook his head, and stopped thinking about it. He continued to chase after him, only to find that...



  Li tried to shout, but no one answered her.

  Li looked around. Just now, because she was chasing Yu, she didn't pay much attention to the surroundings. Now, looking at it, it turned out that this forest was covered with fog.

  Moreover, due to the fog, Li lost his direction, and he didn't even know how to go where he left.

  Li would definitely be afraid of being alone in such a place, but she also knew that standing like this would not help, so she simply found a direction intuitively and walked forward.

  I like to hear it, and the more and more Li walks, the more confused it is. This place seems to be a labyrinth. No matter how Li walks, it seems to return to the same place.

  This is not an illusion. This forest is actually dominated by the magic power of sages. When ordinary people walk into this forest, they will inevitably get lost in it.

  As for the last time Li and Youlai came, it was the sage who deliberately opened the right path, and the sage's demon led the way, so he didn't lose his way like Li is now.

  The sky was getting dark, and more than [-] phantoms gathered in the cave in the forest.

  These are new people, newly born ghosts.

  They were all shown by Yuu's absolute power, and they were trained to be obedient.

  It can be said that if you want to go east, no one dares to go west.

  "Boss, I found out that a gang of criminals has been quite active recently. If I guess correctly, there are several Gates in it!"

  The two-headed dog reported the intelligence it had collected.

  You listened, thoughtful.

  "Okay, you brought a few new people to do this tonight, can you rest assured?"

  "Mmmm, boss, just leave it to me!"

  The two-headed dog patted Xiong's mouth and grinned.

  Immediately, the two-headed dog left with a few phantoms, and the rest were sent away by Yu.

  "Hmph, you're a hand-slinging shopkeeper."

  Medusa was a little dissatisfied and snorted coldly.

  She is actually very angry, even if her fighting strength and brain are not comparable to Yuu, she didn't expect that she can't even match her work efficiency at all.

  In the past, it was not bad for her to make one Gate despair in a week. Unexpectedly, in just a few days, she has already helped the Phantom to add more than [-] Phantoms.

  People are more mad than people!

  "Since there are resources that can be used, why leave them unused? As the saying goes, if you can sit, never stand, if you can lie down, never sit." You said with a smile.

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