At this moment, a faint but confident voice came from behind Mimic Yuu.

  Mimic You turned around and saw two men walking slowly towards him.

  It was Chief Tendo and Yagata. Because of Yuu's memory, Mimic Yuu knew these two people.

  "I heard that the zerg are almost dead, why are there zerg here?" Yacar asked, looking at Mimic Yu.

  He didn't know that the mimic Yu in front of him was a zerg that mimicked Yu.

  "do not ask me."

  Of course, Tiandao doesn't know either.

  The two met by chance on the road today. Yacar wanted to fall into the 'darkness'. Seeing that Tiandao seemed to be living a dashing life, he taunted him.

  Naturally, Tiandao wouldn't lose to Yacari in his mouth, and he returned a mouthful of guns. In the end, Yacari couldn't say Tiandao, and he brought up the cooking showdown.

  They were tied at the time, so this time Yagata wanted to propose another fight.

  Tiandao thought that there was nothing to do, so he agreed.

  The ingredients for the duel are still tofu, and the two will be together because they are going to a tofu store to buy tofu.

  Will appear here, purely because the tofu shop is right in front.

  "Kamidai, can you still fight?"

  Looking at the fallen sword of the gods, Tiandao asked.

  "of course."

  The Sword of God stood up slowly. The injury he suffered just now was not fatal. In addition, the Zerg had a strong physique, so there was no big problem in fighting again.

  "Then, let's get on together! Yacar, you too."

  The zerg who can easily defeat the Sword of God, Tiandao will not be conceited and think that he can win alone, and that together is the correct judgment.

  "Hmph, consider it as a warm-up before the cooking showdown." Yacar wanted to snort coldly, his locust Zecter jumped into his hand.At the same time, Kabuto.Zecter flew down from the sky and landed in the raised hands of Tiandao.



  Tendo and Yacar wanted to transform at the same time, the light flashed, and Kabuto (Jiadou) and Kick. Hopper (Kicking Locust) appeared in Mimic Yu's eyes.

  "Transformation!" Separating Zecter from the sword, and then putting it back in again, the sword of the gods turned into Sasword again.

  "Three knights..." Mimic You frowned secretly, even if he beat these three knights at the same time, it would be quite difficult.

  It doesn't mean that it is absolutely impossible to beat, but it may be very troublesome.

  In desperation, Mimic Yu turned back into a human and decided to use the 'power' he got from somewhere after leaving Shibuya.


  Kabuto and Kick Locus were both stunned when they saw that the mimic Yuu looked like Yu.

  "Why is this guy so careless, he was actually mimicked by the Zerg..." Kabuto complained, but kicking the locust ignited his fighting spirit, "Is Kabuto Yuuka? A man you will miss! I have always wanted to fight him again! Exactly, it's up to you to fulfill my wish!"

  "It's a boring wish, since you want to fight him again, why don't you go to him?" Mimic You sneered.

  "Because he can't keep his face down, in the end, he's actually arrogant." Kabuto said, this really made him right.

  "You are arrogant!"

  "Yes." Kabuto smiled, then ended his joking mood, looked at Mimic Yu, and asked, "So, why did you remove the Zerg stance?"

  The Zerg's transformation back to human form is the same as the knight's transformation. Kabuto's question is exactly what Sasword wanted to ask.

  "Of course, in order to become a Kamen Rider!" Mimic Yu replied with a sneer, taking out a belt similar to Decade from somewhere and wearing it around his waist.


  He took out a card from the card box hanging on his belt, and after mimicking the word 'transformation', he inserted the card into the card slot of the drive.


  The electronic sound sounded, and a black barrier shrouded Mimic Yuu and turned it into a set of black armor!Then seven black negatives appeared, embedded in the head!


  When Mimic Yuu completed her transformation, the three of them took a deep breath.

  I saw that the knight transformed by Mimic Yu was exactly the same as Decade except for the color!

  "I am Dark (Dark) Decade, the man who brings darkness to the world!"

Chapter 110 Nogi Reiji vs Mishima Masato

  (PS:Sorry, the state of the past two days is not very good, I have made you wait for a long time, I am really sorry.)

  After a long time, the sword of the gods has not been seen back, and the grandfather the housekeeper, who was waiting at home, began to restless, worried about whether the sword of the gods would suffer any accident.

  After hesitating for a moment, the butler's grandfather called Yu for help, and told Yu that it was the Zerg that mimicked him who attacked the Sword of God.

  After learning about this, Yuu drove over.

  The zerg that mimicked his own, isn't that the guy?

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