Recalling the mimetic Yuu who let go at that time, the corner of Yu's mouth rose slightly, that guy should have helped him get the Dark (Dark) Decade card.

  For some reason, the Dark.Decade card cannot be obtained by himself. If you want to obtain it, you can only use others to obtain it.

  Therefore, the Zerg who mimicked himself was the most suitable candidate.

  About five minutes later, Yu arrived at the place told by the housekeeper's grandfather, and saw that the place was in a mess, with traces of battle everywhere, but no trace of anyone.

  No, there are three people lying on the ground, Tiandao, Shendaijian, and Yacaru.

  They were covered in wounds, but they were not killed.

  "Strange... Since he knocked them down, why didn't that guy make the final blow?"

  Yu Wei frowned, puzzled by this.


  At this time, a voice with a cry came over.

  I saw the housekeeper's grandfather hurried over here, rushed to the side of the sword of the gods, held him in his arms, and cried out in distress: "Master! Wake up! Are you alright?!"

  God Generation Sword did not respond, it should be said that he could not respond at all, because he was seriously injured and fell into a deep coma, even if someone outside kept shaking his body, he could not be awakened.

  It can be seen how ruthless the mimetic Yu is...

  "My poor young master! Grandpa will take you to the hospital!"

  Having said that, the butler's grandfather was about to carry the sword of the God Generation away, but Yu stopped him at this moment.

  "There is no need to go to the hospital."

  Yu said this, and immediately took out two cards from the card box, the Decade card and the Drive card.

  One of Drive's forms, the 'Doctor Form', can heal the wounded, and it works instantly.


  The reason why Mimic Yu didn't give the sword of God the final blow was not because of kindness, but just when he was about to end the lives of the three of them, he suddenly received a call from Reiji Nogi and learned about their enemy of the Worm. , the protozoa (Native) found the door!

  Time returned to half an hour ago, Reiji Nogi sensed someone approaching, looked around, and saw a group of people walking in its direction, and the leader, Reiji Nogi, knew it, Negishi!The leader of the protozoa.

  Negishi has no fighting ability at all, but he is cunning and will never expose himself to the danger of being killed.

  Since he dared to come, it proved that he came prepared.

  To be cautious, Nogi Reiji called Mimic Yuu and told him that the protozoa had come to the door and asked him to come back.

  "Good noon, Mr. Nogi."

  Approaching Reiji Nogi, Negishi smiled with his fake smile.


  Nogi Reiji snorted coldly, glanced over at Negishi, and looked at the people behind him.

  I saw a total of seven people, plus Negishi, a total of eight people.

  Of these, the only notable one was the tall, expressionless man with glasses.

  "Mr. Mishima, is this the zerg's lair?"

  The only woman among the eight asked the tall man in a low voice.

  This man worthy of Reiji Nogi's attention was Masato Mishima.

  And women are naturally tall birds and lotus flowers.

  Masato Mishima nodded, only to hear the tall bird Lianhua say again: "However, thanks to the seniors, almost all the zerg have been wiped out."

  "Senior? Yu Shibuka? Maybe we will become enemies..." Masato Mishima said lightly, his eyes flashing a cold light.

  Will and Yu become enemies, and Takatori Lianhua knows the reason.

  The current Masato Mishima is no longer human, and even she might be...

  Takatori Lianhua doesn't want to be like that, but she is an 'obedient' subordinate and will not disobey Mishima Masato's orders.

  Just as Masato Mishima and Takatori Lianhua were chatting, Negishi had already sneered at Reiji Nogi. …

  "It's really pitiful, you are the only bare commander left in the Zerg, tsk tsk."

  "You bastard!" Seeing Negishi's disgusting face, Reiji Nogi was furious, suddenly transformed into a zerg, and slammed towards Negishi.

  At this time, Reiji Nogi is its second form, which is similar to the first form. The biggest change is that its left hand has become a purple blade, and its overall strength has also been greatly improved. The only problem is that Lost the ability to stop time...

  "go to hell!"

  With such a distance, Reiji Nogi was sure to kill Negishi in an instant.

  However, Masato Mishima would not let this happen.

  When he stood in front of Negishi, the worm turned into a protozoan, took Reiji Nogi's attack with one hand, kicked his abdomen, and kicked him out.

  Masato Mishima's foot was very heavy, and Reiji Nogi flew out a few meters, fell to the ground and rolled several times.


  Nogi Reiji scolded, slowly got up, looked at Masato Mishima, and said secretly: "Strange...this guy is indeed a protozoan, but why do I feel disobedient?"

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