The eyes of the cobra gleamed with blood red light, and it moved very fast!She opened her mouth to bite at Snipe.

  "Bang Bang Bang!!!"

  Snipe hurriedly shot the Cobra, fighting it.

  Ex-Aid didn't realize what was going on, but only heard the voice of the king snake: "If you don't want to Game.Over (the game is over), then take this poisonous snake out!"

  Ex-Aid wanted to say something, but the cobra suddenly turned around, flicked its long tail, and slapped Snipe away!Then spray venom towards Ex-Aid and Brave!

  Erqi jumped up quickly to avoid the danger of being caught by venom.

  "Intern, let's go!" After a glance at Ex-Aid, Brave, holding the holy sword, rushed towards the cobra.

  Although Feicai didn't want to save the big self, at least he wanted to defeat the big self with his own hands, so he naturally couldn't let him die at the hands of others.

  "Damn, then let me clear the level with one life!" Ex-Aid saw this, took out his weapon, the Gashacon Destroyer, switched the sword mode, and rushed to the battlefield.

  The king snake sat on the concrete pipe and watched the three cavalry fight against the giant snake.

  Although the three of them have different personalities, their cooperation is really not bad. Cobra faced the three riders together, and was simply hanged and beaten by one side.

  This is of course, although the cobra is one of the strongest contracted beasts among the contracted beasts, but in its non-survival form, it may not be able to win one on one.


  King Snake took out two cards from the card box and inserted them into the card slots of the drive.

  【Contract comes】

  【Contract comes】

  Two contracted beasts, the metal rhinoceros and the devil fish were summoned by the king snake and joined the battlefield, just 3V3 with the cobra.

  "What the hell is that guy!" Snipe asked as he dealt with the cobra.

  Not only the strange ability to slow down, but also to summon such monsters?

  "He said he was a passing Kamen Rider!" Brave resisted the devil fish with his holy sword and replied to Snipe's words.

  "Passing by Kamen Rider?" Ex-Aid murmured, seeing the metal rhino rushing towards him, he jumped up quickly, turned over from the metal rhino's head, and then pressed the B button of the destroyer to charge up attack!

  The power is less than the decisive move, but the slash that is far higher than the normal attack slashed from behind on the metal rhino's back.


  "It's so hard!" Ex-Aid felt that his sword slashed on the super-hard metal, only some sparks were drawn, but no sword marks were left.

  The fierce battle continued, and the three knights gradually became familiar with the attack routines of the contracted beasts, and gradually turned from a disadvantage to an advantage.

  "Not bad." Wang She commented with a light smile, and took out another card from the card box, "So, how about this?"

  【Fusion Advent】

  The electric sound sounded, and the three contracted beasts on the battlefield gathered together at the fastest speed and fused together!Instantly turned into a bigger monster!


  A harsh roar, like a demon crawling out of the abyss!

  A rhinoceros snake head, a chimera-like monster - the Beast Emperor!

  "What... what!"

  Seeing the posture of the Beast Emperor, the three riders felt a terrifying sense of oppression. Even if they had not yet fought, they could feel the power of the Beast Emperor.

  "Don't worry, I limited the beast emperor, it won't use all its strength." Wang She muttered to himself, of course, the three riders in the distance could not hear it.

  I saw the beast emperor's sharp claws suddenly tore off, and the three horses hurriedly avoided, using their agile skills to deal with the seemingly cumbersome beast emperor.

  However, the Beast Emperor's body is made of the hard body of a metal rhinoceros, and general physical attacks are like tickles to the Beast Emperor.

  The Beast Emperor lowered his head slightly, opened his chin, and sprayed out a jet of black venom, sweeping towards the three riders!

  "Hurry up!" Ex-Aid responded the fastest, pushing Brave and Snipe away, who were still stunned, and he quickly changed back to his LV.


  Compared with the venom of the cobra, the Beast Emperor's is more terrifying, and when it comes into contact with the Ex-Aid's armor, it bursts open!Directly reduce the blood gauge of Ex-Aid full of blood to only one bar of blood!

  "Doctor Intern!"


  Seeing Ex-Aid screaming, the second rider who was rescued by him shouted quickly, and saw the beast emperor who had sprayed venom raise his claws and tore them off abruptly.

  "Damn!!" Brave saw this and rushed in front of Ex-Aid regardless of the consequences, blocking the beast emperor's claws with the holy sword in his hand.

  However, the latter's attack power was too great, and Brave couldn't resist it at all, and he was wounded by the Beast Emperor instead.


  At this time, Snipe ate an energy item in the field, his body muscles suddenly soared, he rushed back and punched the beast emperor, knocking him back a few steps!

  "Can you still fight? You guys?" After repelling the Beast Emperor, Snipe looked at the two riders and asked, but before they could answer, he said, "If you can't, run back quickly! It's enough to have me here alone! "


  "Who do you think I am? I'm the No. [-] doctor in the world!" Brave, who was also arrogant, lifted Ex-Aid up and asked, "It's you, intern, how about you?"

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