"Of course you can!" Ex-Aid pulled the lever of the driver and changed back to his LV.2 knight form.

  Although there is only one health bar left, Ex-Aid is not afraid, "Both of you, let's fight together!"


  With a cold snort, the arrogant two considered the default.

  In the face of such a powerful monster, if you can't work together, you may only win zero!

  "Okay, that's it."

  At this time, Wang She, who was sitting on the cement pipe watching the battle, came over and saw that he was holding a Shenba mobile phone and said with a smile, "I should go back to eat, and that's it for today."

  After listening to him, the Beast Emperor turned into data and disappeared.

  The King Snake summoned a locomotive and rode away, leaving only the three riders who were silently standing there.

  This... what the hell is going on here?

Chapter 15 Kamen Rider para-dx

  When Yu returned to the villa, Xia Hai had already prepared a sumptuous dinner.

  I can't tell that this woman has this special skill!

  "How's the situation?" Xia Hai knew that Yu had gone to the Fantasy Group in order to make the CEO of the Fantasy Group, Tan Lidou, to compromise, so that he could become a game administrator to sneak in and find a way to completely destroy the Kamen Rider Chronicles.

  "Tan Lidou has agreed to my request, everything is expected."


  Yuu's words made Xia Hai couldn't help but smile, "He must have been threatened by you, so he reluctantly agreed?"

  After a pause, Xia Hai said again: "However, based on what I know about Tan Lidou, he shouldn't just forget about it."

  "Well, as long as he gets stronger power, he should try to obliterate me."

  "But you don't seem worried at all."

  "Hehe, let's not talk, let's eat." You smiled, of course he wasn't worried, in the face of absolute power, no matter what Tan Lidou did, he couldn't threaten him.

  "By the way, there are two Bugsters (collapse bodies) beside Tan Lidou." Xia Hai said, his eyebrows frowned slightly, and he was a little worried, "Yu, I'm afraid Tan Lidou will join them to deal with you, especially Pala De, he is a Bugster split from EX-AID, and the game skills of the genius player M all come from him."

  "Is he strong?"

  "Yeah!" Xia Hai nodded solemnly, "Scholar has suffered in his hands."

  "Really? Then I have to visit tomorrow." You smiled slightly, but she didn't take it seriously.

  At the same time, in the president's room of the Fantasy Group.

  "Ha ha…"

  "Ha ha ha ha!!"

  Tan Lidou, who was sitting in front of the computer, let out a deep laugh, and then turned into a loud laugh.

  In this president's office, besides Tan Lidou, there is another person!

  A young man about the same height as Yu.

  At this time, he was playing a handheld game, and when he heard Tan Lidou's laughter, he looked over and asked with a smile, "Genm, did you make a new cassette?"

  "That's right." Tan Lidou snapped his fingers, and the corners of his mouth rose, revealing a full-fledged expression, "It's really scary! My talent!!"

  "So Genm, when will you help me get my cassette?" The young man asked while playing the handheld game.

  He is not human, he is Bugster, and it is Parad that Xia Hai just mentioned with Yuu.

  "What I'm doing now is your cassette!" Tan Lidou laughed, and when Parad heard the words, he suddenly showed a surprised expression, "Really?"

  Originally, Tan Lidou would not be in such a hurry to make a cassette belonging to Parad, but in the face of a Decade who wants to compete with him for the status of a game administrator, he must exclude it. For this reason, Parad's combat power is necessary. of!

  Coupled with a Graphite, Tan Lidou can't beat a Decade if he doesn't believe it.


  On the second day, Yu came to the Fantasy Group again.

  Today, he's here to become a gamemaster.

  Of course, with that comes a little peace of mind for the two troublesome guys.

  Strolling into the Fantasy Group, you went straight to the president's office.

  I saw that in the president's room, besides Tan Lidou, there were two young men.

  A man about his own height was playing a handheld game, while the other was holding a guitar and strumming an unknown tune.

  These two young men should be Parad and Graphite that Xia Hai said.

  Parad is the Bugster born from Hosei Nagato and EX-AID's gaming disease, while Graphite is born from the gaming disorder of Kyo Fei Cai and Brave's lover Momose Kohime.

  Graphite has become a complete body after Momose-kohime disappeared.

  The reason why Fei Cai hates the big self of the flower family is because the big self failed to defeat Graphite, which caused the death of Momose Kohime.

  As for Yuu who came in without knocking, Graphite, who was playing guitar, looked over and said in a disdainful tone, "Genm, is this guy the stupid human who wants to be a game administrator?"

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