"Well, if I'm not mistaken, he is the king! I didn't think too much about it at the time, but now I think about his appearance carefully, except for the clothes on his body that are different from before, other features are almost the same!" Wuba nodded and said. , Judging from the tone of his voice, this doesn't seem like a joke at all.

  At the same time, in the chairman's room of the Hongshang Foundation.

  I saw a beautiful secretary eating cake at this time, and the president of the foundation - Hongshang Guangsheng was playing a video repeatedly.

  This video was sent by Goto. Goto is the captain of the armed forces that Greeed resurrected and was sent by Hong Shang Mitsuo to annihilate Greeed.

  Although this unit was easily wiped out by Greeed, Goto's life was quite tenacious. At that time, he was lying on the ground like Kazari and pretending to be dead, while secretly recording the battle between OOO and Greeed!

  In fact, Yuu was very clear at the time that there was a person lying on the ground recording the video.

  But Yuu didn't care because he didn't get in his way.

  Closer to home, Hongshang Guangsheng came to a conclusion after replaying this video several times.

  "It's literally the resurrection of the first generation of OOO! And this face..." Hongshang Guangsheng stopped the video on the screen before You turned into OOO, touched You's face in the picture, and Hongshang Guangsheng smiled excitedly: " No doubt! He is my great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandfather! The original OOO! The king who almost conquered the world!!!"

  The beautiful secretary was putting the fruit on the cake into his mouth, and when he heard the president say such words excitedly, the fruit fell to the ground.

  It's not a matter of a day or two for the president to grow nervous, but it is the first time the secretary of beauty has met with such excitement as she is now.

  "In the middle!!" Hongshang Guangsheng looked at the beauty secretary and smiled at her: "You go and inform Gotou, let him be sure, no, must find this person! Please!!"

  "Yes." The beauty secretary and Erika Rinaka responded indifferently, then took a bite of the cake unhurriedly, and then set off.

  Speaking of which, the reason why she was elected as Hongshang Guangsheng's secretary was because she was the champion of a certain big stomach competition, and was hired by Hongshang Guangsheng as a secretary to destroy the cakes she made.

  But in itself, Erika Rinaka likes spicy food.


  Yuu didn't know that a lot of things happened after he left.

  I don't know, Hongshang Guangsheng sent someone to look for him at this moment.

  At this time, he left the OOO world with Yuanyuan Dance and Ellie and returned to the world of Kaiwu.

  In the world of Kaiwu, Yu didn't plan to stay too much, and planned to bring Parad and Xia Hai, and say goodbye to Ge Yejing's daughters by the way, and then go straight back to her own world to fulfill Yuli's promise and resurrect her with golden fruit.

  However, the one who is willing to go back with him is Parad.

  Xia Hai intends to stay in the world of Kaiwu temporarily, because Zeya City is in a state of repair after the war, and she wants to stay and do her best.

  Yu agreed with her decision and said goodbye to Ge Yejing later. He didn't say that Ge Yejing would not understand something like leaving this world and going back to his own world. He only said that he would go to another place to work for a while and come back soon.

  In fact, there is really no need to say goodbye. You can travel through the world freely, and you can come to see them directly if you want, which is not much different from being in the same world.

  After Ge Yejing's instructions and a passionate kiss by the way, Yu left this world with Yuan Wu, Ellie, and Parad under her silent gaze.

  (PS: Li is going to be resurrected, and Yuu ran three chapters, Kabuto, Ex-Aid, and Kaiwu for her. Shouldn’t he take the money and eat Li? (funny))

Chapter 6 Calendar!resurrection!

  Haruto likes to eat donuts very much. As a wizard wizard, he will go out every day to maintain the peace of Torii-saka, and stop by the donut shop to eat donuts.

  Today, Haruto is no exception, and Shigeru Wajima, the shop owner, has something to do today, so there is only Lili alone in the face shadow hall at this time.

  Although Li lives in the shadow hall every day, she has a lot of work, not only cleaning the hall, but also helping to look after the store. By the way, she also prepares three meals a day.

  Li's cooking skills are very good. Although she is a magic doll and does not need to eat, she still has a sense of taste.

  In other words, Li Zheng was staring blankly at the Hello Kitty doll that she kept in the display cabinet, which was given to her by Yu, including the white dress she was wearing now. (PS: Chapter 96 of the first volume.)

  Seeing things and thinking of people, Li slowly fell into memory.


  "Yu... why do you want to save me? I already... don't want to live anymore."

  "Then go to hell, although I will stop you."

  "Isn't this a contradiction? Saying that I will die, and saying that it will stop me..."

  "Humans are a collection of contradictions."

  "I'm not human anymore..."

  "So, what exactly is a human being?"


  "Soul, emotion, as long as you have these two, no matter what 110 becomes, you are still human."

  In the past, his warm words were still in my ears, and I never forgot for a moment, because it was his words that saved me completely!

  "Yu, where are you now? I...I miss you so much." Li whispered, thinking that You was desperately trying to find a way to resurrect for her, she couldn't help worrying and feeling guilty.

  But more than that, it's still moving!

  However, how much she wished she could help him, even if only a little...

  "Ah..." Li sighed softly, a beautiful face full of sorrow.

  "What? You sighed early in the morning? Did you encounter something unhappy?" Suddenly, the door of the Shadow Hall was pushed open from the outside, and a familiar voice came in.

  Li was startled at first, then looked in the direction of the voice with a face full of surprise. When he saw that the owner of the voice was the person he was thinking about day and night, Li's emotions suddenly lost control, and he couldn't even care about his restraint. , flew directly into his arms.

  The experience rushed towards him excitedly, and Yu was really afraid that this girl would accidentally fall, so she hurriedly stretched out her hand and hugged her soft, boneless body.

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