"Yu, is that you? Are you really back?" Li hugged You tightly, as if afraid that he was an hallucination caused by missing him too much, so Li asked in a panic.

  "Well, it's me, I'm back." You patted Li's back lightly and said softly.

  Yu's voice echoed in his ears, Li determined that this was not a hallucination, and a gratified smile appeared on Qiao's face.

  But soon, Li realized one thing, he was holding Yu!

  "Ah I…"

  After all, Li is a reserved girl. After calming down a little at this moment, not only her pretty face, but also her ears turned red.

  "Hehe, it's a little too late to feel ashamed now? I've never let go of a woman who throws herself in her arms." You teased, and at the same time, Wei Wei hugged Li's tender body and shy cheeks. A burst of heat.

  "You...if you want..."

  "Okay, let's not make trouble with you, let's do business."

  Li Gang wanted to say that as long as you wanted to, she would have no problem holding her for as long as she wanted, but Yu interrupted her.

  "What's the matter?"

  "Well, first, give me your hand."

  "Huh? Oh..."

  Li obediently stretched out the small hand on the right, Yu smiled slightly, shook it, and then urged the divine power in her body to flow into her body along Li's hand.

  You're doing this, naturally, for the resurrection calendar!

  With the divine power of the golden fruit, it is not difficult to resurrect an ordinary person!Moreover, Li's situation was on the verge of being resurrected when Dimuzuo handed it over to Qingren, but it lacked a large amount of magic power equivalent to the witch's banquet. (For this reason, the second witch's banquet was held by Dimuzuo. If it was not disrupted in the end, then the calendar could be resurrected! Of course, the price was the lives of all the people in Toriiizaka.)

  Then, Yuu only needs to inject as much magic power as the Witch's Banquet. Although magic power is different from magic power, magic power can also be used as magic power!

  (PS: Fruits can be seen everywhere in the Forest of Heim Underworld, Chimera can be used as a supplement for magic, and the golden fruit is the power of the entire Forest of Heim Underworld, and its divine power completely exceeds the amount of the witch's banquet!)

  As divine power flowed into his body, Li suddenly felt an indescribable and wonderful force pouring in. This power was actually several times stronger than the comfort brought by magic power and tonifying magic!

  Then, after about 10 seconds, Yu let go of Li's hand and said, "Okay, how do you feel now?"

  "Er..." Li still couldn't understand, what happened just now?So after she was stunned for a moment, she felt the condition of her body with her heart, and found that her body had no magic power now?

  Yesterday, Haruto, Mayu, Rinko, and Shunpei helped her replenish a lot of magic power, but they all disappeared after Yu held her hand just now and a wonderful power flowed into her!

  Also, the stomach feels so weird, it's never felt before...


  Li touched his stomach, but heard a humiliating cry from his stomach.

  This is the sound you make when you are hungry. In the past, Li would never cry out because he was hungry, because Li is a magic puppet, so you can't feel the feeling of hunger at all, you only need to maintain a certain amount of magic power. , it doesn't matter if you don't eat!

  But now, the magic power in the body is gone, which means that there is no need to replenish the magic!

  "Yu, I... Am I..." Li's voice trembled, too excited to utter a complete sentence.

  You gently touched Li's head and smiled: "It's all right, I don't need to replenish my magic in the future, I can live like a normal person."

  "I... I really don't need to replenish my magic power anymore? No... No need to cause... any more trouble for everyone? Uuuuuuuu!!" As he spoke, Li's eyes overflowed with pea-sized tears, and he burst into tears.

  Yu hugged Li in his arms and patted her on the back lightly.

  Yu didn't say anything, and quietly let Li cry.

  "Poor child..." You sighed in his heart, he could understand Li's pain, so he was willing to run around for Li.


  At this time, Li's stomach rang again.

  Li's crying stopped, and his face was shy at this time.

  After all, the sound of the stomach growling is too embarrassing for women.

  "Hehe, don't worry, I won't laugh at you."

  "...but you're already laughing, bastard!"

  "Okay, I'll get you something to eat and let you taste my craft." You chuckled, rolling up his sleeves and walking towards the kitchen inside.

  Looking at Yu's figure, Li's eyes were full of emotion at this time.


  The golden fruit does not only bring benefits, but also has a serious disadvantage - it will no longer taste good for all food except the fruit in the forest of the underworld of Heim.

  However, this does not affect Yuu's cooking skills.

  Control the flame with divine power to increase the firepower, just five minutes of cooking, a delicious seafood porridge is out!

  How delicious is it?Anyway, after eating it, I am full of praise!

  I am deeply honored by this. As a cook, it is the most honorable thing to be praised.

  Watching Li finish the porridge he cooked, Yuu decided to leave.

  "You!" Li noticed that You was about to leave, Mei Mu looked at him, and asked pitifully, "You... can't you stay with me more?"

Chapter 7 Li's Heart & I Want to Do That With You

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