The core coins are made of very special materials and are refined by alchemists!

  Therefore, the core coin is not something that can be smashed by power alone. In the play, only the special power of the purple core coin can destroy the core coin.

  Even Diablo Kiva's must-kill - 'End Zanvat Slash', can't destroy the core coin. Knowing this, Diablo Kiva can use this trick to deal with Maki's killer.

  After all, there is Mezuru's core coin in Maki's body, so it is impossible for Diablo Kiva to destroy the core coin all at once.

  All in all, with the death of Maki, 24 core coins fell from the sky, all of which were sucked into his hands by the dark Kiva with divine power.

  "Mezuru." After releasing his transformation, he called out Mezuru.

  Mezuru was looking at the sky, and the sword energy swung by the dark Kiva not only shattered the giant waves and real wood, but also cut the clouds in the sky!With such a terrifying power, Mezuru was already stunned and lost his mind.

  "Ah?" But after being called by You, 280Mezuru still responded and asked, "What's wrong?"

  "This." I saw, Yu handed Mezuru's eight core coins to her.

  Looking at the coin Yu handed over, Mezuru froze for a moment, then took it and held it in his hand, and said softly, "...Thank you."

  "Heh, I'm not used to thanking you so frankly." You smiled and stroked Mezuru's head, but Mezuru slapped him away: "Since you're not used to it, then I'm still like before. Right to you!"

  "No, no, I'm not shaking M. You can like me like you do now, of course I don't want you to hate me like you used to."

  "Like... like? What... are you kidding me! How could I possibly like you?"

  "Otherwise, why were you so impulsive just now? It would be better to say that I am dead, shouldn't you be happy? Why did you look desperate at that time?"


  Having nothing to say, Mezuru blushed and turned his head away, but secretly thought in his heart: "Perhaps as you said, I should... like you. However, even so, I can't accept it calmly. I'm going to fall in love with humans..."

  "What? Are you shy?" You smiled and put his hand on Mezuru's head again.

  Mezuru wanted to pat Yu's hand away again, but heard Yu say, "By the way, I'll leave this world in two days."

  Mezuru shuddered when he heard these words.


Chapter 99 Found you, you bastard!

  "What? Yu, you said you were leaving this world?"

  This is the next day, and you came to Hongshang Consortium early in the morning to say goodbye to Hongshang Guangsheng.

  Erika is also here, but when Yu sent her home yesterday, she had already heard from Yu, but hearing Yu said she was leaving again, Erika felt reluctant to part, very much.

  "Well, I'll probably leave the day after tomorrow." You nodded and said with a smile, "President Hongshang, I have been taken care of by you many times since I came to this world, so I would like to express my thanks to you."

  "No, no, it's me who should be thanked!'s my honor to be able to help my ancestors!" Hongshang Guangsheng patted his chest, but his words were not as excited as before, but because Yu was about to leave, He felt very lost, and even his voice sounded a little sad.

  After all, to him, Yu is not only the reincarnation of the original OOO 800 years ago, but also his desire and desire!

  Hongshang Guangsheng's desire and desire are very simple, as he said in Chapter 11 of this article, all he wants is a good enough 'story'.

  Yuu controls Greeed, then Kazari, Uva's betrayal, then Gala's resurrection, and Maki the final boss!Every battle and every story may not be worth mentioning to Yuu, but as a bystander, Hongshang Guangsheng watched it with great enthusiasm.

  But no matter what, all the enemies have been defeated, and the remaining Greeed and OOO cannot fight anymore because of Yuu's existence.

  So, the story is over, it's time for the 'end'...

  But even knowing this, Hongshang Guangsheng still hopes that Yu can stay.

  However, seeing that his intention to leave has been decided, Hongshang Guangsheng did not do much to save him.

  But Erika, after Yu left the Hongshang Consortium, she chased after her.

  "If you have time, will you still come to this world?"

  "Probably not, there is nothing here that can attract me."

  Yu shook his head slightly and answered Erika's words.

  In the beginning, Yu came to this world just to satisfy his own desires - to fight the real powerhouse!But as a result, there is no one in this world who can fight against him, not even Kiyoto Sanaki who fuses 24 core coins in one go through 'Lost Coins'.

  Although for this world, Maki is already very strong, even in the world of Kaiwu, Ex-Aid, Kabuto, and Wizard!But for Yuu, it's still a long way off.

  "...I...can't I be the reason you came to this world?" A little suddenly, Erika's cheeks flushed, and she asked shyly.

  Seeing Erika's shy and beautiful appearance, Yuu's heart was moved, that woman who has always been plain as water can show such a shy posture, it is really unexpectedly attractive!

  "That's true. In the future, if I open a company, I still need you to be my secretary. If I don't come here a few times, maybe you will regret it one day, and then I will lose a lot!" Touching his chin, he smiled.

  "Yes, I can easily regret it! So, you have to visit me often!" Erika said quickly, she didn't know what happened to her, she knew that Yu was a married woman and decided to stay away from him, but listened to her. When Yuu was about to leave this world, Erika became extremely irritable and did not want to cut off contact with Yuu.

  "Well, I will." Yu nodded and agreed to Erika.

  Of course, Yu is not fooling Erika. In the future, Yu will come to OOO World to visit Erika whenever she is free.

  Over time, Yuu and Erika developed that kind of relationship.

  Also, Yuu, who learned of Hina's intentions, got on well with Hina under the urging of Ellie and by accident!

  Well, that's all for later, but let's talk about the situation of Eiji and Ankh.

  No need to collect coins or fight with Greeed, Yingji and Ankh travel around the world, every day they go to the mountains and rivers, and help others by the way.

  Gradually, Ankh became gentle because of Yingji, and he also knew some etiquette, and he was no longer as bad as before.

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