As for Mezuru…


  In an abandoned bar on the outskirts of the city.

  "Apart from this world, there are other parallel worlds? And Yuu is a person from one of the parallel worlds? Ahhh, what is this all about!!"

  Mezuru scratched his hair, her beautiful hair was already messy, because after defeating Maki yesterday, Yu told her that Yu was not from this world.

  "Mezuru, are you reluctant to bear the king?" Gameru was sitting on the ground holding a bag of potato chips and eating, seeing Mezuru complaining, so he laughed silly.

  "Shut up!" Mezuru cast a cold glance at Gameru, who was so frightened that he quickly shut his mouth, not daring to say anything more.

  "Hmph! How could I be reluctant to bear that man? How could... I can't bear it!" Mezuru snorted coldly and thought to himself.

  But there were tears in his eyes, because he thought that he might never see Yuu again.

  "I'm crying again?" Realizing that he was crying, Mezuru quickly wiped away the tears.

  Will cry, feel distressed, will fall in love with Yu, all because of the life that Yu has given.

  Mezuru gritted her teeth, she suddenly wanted to beat Yuu hard!Since this kind of life is so painful, it should not have been given to her from the beginning!

  If I had always been Greeed, I wouldn't be troubled by this kind of thing!

  "Since Yuu can turn me into a human, it should also make me completely Greeed again! Sure, I'll let him turn me back!" Thinking of this, Mezuru hurriedly left the abandoned bar and walked towards the place where Yu was. Run away from place.

  "I...I didn't want to see him!"

  On the way, Mezuru said to himself.

  "Running so fast, where are you going?"

  Coincidentally, on the way, Mezuru met Yuu who was out and about.

  "I found you, you bastard!!"

  Without further ado, Mezuru raised his pink fist and thumped towards You!

  Just being grabbed by Yu easily, Yu pulled Mezuru closer to her arms.

  "So, what are you doing? If you don't tell me why, I won't forgive you so easily, Mezuru." You Dan smiled and put his hand on the sexy part of Mezuru...


  Mezuru suddenly let out a cute cry. Maybe when she was Greeed, she didn't feel at all when you were like this, but now that she has life and five senses, the numb feeling of being touched suddenly made Mezuru feel strange.

Chapter 100 Come with me, go to the world I am in!

  " let me go! Don't...there it is! 嘤嘤..."

  The cute screams kept coming out of Mezuru's small mouth. The shameful place had already been recklessly acted upon by You, but she was unable to struggle and could only beg for mercy loudly, but the indescribable feeling of comfort continued in waves. A wave!

  However, Mezuru was instinctively shy, so he couldn't accept Yuu's actions frankly.

  Besides, this is the street!Although there was no one but her and Yuu, Mezuru felt ashamed.

  "What's there? Make it clear, otherwise I won't be able to let go." The corners of You's mouth raised slightly, evoking a sinister arc, but she asked lightly.

  "You! Uh...I got it, I said! It's...the place to pee!"

  Unable to withstand Yu's 'attack' and unable to escape from Yu's hand, Mezuru could only answer Yu's perverted question with a shy face.

  After answering, Mezuru lowered his head in shame.If there is a gap for her to drill at this time, perhaps she will not hesitate to drill in, because it is too embarrassing!

  "Heh, does Greeed still need to pee?" Yu grinned wickedly, then pulled his hand away from Mezuru.

  Greeed certainly doesn't need to pee, but…

  "You are such a despicable man! Isn't it because of you that I became like this?" Mezuru raised his head and glared at Yu, clenching his little hand into a pink fist and hitting Yu's chest, he said angrily: "And! You! Didn't you say that the life you gave will only last for a week? Why hasn't it disappeared until now?"

  "Who knows?" Yu said regretfully, but he didn't stop Mezuru from punching his chest with a small fist, because Mezuru didn't use any force at all.

  Maybe reluctance?

  Thinking like this, Yuu thought that Mezuru's behavior at this time was super cute.

  "You!" Seeing Yu's answer, Mezuru felt a pang of anger, his cheeks suddenly bulged, and he stared at Yu with resentment, as if he was going to eat Yu!

  "I'm not delicious, don't look at me like that, I'm afraid." Yu said with a feigned fear, seeing that Mezuru didn't talk to her because of her complaints, so she stopped talking and answered her question.

  "Why didn't the life I gave you disappear...? Indeed, the breath I injected into your body only lasted for a week, and then disappeared after a week. But as long as you thirst for life and don't want to change back to Greeed, this breath It won't go away."

  Saying that, Yu smiled slightly, raised his right hand and flicked Mezuru's forehead, and said, "In other words, this is the result of your longing, and you don't want to change back to the old you."

  After Yuu finished speaking, Mezuru was already sluggish, how could she accept this fact?He didn't change back to Greeed, was it the result of his desire?

  "You're fooling me, aren't you? How could I...want to be a human?"

  Seeing Mezuru shaking his head in denial, Yu couldn't help laughing a little bit. He couldn't help but wanted to tease her, put on a serious look, and said, "If that's the case..."

  Before he finished speaking, Yu extended his hand to Mezuru, Mezuru stepped back subconsciously, and asked in a trembling voice, "What do you want to do?"

  "Of course it's to recover the breath I injected into your body, so that you will be back to yourself again." He said calmly, his outstretched hand was about to touch Mezuru's skin.

  Mezuru was a little moved, being able to change back to her former self, which meant that she would no longer have to feel heartache for whom?Even if Yuu were to leave this world, wouldn't she feel uncomfortable?Wouldn't that be nice?To be able to go back to who you are as pure Greeed!

  It's just a pity that I won't be able to taste human food again in the future.

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