Kamen Rider: Heisei Knights

Chapter 401: Kamen Rider is immortal!

All the knights in the field left, but the one who came last slowly turned his head and looked at Tong Sheng's side.

"We will see you again!" After saying this, he turned around, opened a passage in front of him, and left here.

Before Tong Sheng could react, the two automatically returned to the base.

"What was that...?" Su Tao was still stunned for a while, without reacting to the spectacular sight just now.

Tong Sheng seemed to have thought of something, and quickly removed the white mosaic plate from the scanner.

"Sure enough, there is the ability to cross parallel worlds..."

While Tong Sheng was busy, Su Tao quietly stepped aside, put the stuffed rabbit in his hand on the ground, and walked into the training room.

She rubbed her hands against the empty space in front of her, and there was a look of expectation on her face: "If you can...the odds of winning are even bigger!"

She gently squeezed her right hand and recalled in her mind the power of the life stone: creating life out of thin air or obliterating life, no matter how many injuries it is, it can be cured instantly.

Su Tao closed her eyes, imagined a white mouse in her mind, and then opened her right hand.

A faint red light quickly appeared on her right hand, and as her movements began to gather on the ground in front of her.

In the red light gathered in a group, the silhouette of a mouse soon appeared.

Su Tao was overjoyed when she saw this, and quickly concentrated her mind and began to output the red light energy.

Finally, in her expectant eyes, the red light gradually dissipated, and a living white mouse appeared on the spot.

"Really possible!!" Seeing the confused little white mouse looking around, Su Tao instantly raised her eyebrows and jumped up happily.

When she was happy, she bent down and grabbed the mouse in her hand. As expected, this little mouse is a living life no matter where it is!

Thinking of this, Su Tao quickly flirted with her messy hair and gently placed the mouse on the table in front of her.

"I'm sorry!" She made an apologetic gesture to the mouse, then concentrated her mind, pretending to be mysterious, snapping her fingers with a faint red light.

With the snapping of the fingers, the mouse turned into ashes in the blink of an eye and disappeared in front of her.

"My God!" Su Tao was taken aback, and quickly looked outside, only to see Tong Sheng still sitting there and he was relieved.

At this moment, the princess's voice rang in her mind: "This is not half of the infinite gloves in the comics on your planet. What are you afraid of?"

Su Tao was stunned for a moment, and quickly blushed and responded: "I'm just afraid of hurting myself..."

Who knows that as soon as the words fell, the princess laughed: "Hahaha! My aunt's, this life stone is under your control, as long as you don't think about destroying humans and things like that, isn't it all right?"

Hearing this, Su Tao suddenly felt dissatisfied, and muttered with a blushing face, "Who...who would be okay to think about this kind of mess!"

"Alright!" The princess suddenly interrupted, "With your current control, you can only create or destroy some weak creatures. Remember to use it within your control!"

The princess's voice didn't remember anymore, she had obviously left.

Su Tao gazed at the faint red light radiating from her hands with joy, and a happy smile appeared on her face.


The next morning, Tong Sheng yawned and walked out of the room. Just when he came out to stretch himself, he was surprised to see a flying white horse flying over his head.

The slender figure sitting on horseback scared Tong Sheng and almost fell over: "I'm going! Is this the stone of life?"

Seeing Tong Sheng, Su Tao hurriedly let the Pegasus fall to the ground, then jumped down, and smiled and took Tong Sheng's hand: "How about? Is it okay?"

Tong Sheng silently stretched out his hand and patted the horse's white mane, and laughed: "It really is your taste..."

Su Tao smiled triumphantly, but froze in the next second, because the Tianma turned into gray and disappeared.

"It doesn't look stable..." Tong Sheng gently helped her put down her stiff hands and comforted her softly.

"Where is the problem?" Su Tao scratched his head in disappointment, turned and walked back.

Looking at Su Tao's back, Tong Sheng couldn't help but nodded: "Even she is working hard, I can't slack off!"

After speaking, I was ready to turn around and return to the base to continue studying the creator's trigger.

Suddenly, there was a loud noise outside the original gate. Upon seeing this, Tong Sheng quickly grabbed the driver, turned and ran towards the gate.

At the gate, Chu Hui raised the Nebula Smoke Gun, and a shot interrupted Anderson's movements.

Anderson was beaten on the ground for a few laps and then got up, summoning the Rift Impactor, with a hint of horror in his heart: "When is this guy so strong?"

Chu Hui inserted the smoke sword into the Nebula Smoke Gun to switch to rifle mode, and at the same time removed the full engine bottle and inserted it in.

He took a step forward and pointed his gun at Anderson and laughed wildly: "I have input all your battle data, that is to say..."

He said that he pulled the trigger of the Nebula Smoke Gun, but unexpectedly, the muzzle did not emit any rays, but a signal wave that was invisible to the naked eye.

There was a sudden electric current from the driver on Anderson's waist, and he couldn't stand up because of electricity.

"Die!" Taking advantage of the fact that the other party could not get up, Chu Hui squeezed the trigger with a frantic laugh, and at the same time kept looking around.

"[Perfect Bottle Boy! BuildGenius! Great! Great!]"

At the moment when the bullet was about to hit Anderson, Tong Sheng suddenly rushed out from the side, caught the bullet, and accelerated under his feet, flashing in front of Chu Hui with colored afterimages and knocking him to the ground. .

Before he stood up, Tong Sheng grabbed his neck and punched him in the air with a backhand punch.

Then another teleportation appeared above Chu Hui and kicked him to the ground.

Chu Hui hit the ground, smashing the ground out of a big hole. He lay in the pit and laughed for unknown reasons: "The power of genius? Sure enough, there are two things..."

Speaking of it, he crawled out of the pit directly, took a light step, rushed to Tong Sheng at an extremely fast speed and punched him out.

Tong Sheng immediately backed away, opened a magic circle in front of him, reached in his hand and instantly became huge, slapped it down, and slapped Chu Hui to the ground.

"Teach you one thing!" Tong Sheng lifted Chu Hui from the ground with a huge hand, deliberately amplifying his voice, "Never try to defeat the enemy with dead data!"

After speaking, he threw Ya to the ground, and Anderson took the opportunity to rush over and chopped him to the ground with a knife.

Chu Hui couldn't hold on anymore, fell to the ground and lifted his transformation.

"I already said it!" Anderson pointed at him in a mocking tone, "Kamen Rider is immortal!"

After that, he kicked it out, and the kicking Chu Hui rolled several times on the ground.

Chu Hui gritted his teeth, grabbed the Nebula Smoke Gun and disappeared in a burst of smoke, and left the scene.

Tong Sheng and Anderson took off the transformation props to release the transformation, but Anderson lowered his voice and said to Tong Sheng: "Have you found that the guy was simply beaten?"

"Yeah!" Tong Sheng also dragged his chin, his face was full of doubts, "It seems that he is disappointed when only the two of us come out..."


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