Kamen Rider: Heisei Knights

Chapter 402: evolto's declaration of war

The two returned home, only to see Elsa sitting here waiting for him.

"Mom?" Tong Sheng walked to her curiously.

Elsa hesitated, took out a piece of white ore the size of two hands from her pocket, and handed it to Tong Sheng: "This is the boundless ore you said. When I left Tacome twenty years ago, I took it with me. A lot..."

"Boundless ore?" Tong Sheng took the fast ore from her hand and looked at it.

"Hmm!" Elsa nodded and continued, "Didn't you ask me about the bottles last night? Those were made by your father 16 years ago from the boundless ore with the highest purity of the Tacome planet, but the details are required. He didn't tell me what to do..."

Having said that, she wiped the tears that had slipped down unknowingly from the corner of her eyes.

Holding this piece of ore, Tong Sheng suddenly had an idea, and immediately stood up, put on his clothes and ran out without even saying hello.

When he returned in the evening, he already had a big sack in his hand.

"What's all this?" Su Tao, who just walked out of the training room, saw Tong Sheng's big and small things on the experimental platform at a glance.

On the table are the boundless ore from Elsa, a large pile of Gaia memory from the North District, a large number of two-cell coins, confiscated astronomy, and the Philosopher's Stone found from Di Zonian, etc. A lot of things.

There is also a sack full of white sand.

"What's the matter with this sand?" Su Tao closed the sacks and asked very puzzled.

Tong Sheng banged on these things while holding a tool, and answered without looking back: "The sand in the time canyon is used to refine glass.

"Take this refined glass?" Su Tao was jumped when he heard this. The sand in the Time Gorge was the same as the sand that appeared after the Alien God was killed. What's the difference between using a corpse?

But she didn't ask too much. The various educations from Su's mother and the sincerity in Tong Sheng made her firm one thing: Tong Sheng must be right.


A few days passed in a blink of an eye, and everyone was basically busy training these days, trying to maximize their combat effectiveness.

However, because Wan Zhi's danger level was too high, the only person who dared to fight him was Zhang Muzhi, who was more capable after transforming.

Su Tao squatted in the training room every morning to increase her level of danger, and in the afternoon she trained the abilities of the life **** stone on the grass outside.

"These children are working hard..." Tong Baisong, who had just been sober, walked down the stairs with the help of Elsa, who had been gone for a long time, and looked at their backs with relief on his face.

Except for Anderson, everyone else is just a group of underage children.

This age especially girls like Su Tao and Zhang Muzhi should have lived a free life every day.

However, these children bear the mission of protecting the future of the earth.

The next day, Tong Sheng got up from the table, holding the created creator trigger in his hand, and exclaimed excitedly: "It's done!"

After speaking, with excitement, I clicked the button above.

But unexpectedly, the trigger did not make any activation sound.

Tong Sheng was stunned, but no matter how he pressed the trigger, there was no response.

"Failed again?" Tong Sheng sat down disappointed, holding the trigger and sighed in despair.

"Tong Sheng, come out!" Just when he was about to continue his research, he suddenly heard someone calling him outside.

Tong Sheng sighed, then put the creator's trigger in his pocket and walked out.

As soon as he went out, he saw that everyone was watching something in front of the TV.

He quickly walked to the front and looked at the TV. On the TV, it was Yi Hyun who had been defeated.

"How could it be him?" Wan Zhi was very puzzled looking at the familiar figure.

Tong Sheng stared at the TV carefully, his pupils shrank suddenly, and finally found something wrong: "Look, the background is Pandorata, so this guy is..."

"Evolto!" Everyone sank and said the name in unison.

The evolto on TV spoke to the camera in front of him like the mayor of a city: “Since Tianbi has divided several cities with Wuhe City as the center into three parts: East, North, and West, there are two. Month long.

During this period, the chaos continued, which brought you a lot of inconvenience. "

"Disgusting!" Yuan Hai rolled his eyes and deliberately made a vomiting action.

evolto suddenly took a few steps back and said: "But what I want to say today is not this, but..."

As he said, his face suddenly changed, and the evol driver with the black hole trigger and the evolution bottle automatically appeared on his waist.

A burst of black light flashed, and his appearance instantly changed to the appearance of a black hole.

"What is the purpose of this guy?" Tong Sheng's heart sank, and he continued to look at the TV screen.

Evolto quickly walked towards the camera and laughed wildly at the camera: "Everyone on Earth, allow me to introduce myself. I am an extraterrestrial life form evolto, a planet hunter with the purpose of devouring the planet!"

The audience in front of the TV panicked, and the whole world began to broadcast it.

"Oh my God! The new mayor of Wuhe City turned out to be an alien?"

"Then are we going to finish it?"

"Exciting enough! Can I go to Wuhe City to see now?"

"Ohhhh~ the earth is over! I haven't had a girlfriend yet!"

Evolto waved his hand, and the camera automatically switched from the fixed camera to the drone.

He grabbed the handle of the driver and quickly turned a few times, and quickly opened a black hole over the uncollapsed building in front of Pandora Tower.

The gravitational force of the black hole instantly sucked in large and small rocks, trees, etc. below.

"How about? Everyone on earth?" evolto turned around and smiled at the camera. "Tomorrow morning I will launch an operation to destroy the earth, but I don't want to be so boring!"

He pointed to the camera and let out a weird laugh: "Kamen riders, come to the top of Pandora Tower to find me tomorrow morning. If you can knock me down on the earth, you will be saved, otherwise..."

At this point, the picture stopped abruptly...

On this day, the whole earth was boiling. Originally they thought it was just a battle around Wuhe City, but they didn't expect that the whole earth would be pushed to the forefront in an instant.

"Is tomorrow the battle that determines the future of the earth?" Tong Sheng dragged his chin, staring straight at the TV in front of him.

It was getting late, and everyone set up a barbecue in the yard.

But facing the tempting skewers in front of him, no one is in the mood to get it.

"Be happy!" Su Tao forced a far-fetched smile and handed a skewers to the nearest Tong Sheng.

"Yes, be happy! We can win!" Zhang Muzhi also stood up, took the skewers and ate.

Seeing the two of them doing this, the others couldn't help laughing, and they picked up the skewers and ate them.

"As expected of Goddess Su, this craftsmanship has nothing to say!" Yuan Hai praised with joy.

Wan Zhi pushed him away and scolded him: "Go away, go away! Don't grab me!"

"You put it down for me! It was made by Su Tao and I must try it!" Tong Sheng rushed over like a hungry tiger and snatched it from Wan Zhi.


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