Kamen Rider: Heisei Knights

Chapter 403: Bet on tomorrow's decisive battle

Amidst the laughter, Anderson quietly walked aside with a glass of very low-alcohol beer.

There are sets of warm clothes on an empty table there, and everyone’s name is written in English and Chinese characters on the clothes.

"Very good!" Yuan Hai suddenly came over with a full hiccup, and handed a glass of water over.

After a long time, he asked, "Hey, bearded man. What are you going to do after the battle?"

"Me?" Anderson held the water glass and looked at the starry sky above his head. "If I survive this time, I might go back to the United States and write our story?"

Yuan Hai smiled upon hearing the words: "I'm not the one but you want to sell clothes!"

"Come here, the farmer! Don't you dare to talk nonsense, believe it or not that I will keep you from seeing the sun tomorrow?"

Tong Sheng leaned on the chair, holding the white panel from which the bottles had been removed.

"Did you mean it?" Seeing the white Pandora inlay in his hand, Wan Zhi noticed something and hurriedly stepped forward to stop it.

Tong Sheng pushed him away, then put the whiteboard away, stood up, and said for a long time: "This is the trump card of last resort..."

Listening to Tong Sheng's words, everyone understands whether it is Wan Zhi or Su Tao and Zhang Muzhi who are clearing the table.

If they can't knock him down before evolto destroys the earth, then all they can do is use the white Pandora panels to fuse the earth of another parallel world, thus creating a new world where none of this has happened.

But they all know the price of doing so. Everyone will lose the memory of the old world. Whether it is the deep friendship they have formed or the hard-won love, it will instantly turn into nothingness.

"The new world... what should we do?"


Time came to the next day...

There are people in this world who are not afraid of death, especially a profession called a journalist. No matter how dangerous it is, catching the news is the first one.

Early in the morning, many media reporters gathered in front of Pandora Tower to take pictures of the Tower of Destruction.

A female reporter reported to the people across the country: "Dear viewers, what you see now is Pandora Tower where the extraterrestrial life form evolto announced yesterday that it will destroy the earth is located. Our reporters are shooting at high altitude..."

As soon as the female reporter's voice fell, a bullet shot from the top of the tower and hit the helicopter's propeller.

The helicopter lost power and fell like a kite with a broken line.

Immediately afterwards, countless black holes flew out from the top of Pandora Tower, flying in all directions.

For a while, black holes appeared in all major cities in countries around the world, but none of them started operating.

However, the black hole located in the capital first began to adsorb, and a large number of buildings began to be destroyed, crushed into pieces by gravity, and then sucked into the black hole.

At the moment the helicopter fell, the crowd finally panicked and ran away, only hating the parents for not giving themselves two extra legs.

In the panicked crowd, six figures slowly walked over and walked towards Pandora Tower against the crowd.

The people who were escaping were surprised to find that, except for the foreigner, these people seemed to be 17 or 18-year-old teenagers.

"These children are..." Someone looked at the six of them walking against the crowd in astonishment.

At this time, you will face the danger, either a madman or a...hero! A hero who fought to protect the future!

The crowd gradually dispersed, and a large number of mechanical defenders appeared in the square in front of Pandora Tower.

The figure standing in front of the overwhelming robot is like a lighthouse in a storm.

Tong Sheng took out the drive and said with a serious face to the people around him: "It's going to go! Everyone!"

"Yeah!" Everyone nodded together, took out the drive and put it on the waist. Zhang Muzhi stretched out her hand and summoned the eye bracelet.

Everyone took out the transformation props and pressed the start switch, and then inserted them into the slots of the drive and the bracelet at the same time.

"[GreatAllYay! Genius!]"

"[BottleBurn! Cross-ZMagma!]"

"[GreatAllYay! Fairy!]"

"[BottleKin! GreaseBlizzard!]"


As the five people turned their handles and pressed the buttons, their respective transformation devices appeared around them.



"[Perfect Bottle Boy! BuildGenius! Great! Great!]"

"[CROSS-ZMAGMA! So hot, hot, hot, hot, hot!]"

"[Perfect and strongest goddess! AgilityFairy! Really strong! Really amazing!]"

"[Extremely frozen heart! GREASEBLIZZARD! So cold, so cold!]"

"[Great righteousness late blooming! PRIMEROGUE! DoliadoliadoliadoliaDolia!]"

"[Limit the eye! Flame! Time and space! Gravity! Flowing water! Air flow! Planets! Weather! Bow! Gun! Spear! Hammer! Blade! Magnetism! Electricity! Oscillation! Big change!]"

Everyone waved forward, and the full bottle destroyer, the big sword mode matchlock DJ gun, the magma glove, the Blizzard iron fist, the rift blaster and the eye gunner appeared in their hands.

"The future of the earth is guarded by us!"

The six burst out loud, and at the same time gathered the energy of the whole body, and slammed into the ground fiercely.

A powerful attack immediately followed the ground towards the overwhelming robot.

Under the shock wave's attack, the robots were instantly exploded, and the explosion sounded all over Wuhe City.

"Very capable!" At the top of the tower, evolto was lying on the ground leisurely, watching the battle under the tower through the holographic screen in front of him.

The six straightened up, grabbed their weapons, and shouted at the same time, took a step forward, and rushed towards Pandora Tower, the decisive battle place that determines the earth's tomorrow!

Where is the future of the earth? Everything will come to the final answer from this battle!


Guteng quickly inserted four memories into the slots of the shield, then drew out the sword and slashed at the surrounding area.

At the same time, with the cooperation of Xiao Lingfeng, Chu Qin, and Bo Ming, this dopant was wiped out in an instant.

"Gu Teng, the battle in Wuhe City seems to have started!" Fang Lu's voice suddenly rang.

"I know!" Gu Teng nodded solemnly, and continued to attack the weird people who came from a distance.


"[Ptera·Tricera·Tyranno! Pu-To-Tyrannosaurus!】”

Hong Yuhao turned into a dinosaur group and drew the dinosaur axe from the ground, and greeed the clone in front of him with one axe.

At the same time, Ye Qianmo pulled away the bow and arrow in his hand and shot the greeed arrow that retreated in front of him, turning it into a pile of coins.

Hong Yuhao grabbed the scanner and quickly swept it in front of the drive, then roared, and the dinosaur's tail behind him quickly flicked to the side, knocking the two greeed lazy waists into coins.

However, Ye Qianmo did not continue to attack, but turned to look in the direction of Wuhe City, with a look of worry on his face.

"Worrying about your sister?" Hong Yuhao said suddenly.

Ye Qianmo nodded when he heard the words: "Yes... Wuhe City is in such a mess, and I don't know what's going on with her..."


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