
  The train conductor is still determined

  "you don't regret it"

  "Hehe, what are you going to do?"

  The eyes of the two of them wiped a burst of electric light in the air, and Ryotaro and the others drowned unconsciously.

  "In that case..."

  Tian Luo spoke slowly, then raised his hand again, the conductor was still sitting there unwaveringly.

  "Tianluo don't want it..."

  Ryotaro exclaimed

  But he was too late, Tian Luo's hand slammed on the table, and then... something appeared on the table again


  A few people were stunned when they saw something, it turned out to be a white suitcase

  "Whoo~ scared me to death"

  Seeing that they are not going to do it, several people breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, and then looked at the box curiously.

  "Is this your nirvana?"

  The train conductor looked at Tian Luo calmly

  "Yes, this is my nirvana"

  Tian Luo nodded.

  "Hehe, I want to see what the 243 side is in Li"

  The conductor smiled calmly, then reached for the box

  Under everyone's anticipation and apprehension, the box slowly opened...


  When they saw what was in the box, they were shocked. They didn't expect it to be this thing.

  "This, this is..."

  The train conductor's calm expression disappeared, but he looked at the contents of the box with excitement.

  "How is it? Not bad, right?"

  Tian Luo looked at the excited train conductor with a proud face

  I saw that the box was neatly filled with spoons, all kinds, colorful and shining with a charming luster.

  "It's... perfect"

  The conductor of the train was stunned for a long time, and then he said slowly.

  "Hey, every one here is carved from natural gemstones. It has gone through ninety-eighty-one processes, costing a lot of money, and finally it was made by an internationally renowned master, that is, me..."

  Tian Luo babbled a lot on the side, and a few people who listened were stunned for a while, and finally everyone's eyes turned to the conductor.

  The train conductor recovered, then calmly closed the box and turned to look at Tianluo and the others

  The few people didn't speak, they just looked at the conductor so quietly, and then the conductor finally spoke.

  "Has something happened before?"

  "Uh, no"

  Ryotaro and the others shook their heads violently

  "That's good"

  The train conductor laughed, then picked up the box and walked out towards the other door...

Chapter [-] digging people

  "Depend on"

  After being quiet for a while, Taotaros finally couldn't help but speak. Is this the end?No way?What about your manners, conductor?

  "So, the right medicine is the king."

  Tian Luo said casually, and then his hand picked up the gem on the table, just gently broke it, and the gem suddenly broke into several pieces

  "Ah~ what are you doing?"

  Ye Nai suddenly exclaimed, and she felt heartache when she saw the gems that were broken into several pieces, and he didn't even care that Tianluo broke the gems with his bare hands.

  "Uh, of course it's for you."

  Tian Luo said with a smile

  I saw that all the broken gems floated up, slowly changed in the air, and finally turned into various shapes

  "Naomi-chan, this is for you"

  A heart-shaped gemstone condensed and formed, and then flew directly towards Naomi

  "Wow! So beautiful……"

  Naomi, who took the gem, cried out happily. His gem had a smiling face carved into it, and it looked very beautiful with the aqua blue gem.

  Then there are gems of different shapes, each with something engraved in it.

  "Uh, bad?"

  Ryotaro looked at the gem in his hand speechlessly, and saw a big bad word engraved in it, this...

  "Hahaha, I have the dragon character in me"

  Rontaros seems to be calling

  "Mine is Turtle"

  Putaros is also quite satisfied with this

  "Bear? Not bad~ snoring..."

  "Hey hey hey, why is there a "2" in me, bastard, what do you mean?"

  Taotaros quit because there was a "2" inscribed in his gem

  "No, it's just a number."

  Tian Luo patiently explained

  "The devil believes you, bastard, change it back for me"

  Taota Luo rushed towards Tian Luo at the time of the stoning, and tightly restrained Tian Luo's neck.

  "No, there's no way, if you don't want it, give it back to me"

  Tian Luo slammed open Taotaros's hand and said

  "How can I give it back to you? Forget it, just 2 for 2"

  Taotaros drew it back, and then walked aside with a dejected expression.

  "Hey, 2"



  "You bastards, all of you will die for me..."

  Being laughed at by the other three, Taotaros jumped up instantly, and the scene returned to its previous appearance.

  "Oh, I almost forgot, it seems that there is still a different demon that we haven't solved yet"

  Just then, Ryotaro suddenly sat up and exclaimed.

  "Huh? Don't worry about this beforehand..."

  Several alien demon gods said indifferently

  "How can I not care? I'd better go and see first."

  Ryotaro stood up and said

  "Me too"

  Ye Nai followed closely

  "Knights are really tough jobs..."

  Looking at the two in a hurry, Tian Luo said with a smile

  "Cut, aren't you?"

  Taotaros said disdainfully

  "Of course I'm not anymore, protecting human beings is the most annoying thing"

  Tian Luo waved his hand indifferently. He was considered a pseudo-knight, wearing a knight's coat. As for the protection of human beings, leave it to Ryotaro and the others.

  "Che, you really are not a good thing, are you the boss of some evil organization?"

  Taotaros said with an evil face

  "If I were to kill you first..."

  Tianluo showed a smile that was even more evil than Taotaros

  "Want to try it?"


  The two of them were on the bar at once, their eyes met, and a burst of murderous aura burst out...

  "Okay, Tianluo beat the stinky peach to death"

  "Senior Come on"

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