Longtaros and Putaros saw the situation of the two and immediately shouted cheers

  "Get out of the way, it's none of your business..."

  Taotaros roared at the two of them angrily.

  After this roar, the murderous aura just now disappeared, and the car became calm again.

  Taotaros walked to the side and sat down with a dull face, while Tian Luo chatted with Naomi.

  Seeing that there was no fun to join, the other two also ran away and played.

  "Well, Naomi-chan, what do you think of this place?"

  Tian Luo looked at Naomi and asked

  "Here, it's okay, there are Yenna, the conductor, Ryotaro and the others, and you, Xiaotian..."

  Naomi said while packing her things, and she clearly liked it here.

  "What's good, violent women, wretched uncles, bad men, and a group of animals..."

  Tian Luo said on the side

  "Hehe, that's what makes it interesting..."

  Hearing Tianluo say that, Zhimei said with a smile.

  "Then, do you plan to change places, such as..."

  "cough cough"

  Before Tian Luo could finish speaking, he was interrupted by a coughing sound, and saw that the train conductor had already stood behind him at some point in time.

  "I'll go, are you walking silently?"

  Tian Luo was obviously taken aback, but his heart was full of humility.

  "I can pretend that I can't see what happened before, but if you dare to dig people in my hands, this is absolutely not allowed..."

  The conductor looked at Tian Luo with a serious face, his tone was beyond doubt.

  "Uncle, what are you doing when you're okay? Go back quickly, your Ah Huang urinated in your water glass again."

  Tian Luo looked at the conductor with an unhappy face and said

  "Nani? That dead dog, bah, don't talk to me, I will never agree to it..."

  Hearing Ryotaro's words, the conductor was stunned for a moment, then got a little angry, and then regained his calm and stared at Tianluo.

  "Okay, it looks like I'm going to use my nirvana again..."

  "Don't think about this, this time I will never agree, you should die of this heart..."

  Seeing Tianluo doing this again, the train conductor's expression didn't change at all. This time he was determined.

  "Hey, old man, stay on the line, see you in the future, don't be too extreme."

  Tian Luo wrapped his arms around the conductor's neck and whispered.

  "Stinky boy, don't take an inch, I've already let the water out once, and I'm still very young..."

  The conductor looked at Tian Luo calmly, and then added another sentence, it seems that he was very dissatisfied with Tian Luo calling him an old man.

  "Okay, you're ruthless..."

  Seeing the train conductor's lack of oil and salt, Tianluo despised him fiercely, and then walked towards Zhimei

  "Naomi-chan, how is it? Why don't you think about it?"

  "I feel very good. I don't know how the treatment is?"

  Looking straight at Tian Luo with a beautiful smile

  "Don't worry about this, it's definitely easier than this"

  Tian Luo quickly assured

  "Three hundred and sixty-five days off every year, paid vacations, year-end bonuses, meals and housing, self-determined wages, a gift of a warm man, and [-]-hour personal protection, how about it? Are you excited? Immediately act when you feel the heart, sigh, what are you doing, uncle, it's very dangerous to put down the knife..."

  "You give me enough time..."

  The train conductor couldn't stand it anymore, he took out a knife and slashed at Tianluo...

Chapter [-] The Three Lost Contacts

  "Ah~ Ryotaro transformed"

  Just as Tianluo and the train conductor were fighting, Longtaros suddenly opened his mouth and said.

  "Have you met the Alien Demon God?"

  The two of Tian Luo, who were still fighting, suddenly stopped moving.

  "I'm on..."

  Quintaros, who was still sleeping, woke up directly, then turned into golden light and disappeared.

  "Ah, the bear is so bad, I want to play too..."

  Long Talos looked unhappy, dissatisfied with the line-cutting behavior with Kintaros

  But before he could finish speaking, he saw a huge figure smashed over.

  The figure directly overwhelmed Longtaros and Taotaros, and the three of them fell to the ground and looked very embarrassed.

  "Hey, stinky bear, why are you back?"

  Taotaros, who fell to the ground, roared at Kintaros dejectedly.

  "I don't know what's going on?"

  Kintaros is also at a loss. He entered Ryotaro's body just now, but he was blasted out not long ago. This is not common sense?

  "Forget it, let me go"

  Putaros on the side said aloud

  Then he turned into blue light and disappeared.

  But like Kintaros again, Puta 770 Ross was blasted out as soon as he entered.

  "Hey, what the hell is going on here?"

  Taotaros looked at the two frantically, this was the first time such a strange thing had happened

  "Never mind, I'll try it too"

  Dragon Talos disappeared immediately, and then reappeared, the ending was the same as before

  "What's the matter? People can't get into Ryotaro's body?"

  Rontaros sat down dejectedly.

  "Although I don't know what's going on, Ryotaro is about to be killed, don't care..."

  Seeing the three of them couldn't do it, Taotaros roared and disappeared.

  But what happened next surprised the three demon gods, because Taotaros succeeded

  "I hate it, why can Peach be possessed?"

  Long Talos looked at the other two unhappy

  Both were silent, as if thinking about something.

  "What's supposed to come always comes..."

  The conductor looked at the three people not far away seriously

  "Yeah, it's time to grow up"

  Tian Luo also nodded.

  "What are you talking about, Xiaotian?"

  Naomi looked at Tian Luo suspiciously, obviously puzzled by what he and the conductor said.

  "Hehe, you'll know when Ryotaro comes back."

  Tian Luo shook his head, then sat down again

  ten minutes later

  Ryotaro ran in in a hurry, he felt that what happened today was really strange.

  Why can't the three of Putaros be possessed, and why only Taotaros can be possessed?

  This kind of weird thing made him unable to understand, so he came over and asked clearly

  "Simply, they're disconnected from your timeline, so..."

  Tenra looked at Ryotaro, and then pointed to Putaros and the three of them.

  "How could it be broken?"

  Ryotaro looked at Tian Luo suspiciously, he really didn't understand what this meant

  "Because...you've forgotten them..."

  "Impossible, I still remember them clearly"

  Hearing Tenra's words, Ryotaro immediately retorted.

  "No, you did forget about them"

  The train conductor suddenly said solemnly.

  "In the battle with Yawang, you only remember the memory of fighting with Taotaros, the three of them..."

  Said that the conductor stopped here because he knew that Ryotaro had understood what he meant.

  "how so……"

  Ryotaro really understood, he stood there dumbfounded and didn't know what was wrong, just staring at the four demon gods in the carriage.

  Following Ryotaro's silence, the carriage became quiet, a solemn atmosphere pervaded the carriage, and even the people who were often making trouble became silent.

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