"Asshole, don't hide if you have the ability"

  Seeing this situation, Taotaros' anger became even stronger, and he ignored everything else and rushed towards the Alien Demon God.

  "Hehe, can you be patient with that?"

  The Alien Demon God looked at Taotaros with a teasing look, and then slammed behind him, and the big knife in his hand slashed directly at his back.

  "Damn, I can't enter the state at all, and I can't change it..."

  Taotaros scolded secretly, then hid aside, thinking of the three who left, his mood became even more depressed

  "No, they've been with us all the time"

  Ryotaro's voice suddenly came, and then a mobile phone appeared in his left hand.

  "Really? Damn..."

  Taotaros stared blankly at the phone in his hand, and then roared loudly.

  I saw the sword in his hand slammed out, and the Alien Demon God who was about to rush over was directly hit by a sword and flew out.

  "Color turtle, blind bear, stinky brat, bastard, how dare you leave without authorization..."

  Taotaros roared again, and then rushed towards the Alien Demon God again, but this time it was different from before. Now Taotaros is like a beast, constantly attacking the Alien Demon God, and the Alien Demon God actually can't stop his attack

  Depressed, irritable, lost and other emotions in Taotaros's violent eruption, the powerful combat power was shown, and the alien demon was actually unable to fight back at this time.

  Just when Taotaros was about to rush over, the phone in his hand rang.


  Taotaros was stunned for a moment.

  He knocked the Alien Demon into the air, Taotaros took out his mobile phone and then connected

  "Hehe, senior is still so irritable."

  "Peach I want to play too"

  "I'm back again"

  The voices of Putaros, Rontaros, and Kintaros sounded inside.

  "Hey, how are you? And how did you get in touch..."

  Taotaros was obviously taken aback, and then he looked around suspiciously.

  "Anyway, dial first, and you'll understand later."

  The voice of Putaros came from inside again.

  "Dial? Okay"

  Taotaros looked at the button marked with three people and pressed it down. Then, in his surprised eyes, an illusory track suddenly appeared and surrounded him.

  "What, what's going on?"

  Taotaros watched this scene in horror. Before, the head of Putaros suddenly appeared in the void, and then he installed it on his body, and then Longtaros Kintaros followed closely.

  In the blink of an eye, the original King of Electricity completely changed...


  "So, memory or something is really amazing."

  In the time-space train, Tian Luo looked at the new electricity king from the window and sighed.

  "Although it makes sense, but that doesn't make you a reason to set the car on fire"

  The train conductor looked at Tian Luo with murderous eyes. This guy actually set a fire just now, and now the entire time-space train is on fire.

  "Uh, isn't this to welcome the three of them back, and this way of appearing is domineering, after all, it's the new king of electricity."

  Tian Luo waved his hand indifferently.

Chapter [-] Kai

  Inside the space train

  "Welcome back, come, this is your coffee..."

  Naomi smiled and walked to the three of them, handing over the coffee in her hand.

  "Thank you Naomi, it really feels familiar."

  Putaros drank coffee with a look of enjoyment

  "Yeah, I really thought I was going to die."

  Kintaros said with some fear.

  "Finally I can fight with Ryotaro again..."

  Long Talos said happily while playing with the bubble gun

  "Cut, it's getting crowded again..."

  Taotaros said unhappily

  "Don't be like this, senior, I remember you seemed very excited, shouting something and leaving without authorization..."

  Putaros handed the coffee to Momotaros and said with a little teasing.

  "Yeah, peach doesn't want us to leave..."

  "Please take care of me in the future..."

  Dragon Talos and Kintaros also came over

  "Cut, the ghost said that, you must have heard it wrong."

  Taotaros angrily drove the three away and then walked out without looking back.

  "Ah, so this is the end of everything."

  Tian Luo took a sip of his coffee and said with a smile.

  "No, this is just the beginning"

  The conductor on the opposite side said calmly.

  "It will be more troublesome in the future, of course, this is for Ryotaro"

  "Yeah, but it's nothing, he's already bad enough anyway."

  Tian Luo shook his head indifferently.

  Shinden King, this is Ryotaro's name for this new form, of course, it's still tasteless

  This is a form completed by Taotaros, Putaros, Kintaros, and Rontaros together, and it is a form with strong defense and attack whether it is attacking or long-range.

  Of course, there is a fatal flaw in this all-round form, that is, it is controlled by four different demon gods.

  Who are these guys in Longtaros? They are some troubled children with defects in mind and body. Letting them control a body together is more difficult than ascending to the sky.

  "Try my tick..."

  "Cry for my strength..."

  "You don't have to answer..."

  In short, in the previous battle, the first battle of Shinden King ended in a strange state, like a split personality... The final result was to release the transformation, otherwise, they could only climb from the ground back to the train

  "It's a little troublesome now..."

  Naomi looked at Ryotaro a little helplessly

  The previous one was enough for Ryotaro, and now the four are together, this...

  "I, don't worry, I will work hard..."

  Ryotaro doesn't care, he is in a good mood now, and the return of the three makes him feel like he can break through anything.

  "Uh, well, I hope you don't get caught in a mental hospital"

  Tian Luo smiled and shook his head

  "You guy..."

  Ryotaro looked at Tianluo speechlessly


  "It's so boring~"

  Sitting on a seat in the park, Tian Luo lazily sighed

  Because everything was settled, Tianluo didn't stay there too long, and left after talking to Ryotaro and the others.

  But when Luo came out that day, he didn't know what to do.

  Come back home?

  The house seemed to be too deserted, Wakana and the others hadn't come back, and Airi didn't have much interest, so what was the point of interest?

  I walked while thinking about it, but I didn't expect to come to the park.

  "Otherwise, let's go there..."

  Tian Luo's eyes suddenly lit up, and then he looked at the sky. At a very high place, light clusters emerged from an invisible hole and floated in the sky so quietly. Occasionally one or two fell towards the bottom. It's where the alien demons come

  I did what I said, and I saw Tian Luo's body directly turned into a ball of light, which looked similar to the Alien Demon God, and then flew towards the sky, and finally disappeared directly into it...


  in an unknown time

  "Haha, did you fail again? What a bunch of trash..."

  On a tall building, a young brain said with a smile

  The short hair on the head looks very ordinary, but there is a trace of grimness in his smile, and there is a crazy look in his eyes.

  "This is also something that can't be helped. After all, there are traitors among us..."

  I saw a heavy voice coming from behind the man, and a lion-like demon god came forward.

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