"Traitor, hehe, it really makes people angry, don't you think I look very angry?"

  The young man smiled and looked to the side of the lion demon god


  Alien God simply answered

  "You bastards, hurry up and act for me, and completely destroy this world for me..."

  The young man suddenly shouted, and the light spots in the sky left quickly, it seemed that they were all afraid of the man in front of them.

  "Ara, to be able to say such a middle school, it seems that you are the boss..."

  At this moment, a lazy voice suddenly came from behind the young man. It was not loud, but the lion demon god was startled because he didn't feel anyone approaching him at all.

  "Oh, who are you?"

  The young man did not show a surprised look, but looked stiffly at the guy who suddenly appeared

  "Me? I'm Tianluo. I'm so boring, so I came here to see..."

  Tian Luo said easily, he also looked at the young man, who looked very ordinary, but he had a lot of power on his body, and it should be more troublesome to deal with.

  "Tianluo? Are you the guy who likes to show up suddenly and disrupt the situation?"

  young man enlightened

  "I'm Kai. I know your business very well, and I hate it too. Why can't you just wait for me to destroy it?"

  Kai said helplessly, as if destroying a world is as easy as playing a game

  "1.7 amount, how do you say..."

  Tian Luo thought with some distress, how should he answer this guy?Is it because it's fun?No, this is too casual, let's say it's in order to protect world peace.

  "Hehe, you don't have to answer, because I will leave you here today..."

  Before Tian Luo could speak, Kai, who was beside him, had already said it.

  As soon as he finished speaking, he saw countless light groups falling in the sky, and then directly turned into different demon gods.

  "Hey, let me finish anyway."

  Tian Luo, who had reacted, said with dissatisfaction, but that was the end, because those Alien Demon Gods had already rushed towards Tian Luo like crazy.

  "Okay, I'm just here to play"

  Tian Luo waved his hand, then rushed towards the Alien Demon God...  

Chapter [-] Shouldn't he die?

  "Hey, what did that guy just say?"

  On the top floor, Kai stared blankly at the scenery below.

  At this moment, the place has returned to calm again, and the fallen Alien Demon God and Tian Luo have disappeared, as if nothing has happened.

  "He said that he had a good time and that he will come to see you when he has a chance."

  The lion demon god behind him said solemnly

  "That's it, it's really arrogant, killing so many of my people..."

  Kai nodded, then turned his head to look at the lion demon god

  "Am I hot?"


  Still very serious, the Lion Demon God answered honestly, and did not feel that such a question was boring at all.

  "Ah... It's such a disgusting feeling, I always feel like I've forgotten a lot of things, you know?"

  Kai stretched and then stood on the fence on the roof. The scene below made people shudder.

  "Kill Sakurai Yuto and destroy the world..."

  "Yeah, kill Sakurai Yuto, that guy is a variable, now add that guy..."

  Kai 16 nodded, and then fell down violently. Falling from this height will definitely shatter his bones.

  However, the Lion Demon God obviously already knew it, and he jumped violently, and Kai, who fell down, was dragged up by him again.

  "Hahaha, go ahead, kill them for me..."

  Kai, who was pulled back, laughed wildly at the top.

  Accompanied by his laughter, the light spots above poured into the cave with all their strength...


  It was already night when Luo came home that day, and there was nothing to do, so when he came back, he fell asleep and didn't get up until noon the next day.

  "Oh, I'm really not used to sleeping alone."

  Tian Luo stretched, looked at the empty room and sighed, then got up to wash

  Although Tian Luo is no longer human at all, some human habits are still maintained.

  After preparing everything, Tianluo walked out of the house. Tianluo's favorite thing now is to find something to do, whether it's good or bad, boring or not, as long as he touches it, he has to step in. for example……

  "Hey, that white rabbit over there"

  Tianluo encountered interesting things not long after he went out

  I saw a Rabbit-shaped Alien Demon God standing on a bridge, and below him was a man hanging, who was still screaming in horror.

  "Huh? Did you call me?"

  Rabbit Alien Demon God turned his head suspiciously

  "Yes, it's you, what are you doing?"

  Tian Luo nodded and walked over to ask

  "I'm making his wish come true"

  Although he was puzzled, the Alien Demon God replied.

  "No, I just want to fly into the sky, not hang here"

  The man below shouted in horror when he heard it.

  "Shut up, as long as you cut the rope short, won't you fly?"

  The alien demon roared at the man below

  "Uh, it's really a unique ability to understand, are you all like this?"

  Tian Luo silently looked at the Rabbit Alien Demon God

  "Of course that's the case... Bah, who the hell is this guy? You look familiar. Are we familiar with each other?"

  Rabbit Alien Demon God just reacted, who is the guy in front of him?

  "Uh, I am..."

  Just when Tian Luo was about to answer, two figures suddenly ran over from a distance, it turned out to be Yudou and Tianjin Si.

  "Bastard, stop quickly..."

  Yuto shouted to the demon god while running

  "Oh, is it a mess?"

  The Alien Demon God was stunned for a moment, and then I saw its hand wave, and a semi-circular light blade flew out of his hand and hit Yudou directly.

  "Be careful……"

  Tianjin Si saw that and quickly blocked the attack

  "Hey, die for me..."

  The Alien Demon God saw that Tianjin Si blocked his attack and rushed over immediately.

  Tianjin Si in the form of the Alien Demon God could not stop the attack of the Alien Demon God at all, and he was defeated in a few moments.

  "Hey, what are you doing there, come and help?"

  Seeing that Tianjin Si was dying, Yu Dou looked at Tian Luo anxiously

  "I want to play more"

  Tian Luo waved his hand helplessly, then transformed and walked up. He knew that Yudou should not be able to transform again. If he changed again, it would consume his sense of existence.

  Tian Luo doesn't know what it's like to be forgotten, but he knows it won't feel good


  Tian Luo walked behind the Rabbit Alien Demon God, grabbed his neck directly, and then slammed it to the ground.

  A loud bang came, and a big hole was smashed out in an instant.

  "Hoo~ I'm saved...Thank you Tianluojun"

  Tianjin Si, who got rid of the attack of the alien demon, suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and then thanked Tianluo.

  "It's alright, but Fat Four, you should also exercise, it's too weak..."

  Tian Luo waved his hand and said

  "I, I know, if it wasn't for me being too weak, Yuto wouldn't either..."

  Hearing Tian Luo's words, Tianjin Si lowered his head in shame.

  "Don't stop yourself, it's not your fault at all..."

  Hearing Tianjin Si's words, Yudou immediately yelled at him.

  "But I..."

  "You have given me enough, bastard, you dare to attack me..."

  Tianjin Sigang wanted to explain, but the alien demon god on the ground suddenly jumped up

  "You really are also an enemy, die for me..."

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