The Alien Demon God rushed towards Tianluo as soon as he got up, and he hated Tianluo's sneak attack.


  Another loud noise, Tian Luo's hand directly grabbed the head of the Alien Demon God, and all of a sudden he slammed him to the ground, only to see the head of the Alien Demon God directly embedded in it.


  The Alien Demon God who was plunged into the ground struggled hard, but it was obviously in vain, Tian Luo's hand did not let go

  "Really, the feelings that people finally brewed in 327 were destroyed by you, you continue, don't pay attention to him..."

  Tian Luo held the Alien Demon God and said to Yudou and Tianjin Si.

  "Well, no need..."

  Tianjin Sihe Yudou was speechless for a while, and they suddenly sympathized with this alien demon.

  "OK then"

  Tian Luo nodded, then smashed his arm with a punch, and saw that the belly of the demon god was directly penetrated by Tian Luo and turned into a ball of sand

  "So cruel..."

  The two broke into a cold sweat, Tian Luo is so cruel, they have never done this before.

  "Yudou, Tianjin Si, Tianluo, are you all alright..."

  At this moment, Ryotaro's voice suddenly came, and I saw him running from a distance out of breath.

  "It's okay, it's resolved"

  Tianjin Four pointed to the sand on the ground and said

  "Whoo~ that's fine"

  Ryotaro also breathed a sigh of relief. He knew about Yuto's situation, but he was relieved to see Tianluo here.

  "By the way, what about the contractor?"

  Ryotaro looked around suspiciously


  The three were stunned

  By the way, I seem to have forgotten about this just now...


  At this moment, the sound of falling into the water came, and the three hurried over to see that the original rope on the bridge had been broken. As for the contractor...

  "Uh, shouldn't he die?"

  Tian Luo stared blankly at the three of them.

Chapter [-] arrears

  The contractor fell into the water, but fortunately he did not die

  After a few people's help, the unlucky guy was finally rescued, but he was obviously frightened.

  After the matter was settled, Yudou and Tianjin Si said goodbye and left, and Tianluo had nothing to do, so he and Ryotaro planned to go to the coffee shop

  "Tianluo, are you busy every day?"

  Ryotaro looked at Tianluo suspiciously, because every time he saw Tianluo, he looked like he was doing nothing. Seriously, Tianluo's life was exactly what Ryotaro envied.

  "I used to be idle, now I'm even more idle, and I'm still lonely"

  Tian Luo said with a slightly vicissitudes of life

  "Uh, lonely? Where's your wife?"

  Ryotaro was even more puzzled when he heard Tianluo's words. In his eyes, Tianluo has two beautiful wives. What is there to be lonely?

  "Hey, I'm back at my mother's house. Now I can only spend every day with my left and right hands..."

  Tian Luo sighed helplessly

  "Well, there's no need for this, it's just a few days?"

  Ryotaro was in a cold sweat, how hungry is this guy?

  "Cut, you won't understand"

  Tenra glanced at Ryotaro disdainfully.

  Well, Ryotaro was hit. He really doesn't understand Tianluo's mood for a single dog like him.

  After walking like this, the two finally came to the coffee house

  But as soon as they came in, the two were stunned.

  "This, what's going on?"

  Ryotaro stared blankly at the situation in the room.

  I saw a few men in suits appearing in the house, and they were holding stickers like things in their hands.

  Airi just stood there quietly, while the nympho duo on the side looked at them with gnashing teeth.

  "Xiao Liang, you are back, and Tian Luo Jun is also here..."

  Seeing the two come in, Airi greeted with a smile.

  "Sister, what's going on? Who are they?"

  Ryotaro asked suspiciously

  "It seems that Miss Airi has become a debt guarantor under some circumstances. They are here to ask for debts..."

  Hearing Ryotaro's question, Ozaki said aloud.

  "Debt? How come?"

  Ryotaro was stunned, because he had no idea when his sister did this.

  "Yeah, I suspect they made it up"

  Ozaki said in a low voice

  "Cough, it's not good to speak ill of others, we have an IOU here."

  A man in a suit suddenly said

  "So, how much is it in total?"

  Seeing the IOU, Ryotaro asked in a low voice

  "Ten million"

  Another man in a suit said, and his words instantly blocked the nympho duo who were planning to pay the bill.

  "Ten million? Uh~"

  Ryotaro's blood suddenly surged, and he rolled his eyes and planned to faint.

  The two of Ozaki immediately supported Ryotaro, and they were relieved until they helped him to the seat.

  "Ten million~"

  Ryotaro's face turned bitter. He didn't expect that they, who were originally from a well-off family, would become heavily in debt in the blink of an eye. How long would it take to pay it off...

  "It's okay Xiaoliang..."

  Airi still had a smile on her face, she didn't panic at all, Tian Luo nodded secretly, she was really a neurotic woman

  "Well, do you want to help? I seem to be able to..."

  Tenra smiled and looked at Ryotaro and Airi

  Tianluo has no idea about money now. Of course, he has no money either. He has some 12 years of money, and it is estimated that he will not be able to spend it in 07.

  But he has gems. Wouldn't it be enough to sell a few pieces? He did this before.

  "This, let's not use it first, I'll think of a way first."

  Airi thought about it for a while and then shook her head. After all, [-] million is not a small amount, so it is hard to say whether she can pay it back.

  "All right"

  Hearing Airi's answer, Tianluo nodded, there's nothing to be embarrassed about, at most they'll get rid of these people.

  "Don't take this..."

  Just then, Ryotaro suddenly shouted

  I saw a man in a suit was about to put a label on the binoculars on the shelf, and Ryotaro hurried up and snatched the binoculars.

  "Asshole, hurry up and hand it over"

  The man in the suit roared when he saw that Ryotaro dared to grab something.

  "Do not"

  Ryotaro said a word, and then ran out directly holding the telescope.


  Two men in suits also chased out

  "Xiao Liang..."

  Airi let out a worried cry, then followed her closely.

  "Uh, forget it, I'll go too..."

  Looking at the people who were chasing after him, he was the only one left in the house, Tian Luo helplessly shook his head and walked out...


  When Tian Luo arrived, he saw Ryotaro standing there dumbfounded, while two men in suits were standing aside. A middle-aged man beside them looked at Airi who had just come out with a smile on his face.

  The middle-aged man dismissed the two men in suits, and then slowly walked towards Airi

  "Miss Airi, it's been a long time."

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