Ryotaro said softly

  "I don't know, I can't check"

  Ye Nai shook her head

  "It's an uncertain future, and no one knows what will happen in it, but sooner or later, it will connect with the present..."

  The conductor of the train suddenly spoke, and then looked at Ye Nai with no deep meaning.  …

Chapter two hundred and seventeen meet again

  Because of Ye Nai's change, the car became lively. Tian Luo proposed to hold a party to celebrate Ye Nai's shrinking. Of course, Xiao Ye Nai was firmly opposed to it.

  But who are the people in the carriage?

  Momotaros actually resisted all of Yenai's attacks and vowed to hold a celebration. In Momotaros' words, "to embarrass the booger girl, it's worth dying."

  The final result was that the party was successfully held, and Taotaros was beaten to death...

  "A bunch of bastards..."

  Xiao Ye Nai held a barbecued pork rice and looked at a group of guys who were gloating at misfortune, especially Tian Luo and Taotaros.

  "Ara, it's actually not bad, Xiao Ye Nai is so cute..."

  Naomi looked at Xiao Ye Nai happily, with a smile on her face like a flower

  "Hmph, even Naomi, you betrayed, have you been with that bastard for a long time?"

  Xiao Ye Nai gave Naomi a white look

  "No way, I'm just a flight attendant, the customer is God, not to mention the conductor agrees..."

  Naomi said with a face of 17 grievances, and passed the responsibility to the conductor by the way

  The conductor who was having a big meal froze immediately, please, I'm just grabbing a meal, okay? This time, it's a treat for Tianluo.

  "Hmph, it's disrespectful to the old man"

  Xiao Ye Nai gave the conductor another glance, and then ate the char siu angrily.

  All in all, except for Xiao Ye Nai, everyone else had a good time, especially when Tian Luo took out a box of [-]-proof liquor, a few people poured it violently.

  Facts have proved that even a demon god can be drunk

  Especially seeing the four demon gods hugging each other with tears on their faces, shouting "We are good brothers" at the same time, the picture is too beautiful, I can't bear to look directly at it

  Tian Luo believed that when they woke up, they would definitely want to commit suicide in disgust.

  "Well, what should I do with this?"

  Ryotaro stared blankly at the four brothers who were crying. This was the first time he had seen such a scene. It was incredible. It turned out that the four of them were so close.

  "What else can we do? Let them cry, or the conductor has a good wine, look..."

  Tian Luo pointed to the train conductor who was sleeping on his back.

  Maybe he was suffocated here, and when he finally got a chance, the old man started drinking without hesitation, but the end result was that he was drunk. Fortunately, he didn't shout "We are brothers" with the four idiots. , otherwise it would be interesting...

  "I'll take the train conductor back first, you guys talk first..."

  Ryotaro said something to a few people, and then helped the conductor to walk into another door. Before leaving, Tianluo heard the conductor muttering.

  "Master bastard, next time I will definitely win..."

  "Well, I misread him, the surface and the heart are really different."

  Tian Luo said silently


  There was a sound of a key press, and Tian Luo looked at the sound, only to see Xiao Ye Nai holding a camera, facing the Taotaros and the others with a smirk.

  "This is?"

  Tian Luo looked at Xiao Ye Nai suspiciously

  "Hmph, I'll show them tomorrow and tell them to laugh at me."

  Xiao Ye Nai smiled smugly, like a little fox

  Tianluo was ashamed after hearing this, the woman is indeed a vengeful creature, and at the same time, a minute's silence was observed for the four of them.

  "It's you, why are you okay? You also drank a lot of alcohol."

  Xiao Ye Nai looked at Tian Luo suspiciously

  "Cough, you have to know that there are many ways to not get drunk. We have many records in China, such as... Six Meridians Divine Sword"

  Tian Luo coughed and said, and then Xiao Ye Nai and Naomi saw that Tian Luo's fingertips were slowly dripping water droplets, Naomi went up to smell it, and then he knew that it turned out to be alcohol

  "Little Tian, ​​you're so cunning to actually make a bomb."

  Naomi looked at Tian Luo in disbelief and said

  He finally knew.Tianluo actually excreted all the alcohol, it would be a ghost if he was drunk.

  "Huh, liar"

  Xiao Ye Nai looked at Tian Luo unhappily. He didn't expect Tian Luo to be so cunning. Several Taotaros were fooled by him.

  "How can this be cunning, in fact, they do too, but they didn't expect it"

  Tian Luo defended himself

  Tianluo uses magic very skillfully. This is indeed a good thing. It can easily do many things.

  What Tian Luo likes most is to get some small things upside down, especially things that are suitable for life. It is a piece of cake to force alcohol.

  However, Taotaros and the others don't know that their power is mainly used in combat, and nothing else is used at all, so they are tragic...

  "It's a pity, people still want to see Xiaotian like that."

  Naomi suddenly sighed and said

  "Nani? Naomi-chan, are you disappointed that I'm not drunk?"

  Tian Luo stared blankly at Zhi Mei, then suddenly thought of something

  "Could it be that you want to treat me when I'm drunk..."


  Zhimei gave Tianluo a white look, and then walked into the bar.

  "Hey, in fact, I have no opinion, you can do whatever you want"


  Xiao Ye Nai looked at Tian Luo and scolded secretly, and then continued his shooting career.

  The time passed in a strange atmosphere. Before the four of them were awake, Tian Luo planned to leave, greeted a few people, and then walked out of the train.


  That day, Luo walked out of the time gap and came to the city.

  There were very few people on the street at this time, the sky was a little gloomy, a little drizzle fell from the sky, and a cool feeling came

  "It's raining?"

  Tian Luo looked at the sky curiously, and the raindrops hit him, and after a while, his body was soaked.

  Tian Luo didn't stop him, just stood there quietly and felt the cold breath.

  "Hahaha, we meet again..."

  A burst of wild laughter came, and a serious man suddenly appeared in front of Tianluo.


  Tian Luo smiled when he saw the figure.

  I saw that Kai, like Tian Luo, was standing in the rain with nothing on, his body was all wet, and his hair that was standing up was lying down.

  "You're full, too, come out to get in the rain?"

  Tian Luo said with a smile

  "Hehe, I just don't want to drag it on. I want to end this boring game soon..."

  Kai shook his head and said, a cold light appeared in his eyes, and he looked straight at Tian Luo.

  "So, you're not going to deal with me first, are you?"

  Tian Luo looked at Kai and said with a smile.

  "Of course not, I just came over to say hello, I don't seem to be sure about dealing with you..."

  Kai shook his head and said

  "Oh, that's Ryotaro or Yuto..."

  Tian Luo smiled and looked at Kai

  "It can be said that, but I still think you should not interfere in this matter, otherwise I will have a headache..."

  Kai also rubbed his head with a headache.


  "You, agree?"

  Kai was stunned. He didn't expect Tianluo to agree, and it went more smoothly than he expected.

  "Why don't you agree? You have to play anyway. It's better to let you play bigger. If I kill you too early, I will be very boring..."

  Tian Luo shrugged indifferently.

Chapter [-] The old nest was bombed

  Two days passed in the blink of an eye, and Tian Luo didn't take Kai's words to heart. The villain, it's normal to say a few harsh words, anyway, it's going to hang in the end

  However, what surprised Tian Luo was that nothing seemed to happen in the past two days. The guy Kai seemed to have disappeared, and he didn't know where he died.

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