The days are still spent like this, Ryotaro and the others have nothing to do, and Tianluo has almost forgotten about this matter, until...


  The quiet and peaceful atmosphere at noon was interrupted by a violent roar. Tian Luo woke up from his dream and looked around in confusion. Then, he was stunned.

  "What's the matter? What about the walls? What about the roof?"

  Tian Luo looked around in a daze, the original house had completely disappeared, and what was left was a piece of rubble. Thick smoke was rising, and something should have burned.

  boom, boom, boom

  Just as Tianluo was stunned, there were several loud noises, and a few buildings not far from Tianluo became fragmented in the violent explosion, and then collapsed violently.

  It was so sudden that everyone had no time to react, and they didn't even have a chance to escape, so they were drowned in waste.

  After that, explosions sounded one after another, and the whole city was wrapped in a terrifying atmosphere. The originally clean and tidy city turned into a hell of others in just a few minutes.

  "Your uncle, can you still sleep well? It's easy for people to build a house because of the demolition at noon..."

  Tian Luo was wearing a pair of big pants, and cursed with black lines all over his face.

  However, no one paid any attention to him, the explosion continued, there was no source at all, the houses collapsed, and a figure disappeared directly.

  Seeing this situation, Tianluo understood what was going on at noon. It must have been some alien demon who destroyed it in the past.

  "Damn, don't let Lao Tzu catch you, or else..."

  Tianluo cursed secretly, his eyes shot with killing intent, and then the whole person disappeared...


  Inside the space train

  "Quick, it's already started..."

  "Long Tai worked hard, I'll see you today..."

  "Come on, you must succeed"

  "Okay okay, I know..."

  There was a lot of noise in the car at this time. The three of Taotaros walked around anxiously, while Longtaros was painting something, and Ye Nai and Naomi watched seriously.

  The moment Luo appeared that day, several people were instantly taken aback, especially the bright red pants

  "Hey, do you still have the habit of streaking, you bastard?"

  Taotaros was the first to recover and shouted to Tianluo

  "Streaking your uncle, Lao Tzu's old nest has been demolished, damn..."

  Tian Luo said with an unhappy face.

  "The old nest was demolished?"

  Several people were stunned for a while, and then turned around at the same time.

  "Bastard, what are your expressions, don't think I can't see that you are gloating..."

  Tian Luo angrily shouted at several people

  "Take me somewhere, this time I must take care of those bastards..."

  "Don't worry, let's leave it to Ryotaro this time, this is also an opportunity for him"

  Putaros calmed down first, then walked to Tianluo and comforted him.

  "Chance? What chance?"

  "Since that mysterious orbit appeared, our time and Ryotaro's have changed, and there has been some inconsistency when possessing"

  Putaros said helplessly.

  "So this time we will let Ryotaro come by himself and use our power without possessing himself..."

  "So you came up with this thing?"

  Tianluo walked to Longtaros and looked at the drawing

  A great sword, a great sword with four heads loaded

  "Yes, in this way, Ryotaro can use our power without hesitation.

  Putaros nodded, then looked at the others

  "Senior, come on first, we'll join you when you're kicked out. Now hurry up and complete the installation."

  "Okay, it's going to be up, it's going to be up..."

  Taotaros roared, then turned into a red glow and disappeared.

  As soon as Taotaros disappeared, the other people got busy too. All kinds of things began to be put into the carriage, and then began to be assembled. Tianluo and the others were left to the side.

  "So, who came up with the idea, it's very good"

  Tian Luo walked to Naomi's side and nodded.

  "It was Xiaopu who came up with it, as well as the conductor and Long Tai, and they also contributed..."

  Naomi said happily

  "So, you must be shouting cheers from the side."

  Tian Luo ruthlessly told the truth

  "I hate it, it counts as effort."

  Straight white glanced at Tian Luo, obviously he had a lot of opinions on Tian Luo's words.

  "It's okay to chat, but can you put on your clothes, you bastard..."

  The untimely voice sounded, Xiao Ye Nai looked at Tian Luo in disgust

  "Cut, what does a little brat who doesn't even grow his hair know?"

  Tian Luo gave Xiao Ye Nai a disdainful look, and then quickly took out a piece of clothing and put it on when she was about to run away.

  At this moment, Taotaros fell directly from above and hit the ground directly.

  "Hey, are you alright, just wait for Ryotaro..."

  Standing up from the ground, Taotaros asked several people

  "It's coming, it's almost the last..."

  Although Putaros was talking, the movements of his hands did not stop. After a few minutes, a huge, simple, old-fashioned, and in short, not very good instrument appeared in the carriage.

  "Making wool, what is this?"

  Tian Luo silently looked at the four people who sat in.

  The instrument is divided, there are exactly four seats, and four people can sit back to back.

  "Whatever he is, that's it, are you ready?"

  Peach Talos yelled loudly

  "Ok, everything is done..."

  "Let them see how good I am..."

  "It feels so interesting..."

  "Okay, then start now, go..."

  Taotaros roared again, and then the four disappeared at the same time...

Chapter [-] New Form

  The train started with a bang and moved at a very fast speed

  Due to the sudden actions of Momotaros and the others, Ryotaro didn't respond in a hurry at all. Of course, when he came back to his senses, he saw that the train had already rushed over, and he hit him impartially.


  Ryotaro exclaimed, and then closed his eyes in fright. Although he had transformed, he couldn't stand the collision of the time-space train.

  "It's over, it's over, it's over..."

  Just when Ryotaro was in despair, the time-space train had already crashed over.

  Ryotaro only felt that his heart was about to jump out, but the next scene shocked him

  I saw that the time-space train actually passed through him, yes, it passed through, like an illusory general

  Ryotaro changed inside, his body changed into colorful outer armor, and an antenna grew on his head

  "Yeah, it worked..."

  In the train, the four Momotaros watched excitedly at the transformed Ryotaro

  Ryotaro now has real power. Even without them, he wouldn't have been beaten so miserably. What's more, they can also help Ryotaro in another form.

  "Ryotaro, I'm going to..."

  Peach Talos shouted


  "it is good"

  Ryotaro nodded heavily, then took the big sword floating in the air and rushed towards the two different demon gods

  "Although it has become stronger, why does it still feel weak?"

  Tian Luo looked at the four suspiciously

  Ryotaro has indeed become stronger, from the previous beating to the current level, it has indeed changed a lot

  However, Tianluo was speechless when he saw Ryotaro fighting. It was a life-and-death struggle and he had the upper hand. Why is this guy's aura still so weak?

  "We also tried our best. After all, Ryotaro hasn't fought much, and suddenly letting him fight really embarrassed him."

  Putaros said helplessly.

  "Why don't you make a big move directly?"

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