"Yes, and there are still a lot of people."

  A few people wandered around in surprise. Maybe the people here are very unusual, and they were not surprised by the arrival of a few people.

  "You guys just take a look here, I'm going to see an old friend"

  The conductor walked to the side of the crowd and said solemnly, then walked towards a gate

  "Hey, I feel like he's different today, he has a faint murderous aura."

  Taotaros said in a low voice

  "I feel it too, it should be an enemy."

  Putaros nodded

  "I think it should be a love rival"

  Tian Luo said casually

  "Oh, I see……"

  Several people suddenly realized

  The conductor who had just walked a short distance staggered, and then left with a black line on his face.

  "Then I went over there first, I didn't expect it to be really big, I knew I had snatched this over..."

  Tian Luo muttered to himself as he walked.

  "This guy doesn't really do that, does he?"

  Taotaros looked at Tian Luo in the distance in shock

  "Uh, probably not"

  Putaros is also in a cold sweat

  "Want to watch, or we'll be implicated too"

  Kintaros said hesitantly.

  "Just do it"

  The three nodded at the same time, then carefully followed Tian Luo

  They are different from Tianluo. If something happens, they will be kicked out of the car. This kind of thing can't happen.

  As a result, the three people who originally came to visit suddenly became tailgating, while Tianluo didn't care and still went sightseeing on his own.

  However, things are not always as simple as they imagined. Just when Tianluo and the others were hanging out, something happened on the other side.

  Yuto's Zero Reina suddenly activated, and he himself was still below, but the figure that suddenly appeared from inside made him stunned.


  Rontaros was obviously a little flustered when he saw Yudou coming, and then pushed Yudou away and ran into the distance.

  At this moment, Zero Reiner suddenly started and swerved into another lane, and in front of him was Dean Reiner.

  "not good"

  Yuto scolded secretly, only to see Zero-style Lena directly rushed towards Dian Lena, and then was directly pushed out...


  There is also a problem with Tianluo.

  Several ugly demon gods suddenly appeared there, blocking his way

  And Taotaros and the others are the same, a few different demon gods surrounded them

  "Hey, what the hell is going on? Why are these guys here?"

  Taotaros looked at the alien demon in front of him in surprise

  "The devil knows"

  Putaros is also confused

  "It's not here that the trouble is now, look at that"

  Kintaros suddenly pointed to the distance

  I saw that Dean Lena was being pushed around by the Zero Lena, and there was no trajectory at all.

  "No, Naomi is still up there, Tianluo, hurry up and save Naomi"

  Putaros suddenly turned pale in shock, Naomi seemed to have been sorting fruit in the train, thinking of this, Putaros shouted to Tianluo on the other side.

  "Ok, leave it to me"

  Tian Luo waved his hands to the three of them, then looked at the Alien Demon God in front of him.

  "Didn't you bastards hear it? Don't let me go away yet"

  "Hmph, so arrogant, give it to me"

  Hearing Tian Luo's words, one of the Alien Demon Gods roared angrily.

  "Damn, aliens are more handsome than you"

  Tian Luo cursed secretly, and then saw a chill suddenly emanating from Tian Luo's body

  The alien demon gods who rushed up only felt their bodies cold, and then they were horrified to discover that their bodies had begun to freeze, and the expression of fear had not disappeared, and several alien demon gods had all turned into ice sculptures, just standing there motionless.

  click, click...

  There was a sound of glass shattering, and I saw the ice sculptures slowly shatter, and several different demon gods disappeared.

  "I went first"

  Tian Luo said to the three of them, and then saw that its body suddenly disappeared, and when it reappeared, it was almost at the train.

  "I'll go, this guy is still so simple and rude"

  Seeing that Tianluo solved so many different demon gods so easily, Taotaros said in shock.

  "Still as strong"

  Putaros said reluctantly

  "I can't be underestimated, I'll go first"

  Seeing that Tian Luo was so fast, Kintaros was unwilling to be left behind, and he rushed over with an axe.

  "And us, we can't let that guy underestimate it"

  Taotaros looked at each other, and then rushed up...


  At this time, Tian Luo had already rushed to the side of Dean Lena, and then his body turned into golden light and got into the car.

  Tian Luo, who entered the carriage, slowly returned to his original state, and then he saw that the inside was messy and unrecognizable. The tables and chairs were upside down, the ground was full of fruits and vegetables, and Naomi was lying on the ground quietly. What made Tian Luo amused was, Naomi's face is covered with a big cake

  "Is it tasty?"

  "It's okay, eh? Xiaotian, you're here..."

  Hearing Tian Luo's words, Zhi Mei responded, then froze for a moment, looking at Tian Luo with a face of surprise.

  "Looks like nothing's wrong"

  Tian Luo helped Naomi up and said with a smile

  "How can it be okay, it hurts so much when people are dropped, what the hell is going on?"

  After listening to Naomi, she covered her butt and complained, it seems that she has suffered a lot before.

Chapter [-] Twins?illegitimate child?still……


  Just as Tian Luo was about to say something, he saw the train vibrate violently, and then the carriage reversed violently, and the two flew directly from below to the roof.

  "Damn, it's really troublesome"

  Tian Luo whispered something, then hugged Naomi tightly into his arms

  "Hold tight"


  Naomi nodded obediently, and then hugged Tian Luo. At this time, the two seemed to match well. Of course, they were also a little weird.


  Tian Luo kicked the ceiling with one foot, and then saw that the ancient plate was cracked, and Tian Luo directly kicked the thick iron plate out of a big hole.

  Immediately afterwards, Tianluo drilled straight out with Zhimei and came to the roof of the car.

  At this time, the train just came out of the sand, and Tianluo took this opportunity to jump up and fly directly to a height of tens of meters.

  "Okay, leave the rest to others."

  Standing in the void, Tian Luo looked at the space-time train running towards the distance and said

  "Wow, so high, so high, we actually flew up"

  Didn't hear Tian Luo's words, Naomi's attention was focused on this instead

  "Don't you fly around a lot? What's so strange about that?"

  Tianluo smiled and looked at Naomi in his arms. At this moment, he looked very excited, and the cakes on his face looked very cute.

  "No way, people used to be in the train, and I've never experienced it myself. It's really fun..."

  Naomi said happily, then looked down at the novelty

  "Okay, you're really crazy."

  Tianluo sighed helplessly, if ordinary girls would have been so frightened that they would have closed their eyes long ago, would Naomi feel amused?

  With Naomi, Tianluo slowly returned to the original road, and returned to the terminal after a while.

  At this time, the matter that Taotaros and the three had already solved, Ye Nai also came from elsewhere. After seeing Naomi in Tianluo's arms, several people breathed a sigh of relief.

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