Then I saw his hand waved, and a strong pressure suddenly appeared, the surrounding space seemed to be distorted, and the Alien Demon God who rushed up was unable to move by this force for a moment, and all fell to the ground in embarrassment. struggle

  "Bastard, a bunch of trash..."

  Kai looked at Tian Luo angrily, although he already knew the result, but seeing his subordinates being dealt with so easily, Kai was still extremely angry.

  "Okay, since they've all settled, you're the only one left..."

  Tian Luo laughed, then slowly walked towards Kai

  "Don't be too complacent, we will meet again, at another time..."


  What else could Kai say, but Tian Luo's fist had already penetrated his body

  Kai widened his eyes and stared at Tian Luo angrily. Then, under Tian Luo's gaze, he slowly turned into sand...

  "Now he really doesn't even recognize his mother..."

  Tian Luo looked at the sand on the ground and said with a smile

  "How? Did you kill him?"

  Yuto also came over at this time, he fought with the lion demon god, but the demon god suddenly fled, and he had no choice but to give up when he lost his goal.

  "Not dead, this guy exists in many time and space..."

  Tian Luo shook his head

  "Nani? Isn't that the same as me?"

  Hearing Tenra's words, Yuto couldn't help but think about his own situation. It seems that Sakurai exists at every point in time.

  "Almost, it also consumes memory, but that guy consumes his own memory. If he can't link to his own time and space, that guy will self-destruct..."

  Tian Luo shrugged and continued.

  "So, is he unable to connect because of my presence?"

  Yuto said thoughtfully.

  "Who knows"

  Tian Luo waved his hand, and then walked towards the time-space train with a boring face.


  Inside the space train

  At this time, it was quiet in the car, and everyone was silent.

  Long Talos sat in the corner without speaking, just lowered his head in a daze

  "Dragon Talos"

  Ryotaro looked at the depressed Ryotaros and let out a soft cry


  Hearing Ryotaro's voice, Rontaros said softly.

  "Nani, Tai Long actually apologized?"

  Putaros looked at Longtaros with a shocked expression. This was the first time he saw him softly after knowing him for so long.

  "Going through setbacks will always grow"

  Tian Luo said while drinking Zhimei and chatting

  "Yes, yes, Long Tai has also grown up..."

  Naomi nodded in agreement.


  After listening to Taotaros, he cut out angrily. He is still in a bad mood now that his anger has not subsided.

  "Anyway, things have come to an end for the time being, and the next step is to deal with that guy..."

  Tian Luo ignored the sullen Taotaros and smiled at the people in the carriage

  "No matter who he is, no matter how powerful he is, if he wants to hurt the people around me, I will not let it go..."

  Hearing Tian Luo's words, Ryotaro's eyes suddenly became cold and his face was very gloomy. This was the first time I saw him show such an expression.

  "Yes, the momentum is very strong, continue to maintain..."

  A smile appeared on the corner of Tianluo's mouth, and he nodded at Ryotaro.

  "Little Tian, ​​aren't you going to help?"

  Naomi was lying on the bar and looked at Tian Luo and asked.

  "It's okay to help, but after all, it's about Ryotaro and the others, and it's better for him to solve it himself. I'll help when necessary..."

  Tian Luo also lay on the bar and thought about it and said

  "That's it"

  Naomi nodded, and then looked at Tian Luo quietly, until Tian Luo felt a little embarrassed...

  "What's the matter? Do I have flowers on my face?"

  Tian Luo asked with some doubts

  "No, I just feel that Xiao Tiantian is so powerful. No matter what kind of enemy 413 is, you can easily defeat them. They are much more powerful than Taozi..."

  Naomi stuck out her tongue and said happily

  "Hey, Naomi, you don't have to bring us even if you want to praise him."

  Putaros said a little depressedly, he admitted that Tianluo is indeed better than them, but he can't say it directly.

  "Hahaha, it's actually not that powerful, it's just a little bit more powerful than them..."

  Ignoring Putaros' complaints, Tian Luo said modestly, but his expression was clearly very modest.

  "Bastard, what's so good about it..."

  Taotaros glared at Tian Luo viciously, this guy is really worthy of beating

  Ignoring Taotaros' unwillingness, Tianluo walked out of the train happily.

  He was still in a good mood today, he had a great time playing, and a hero came to save the beauty. Naomi-chan's favorability increased, and of course, Taotaros' favorability also increased, but it went down. long

  With a happy mood, Tian Luo came to the door of the house

  Familiar door, familiar living room, familiar furniture, and familiar... Wakana

  Wait, Wakana?

  "Wife, why are you back?"

  Tian Luo stared blankly at the girl in the living room, still so beautiful, she also looked at Tian Luo quietly

  There was also a ping ping pong sound in the kitchen, and then two heads were exposed.

  Dance, and Nana...

Chapter [-] Future Self

  "What? Don't you want us back?"

  Wakana looked at Tian Luo amusingly

  "Uh, how is it possible, I think you guys are going crazy..."

  Tian Luo came back to his senses and quickly defended.

  "Do you know how boring I am after you leave? I face the empty house every day, no one chats, no one cooks for me, and I can't have sex..."

  The more Tianluo spoke, the more excited he became, and he told about his sad life in a eloquent manner, but the more he talked later, the more wrong he was, and the three of them listened to black lines.

  "Bastard, we finally came back, can we not spoil the atmosphere..."

  Wu directly burst into the chest and said angrily, Tian Luo's head was swollen with a big lump, and in the end he could only shut up angrily.

  "Cut, it's still the same, rascal..."

  Nana looked at Tian Luo disdainfully

  "Smelly girl, I haven't seen itchy skin for a few days, right?"

  Hearing Nana's words, Tianluo glared at him fiercely, this girl still hasn't changed, she really needs to take care of it

  Nana turned her head in disdain again, and then walked to the sofa beside her.

  Seeing her like this, Tian Luo had no choice but to give up

  Went to Wu's side, hugged him gently, and finally kissed him on the cheek

  "Welcome home"

  Tian Luo looked at Wu and said softly, this time he is very gentle, like a lover who just got together


  Wu also nodded lightly, no longer the violent look before.

  Gently pulling Saiwu's hand, Tianluo pulled him to the sofa and sat down. Wakana was on the other side of Tianluo, and Tianluo's other hand hugged Wakana and put the two girls in his arms.

  Familiar feeling came to my mind, the previous three often did this

  In this way, they hugged each other quietly, no one spoke again, and the warm atmosphere filled the whole space.

  Nana watched this scene quietly, her heart was very confused, and she wanted to go there, but she couldn't, because she was just an alien demon

  With a helpless sigh, Nana turned her head aside.

  "Where have you been these days? What happened?"

  Tian Luo broke the silence and asked the two of them

  "I, I went back to Fengdu..."

  Wakana said softly

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