Tian Luo tasted the cheese on the table and nodded in praise

  "It's good, but it's too eye-catching"

  Wu also nodded, but said dissatisfiedly looking at the strange eyes from others.

  This cafe is always dark and quiet. Tian Luo also wears big sunglasses, which of course attracts the attention of others.

  "Hey, you guys are too embarrassed to say, it's not going to be made out by you..."

  Tian Luo said angrily

  "It's not you, pervert..."

  Ruo Cai glared at Tian Luo fiercely

  "I am really wronged, I have never seen one of them, I am really wronged..."

  Tian Luo sighed helplessly

  "What about Naomi?"

  Wu suddenly smiled and looked at Tian Luo with a happy face.


  Tian Luo was speechless.

  "Look, this guy is a pervert, and there will definitely be another one by then."

  Wu is definitely looking at Tian Luo

  "Husband, remember to promise us, or else..."

  Wakana laughed too, but when he saw the spoon in his hand, Tian Luo broke out in cold sweat.

  After being beaten up by the two women, Tian Luo was forced to sign countless unequal treaties.

  In short, although the two women's anger has subsided, Tianluo's life will not be so comfortable in the future, at least he will do the laundry and cooking.

  "Oh, it's so sad..."

  Tian Luo sighed again, but then he was attracted by the scene in the distance

  "This is?"

  Tian Luo stared blankly at the place a hundred meters away

  There is a big river there, and the streets along the river are normal for people to come and go

  However, Tianluo discovered a scene, and saw that people in the crowd kept turning into rays of light and disappearing, but the people around didn't seem to notice.

  "Alien Demon God?"

  Tianluo knew that it was the Alien Demon God who made a mess in the past, and the people in the past will die and the future will not exist, so no one will find out at all, because everything about them has been erased.

  "Husband, what should I do?"

  Ruo Cai and the others also found an abnormality, and they all looked at Tian Luo

  "Don't worry about it for now, someone will take care of it"

  Tian Luo said casually, as long as Ryotaro and the others pass this kind of thing, the time when the Demon God was defeated will naturally return to normal.

  "It's almost over here, are you ready to go again?"

  Tian Luo suddenly said

  "Ah? It's over?"

  The two women looked at Tian Luo suspiciously

  "Husband, when are we leaving?"

  dance asked

  Although they didn't know where Tianluo was going, the two women nodded.

  "Uh, it's Christmas soon, let's go after that..."

  Tian Luo thought about it and said, Kai is going to take action in the next few days, let's go after killing him.

  "Okay, let's buy more things to take away today..."

  The two women nodded, then both stood up

  Tian Luo swiftly ran to the checkout, and under a group of weird and slightly jealous eyes in the room, Tian Luo took the hands of the two women and walked out.


  Time passed in peace, and in a blink of an eye it was approaching Christmas

  Food, fruits, flowers, streamers, Christmas trees…

  Tian Luo's home is very luxuriously dressed

  "Husband, hurry up and hang this up..."

  Wu's hand held a large string of small lanterns and shouted to Tianluo


  Hearing the cry, Tian Luo put down his work and hurried over.

  "Husband, hurry up and serve the dishes"

  Wakana's shout followed

  "I'm coming……"

  Tianluo, who had just done it, hurried to the kitchen again

  "Tianluo, I can't move the table, hurry up and help"

  Nana's voice suddenly came, and there was a ping-pong sound in the kitchen.

  "Nana, give me enough time, the demon god can't move a table? What are you kidding?"

  Tian Luo angrily walked out of the kitchen and looked at Nana angrily.

  "Didn't you say it's all over to you?"

  Nana looked at Tian Luo innocently

  "I... think you are cruel..."

  Tian Luo looked at Nana speechlessly, and finally had no choice but to move the table

  The unequal treaty stipulates that the physical work at home is handled by Tianluo, so...

  "Roar, roar, roar..."

  "Fuck off, don't think I don't know you're laughing..."

  Seeing the little dragon flying over his head, Tian Luo slapped it. This little guy was not honest. Although he couldn't see it, Tian Luo clearly felt that he was smiling.


  Xiaolong, who was swept away, was obviously very dissatisfied, but he couldn't beat Tianluo, so he could only run over and play with Nana in the end.

  "Oh, it's not good to have too many people. As the only man in the family, I'm so great..."

  Tian Luo comforted himself, and then started a hard life again...

Chapter [-] Love Letter

  Christmas is a beautiful day, but Ryotaro and the others are not happy

  Sister's safety, Kai's raid is urging Ryotaro all the time

  But the problem is obviously more than that. Recently, Taotaros and the others have not been doing well, and they are also in danger of disappearing.

  One thing, the pressed Ryotaro can't breathe

  "It's really bad..."

  Naomi looked at everyone worriedly

  "Don't worry, we have nothing to do~"

  Long Talos said indifferently

  "Yeah, not once or twice anyway...-"

  Putaros also shrugged helplessly.

  "This is our choice..."

  Quintaros twisted his neck, then picked up the barbell to continue exercising

  "I just need to play well, as for the rest, I don't care..."

  Taotaros was still savage and rude, slapped the table with a big hand and shouted loudly

  "Hey, Alien Demon God is really miserable, so is my Nana. In the past few days, I have been here like my aunt, and her personality is super bad, it's really a headache..."

  Tian Luo sat aside and sighed

  "Women, there are always so many days, even if it is a different demon... wait, when did you come here..."

  Putaros said something along the way, but he was stunned all of a sudden, the four demon gods jumped to the side, and then looked at Tian Luo who suddenly appeared in shock.

  "Uh, is it necessary? Isn't it just two or three days away?"

  Tianluo silently looked at the four people who were scared, please, you are an Alien Demon God, right? Is this necessary?

  "Asshole, a sudden appearance will scare people to death"

  Taotaros roared at Tianluo


  Tian Luo looked at the four with disdain

  "Cough, in fact, I discovered it long ago, but it was just to liven up the atmosphere..."

  Putaros regained his composure and sat down.

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