"I found it too"

  Kintaros also nodded.

  "Have fun, only peach idiots are scared..."

  Longtaros danced and looked at Taotaros, his tone full of mockery

  "So, you are the only idiot, and Naomi-chan found me."

  Tian Luo looked at Taotaros with disdain, and then walked to Naomi's side.

  "You, you bastards..."

  Taotaros was stunned and looked at the three people who were giggling angrily.

  "Senior, accept the reality..."

  "The brain really needs to be changed..."

  "Stupid Peaches..."

  What greeted Taotaros was the mockery of the three, and Taotaros broke out completely

  "You bastards, die for me..."

  The inside of the carriage was chaotic all of a sudden, a mass of meat rolled around on the ground, and the two Tian Luo applauded for a while.

  "Haha, as always, spirited..."

  Tian Luo happily watched this scene

  "Yeah, but..."

  Naomi smiled too, but there was still some worry in her eyes.

  "Don't worry, things will pass, I promise"

  Tian Luo looked at Zhi Mei seriously

  "Well, it will be alright"

  Seeing Tian Luo's gaze, Naomi's heart was also put down. The two smiled at each other and continued to watch the farce in the carriage.

  In this way, the time will soon approach the afternoon, and Tian Luo also intends to leave, but before leaving, Tian Luo handed Naomi an envelope

  "this is?"

  Naomi looked at Tian Luo suspiciously

  "It's a love letter"

  Tian Luo smiled and looked at Zhimei

  "Nani?" x4

  The four Alien Demon Gods were shocked and ran over at the same time.

  "Love letter? It seems very interesting, I accept it..."

  Naomi nodded without hesitation, and then said happily.

  "Hey, hey, Naomi, you're too direct, you have to think clearly, this guy is a bastard..."

  Taotaros hurriedly persuaded them. They all knew that Tianluo had a wife, and there were still two of them.

  "Yeah, yeah, he's more attentive than me, Naomi, think about it..."

  Putaros looked at Tian Luo unhappily. There were not many girls in the carriage. Xiao Ye Nai didn't feel embarrassed to start. He didn't expect the only Naomi to be taken care of by this guy.

  "I don't agree either"

  Kintaros succinctly expressed his dissatisfaction

  "That's right, he's a badass, and Naomi can't follow him."

  Longtaros looked at Tian Luo badly

  "Hey, hey, your reaction is too big. I sacrificed a lot to get this opportunity."

  Tian Luo looked at a few people with dissatisfaction

  He really sacrificed a lot. In Ruona's words, things will happen sooner or later anyway, so let's go with the flow. However, before it happens, we must teach Tianluo a good lesson, so that he can have a long memory.

  Although Tianluo is very miserable, but Taotaros and the others don't know, so in the hearts of a few people, Tianluo's scum nature is even worse

  "Bastard, two boats, no, three boats said they sacrificed a lot, why don't you die..."

  Taotaros looked at Tian Luo unkindly

  "Oh, you don't understand"

  Tian Luo sighed helplessly, then looked at Naomi

  "I remember watching it when I'm alone, don't let some people know, or I'll have a headache."


  Naomi nodded, then put the letter in her pocket with a happy smile on her face

  "Asshole, what do you mean, who are some people?"

  Taotaros stepped forward and looked at Tian Luo angrily.

  "Uh, what do you say?"

  Tian Luo looked at Taotaros speechlessly, and then pointed to his back.

  I saw the three behind him hiding far away, all looking at Taotaros with sympathy.

  "What is your expression, do you think you are talking about me?"

  Seeing the eyes of the three, Taotaros was very dissatisfied

  "Idiot" x3

  "Haha, with you, I always have a sense of superiority in terms of IQ"

  Tian Luo laughed, and then put it next to Zhi Mei's ear

  "Remember not to let the old man know, you know, the old man's brain is not normal, it will be very troublesome..."

  Speaking of which, Tian Luo pointed to his head.


  Naomi nodded happily

  "Then I'll go first, be sure to watch it"

  Tian Luo said with a smile, and then happily got out of the car under the vicious eyes of several people and the cursing of Taotaros...


  "Hehe, it really went well, is it that the charm of Laozi has risen?"

  Tianluo walked happily on the street, admiring the surrounding scenery

  To be honest, he never thought that Naomi would agree, and he didn't hesitate, which made Tian Luo doubt his own charm.

  "Sure enough, I am the most handsome in the universe"

  Tian Luo couldn't help but smile proudly

  When the mood looks good, everything is beautiful, especially seeing an alien demon in front of him who is attacking humans, Tian Luo feels that even the alien demon is a lot more pleasing to the eye.

  "Oh, let's go say hello"

  Tian Luo still smiled, and then walked towards the Alien Demon God.

Chapter [-] The benevolent Tianluo

  "Hehehe, I don't want these hands, do I, I cut them for you"

  Not far from Tianluo, an ugly-looking alien god looked at the shivering man in front of him. He slowly raised a big knife in his hand, and it seemed that he was about to start.

  "No, no, that's not what I meant at all..."

  The man shouted in horror. At this time, his heart was cold. He didn't expect this monster to chop off his hands.

  "Hehe, I'm here to help you, do you want pain or no pain?"

  The Alien Demon God looked at the man happily, and finally said two choices


  The man shivered and was speechless, but in the end he chose

  "I, I don't want to hurt..."

  "It doesn't hurt?"

  Hearing the man's words, Alien Demon God paused for a while, and then suddenly burst into laughter.

  "Hahaha, how can there be no pain, idiot, hahaha..."

  "You, you lied to me..."

  The man looked at Alien Demon God in disbelief. At this moment, he was completely desperate. He suddenly thought that this guy is a monster, and he will not keep his promises at all.

  "Hahaha, I like to see you being deceived the most, I'm so happy, so I'm going to do it..."

  After the Alien Demon God finished speaking, the big knife in his hand slammed down.


  The man screamed and closed his eyes in despair.

  One second, two seconds, three seconds...

  Time passed slowly, but the pain did not come, the man slowly opened his eyes

  What caught my eye was a large knife. The blade was anxious to have only a few centimeters left in his arm, but it stopped because one hand was holding the blade.


  The Alien Demon God also looked at this scene in surprise. The man who appeared suddenly caught his attack with his bare hands.

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