"Hehe, it seems very interesting, do you want me to join?"

  Tian Luo easily lifted the big knife and looked at the two with a smile.

  "Yes, I'm saved, that's great..."

  The man finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then fainted very rudely.

  "Who are you guy?"

  Ignoring the fainted man, Alien Demon God looked at Tian Luo vigilantly

  "I am a good man"

  Tian Luo is still smiling, the sun is falling on him, he looks like a big boy who is harmless to humans and animals

  "Bastard, hurry up, or I'll kill you..."

  Alien Demon God didn't listen to Tian Luo's words, the big knife in his hand was raised and pointed at Tian Luo

  "Okay, I'm actually Bumpman from the m78 nebula. I came to Earth to chase after the giant monster in the universe. I happened to meet you, so, you know..."

  Tian Luo shrugged and said

  "Uncle you, do you think I haven't seen Ultraman?"

  Alien Demon God roared at Tian Luo

  "Uh, have you seen it?"

  Tian Luo looked at the Alien Demon God suspiciously

  "Of course... Bah, it's none of your business, answer honestly, who are you?"

  "Ara, don't care about those details, because I'm happy today, so I don't want to see blood, it's that simple."

  Tian Luo waved his hand at Alien Demon God

  "So, it's the enemy."

  The Alien Demon God looked at Tian Luo with even more unkind eyes, and the big sword in his hand was already pressing towards Tian Luo.

  "Hehe, do you want to do it?"

  The corners of Tian Luo's mouth were slightly raised, and then he took out the magic ring, which has been useless for a long time, and now he is a little rusty


  As Tianluo's voice fell, a golden magic circle appeared, and then Tianluo was wrapped in the magic circle, the light dissipated, and Tianluo's magician form appeared again

  "You, you are the Demon King..."

  At this time, the Alien Demon God finally knew Tian Luo's identity. Although he had never seen Tian Luo, Tian Luo's reputation had already spread. I don't know how many of the same kind died in the hands of this man in front of him, and Tian Luo once said casually. The nickname is also firmly remembered by them

  "Hehe, it seems that my brother's reputation has already been beaten, what? Do you still have to do it?"

  Tian Luo hooked his hands at the Alien Demon God

  "Asshole, what about the Demon King, I'm not that rubbish"

  Seeing that he was underestimated by Tian Luo, the Alien Demon God roared and slashed directly at Tian Luo.


  The sound of the impact came, and Tian Luo's hand came into contact with the big sword again. Just like before, Tian Luo still firmly grasped the blade.

  "Heavenly Secret Skill... Take a White Blade with One Hand"

  Tian Luo said to the somewhat dumbfounded Alien Demon God.

  "Actually, you are just as weak as those trash."

  "No, it's impossible, bastard, I don't believe it..."

  The Alien Demon God was a little scared, but the ruthlessness in his heart made him a little crazy.

  "Hehe, beasts are beasts, you should accept the reality."

  Tian Luo didn't dodge, just stood there, all the attacks hit him.

  The sound of the explosion came, the flames burned, and the smoke and dust blown by the strong wind were everywhere.

  "Hoo~dead, are you dead?"

  Seeing his masterpiece, Alien Demon God also breathed a sigh of relief.

  But before he could relax, he saw that the raging fire was still flowing, and their goal was internal


  Alien Demon God looked at this scene in surprise

  "So, your attack is not enough to give me a meal."

  Tianluo's voice suddenly came out of the flame, and then all the flames melted into Tianluo's body, and finally disappeared.

  "You, what kind of monster are you..."

  The alien demon took a few steps back in horror.

  "Monster? No, I'm a knight, albeit a fake..."

  Tian Luo waved his hand indifferently, not at all ashamed of the fake knight

  "Since you made a move, are you ready to be destroyed?"

  Tian Luo walked towards the Alien Demon God step by step. It looked normal, but the Alien Demon God felt a strong pressure attacking him.

  "No, don't come here, you, don't you want to see blood? What if we don't fight?"

  Obviously, even the Alien Demon God has softened, and at this moment he has begun to back off.

  "This can't be done. You have already shot at me. Wouldn't it be shameful to let you go?"

  Tian Luo shook his head, and then a long knife suddenly appeared in his hand.

  "I'm very kind, do you choose pain or no pain?"

  Tian Luo gestured with the long knife and suddenly said

  "Brother, can we not play?"

  At this time, the Alien Demon God has already collapsed. Tianluo is obviously learning from him, and the ending must be the same. He really wants to slap himself with a big mouth.

  "No, you have to choose"

  Tian Luo fiercely pointed at the Alien Demon God

  "I, I choose not to hurt"

  At this moment, the demon god has closed his eyes, the scene is so familiar, he can't live by his own sin...

  "ok, listen to you"

  Tian Luo nodded, and then swung the big knife in his hand violently.

  One second, two seconds, three seconds...

  Time passed bit by bit, but the demon god did not feel pain

  He slowly opened his eyes and saw that Tian Luo's figure had gone away, but he had nothing to do

  "I'm fine? I'm actually fine? Hahaha..."

  The Alien Demon God looked at himself in surprise and then burst out laughing.

  Asshole, don't think I'll be grateful to you, I won't let you go

  After regaining his senses, he fiercely looked at Tian Luo's back, and finally ran in the opposite direction.

  However, as he ran, his body was blown by the wind, and it gradually turned into sand. Even he himself didn't know it. Just like this, when a breeze blew, his body completely disappeared.

  "Oh, I am indeed the most merciful"

  Tian Luo turned his head to look at the sand on the ground, and then walked towards the distance...  

Chapter [-] Usurping the throne

  "Husband, husband, you see that the alien demon gods in the sky are falling..."

  Early in the morning, Tian Luo was woken up by Wu who got up early, and was forced to be pulled out of the house by Wu, and then he saw a strange scene.

  The little golden light kept rushing down, scattered all over the place, and the buildings disappeared for no reason.

  "Fuck, come again?"

  Tian Luo suddenly woke up and watched this scene speechlessly.

  "I always feel that the world is so dangerous..."

  Wakana also sighed helplessly.

  "It doesn't matter, I'll go to Dian Lena first, be careful..."

  Tian Luo said to the two women, then put on his clothes and left...


  Dean Lane

  "Hey, what's going on?"

  Tianluo came in and saw that everyone was there, but the atmosphere was a little dignified

  "Tianluo, this time is a little troublesome"

  Ryotaro looked at Tenra seriously

  "Kai's target is my sister, he has already sent someone to go there, and he also gave us the ticket, I think this should be a conspiracy..."

  "Nonsense, it must be the 15th conspiracy, only a fool would do this, that guy's target may be the current Sister Airi..."

  Tian Luo waved his hand in disdain.

  "Yudou is right there, it should be alright."

  Ryotaro said hesitantly.

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