
  With a muffled groan, Tian Luo directly pressed Kai's head, and then smashed it to the ground.

  "It's useless, why don't you make unnecessary struggles, isn't it good to wait for death with peace of mind?"

  Tian Luo's hand didn't let go, no matter how hard Kai struggled, he couldn't get rid of Tian Luo's power

  "Nirvana, final version..."

  Just when Tianluo was holding Kai, the roar of Taotaros suddenly came, and he saw him holding a short sword and slashing towards the final demon god.

  The bursts of electric light were looming, and the fiery red energy covered the body of the sword. When the short sword was swung, it directly passed through the body of the Alien Demon God.


  There was a sound of objects shattering, and the armor of the demon god shattered. With the movement of Taotaros's sword, the whole body of the demon god suddenly exploded.

  "Yes, did you succeed?"

  Looking at the disappearing Alien Demon God Yuto suddenly collapsed, the amount of battle this time is really too big, and now he is very tired

  "Yeah, it worked..."

  Looking at everything in front of him, Ryotaro said softly.

  "You bastards, don't be too happy, I must..."


  "Okay, I know you're not coming back"

  Tian Luo helplessly spread out his hands and looked at Kai, who had been crushed by himself in the toilet.

  Kai is dead, completely gone

  With his disappearance, all the remaining alien gods disappeared, and the surrounding buildings slowly changed back to their original state, but Taotaros and the others were also gone...

  "Well, should I tell them the truth?"

  Seeing Ryotaro kneeling on the ground sad and helpless, Tian Luo suddenly couldn't bear to disturb him. Forget it, let him be sad for a while.

  "Husband, are you all right?"

  Wakana and Mai also came over, but Nana was not by their side.

  "It's almost time to leave..."

  Tian Luo waved his hand, and then walked straight to the pit not far away.

  I saw Momotaros in the dirt pit secretly watching Ryotaro

  "Hey, hey, what are you doing here, leave quickly or you'll be exposed..."

  Taotaros said in a low voice, then lowered his head a little bit.

  "Uh, forget about it, but why are you following Nana..."

  Tian Luo ignored the second gangsters and looked at Nana who was with them speechlessly.

  "They're all hidden, I'm sorry I'm alone"

  Nana said, and then looked at Tian Luo a little depressed.

  "Also, can you give me some feedback? I just walked over indifferently like this. I have no sense of accomplishment..."

  "I know all about it, okay? Forget it, let's continue playing..."

  Tian Luo shrugged helplessly, and then walked back to the two girls.

  But after Tianluo's trouble, they couldn't play anymore, because Ryotaro had noticed this.

  From separation to reunion, Ryotaro suddenly rose from hell to heaven, and several people hugged each other fiercely and laughed

  "Ok, it's all done, the last thing to do next, hehe..."

  Tian Luo looked at the city that had returned to normal and laughed, and then left the place with the three...


  The matter finally came to a successful conclusion, Kai also disappeared, a few Alien Demon Gods will no longer worry about disappearing, everything seems very beautiful

  However, Ryotaro's mood is a little down, the matter is over, then Den-O is useless, it's time to return the things

  Looking at the familiar monthly pass in his hand, Ryotaro was suddenly very reluctant. After all, he has experienced so many things, from rejection at the beginning to acceptance, he has experienced too many incredible things

  "Thank you"

  Ryotaro put the monthly pass in front of the conductor and bowed

  "Since there's nothing else to do, you can resume the life of an ordinary person..."

  The conductor smiled and looked at Ryotaro

  "I see"

  Ryotaro nodded.

  There was silence in the carriage, and under everyone's reluctant eyes, Ryotaro slowly walked down...


  On the calm street, Ryotaro was riding his bicycle slowly, but he still hadn't recovered from his loss.

  However, a whistle sound brought him back to his senses, and then he saw the Zero Lena flying through the sky.

  "Yudou, Tianjin Four"

  Ryotaro looked at the two people in the car happily

  "Ryotaro, bye bye"

  Yuto waved at Ryotaro

  "Thank you for taking care of me during this time"

  Tianjin Si bowed to Ryotaro


  Ryotaro waved goodbye as he watched Type Zero Reina that was getting farther and farther.

  Then came two voices

  I saw Dean Reiner and the train of gods suddenly appear from the sky on both sides

  "Ryotaro, bye bye"

  The Putaros and the others waved at Ryotaro


  Ryotaro also waved his hand happily.

  Although we are separated now, he believes that we will meet again sooner or later, in the near future

  "Hehe, bad brother, we have to go too..."

  Tenra now looks at Ryotaro with a smile

  "Really? It's a smooth journey."

  Although Tian Luo's name made him speechless, Ryotaro waved his hand happily.

  "By the way, Naomi-chan, I accepted..."

  The style of painting suddenly changed, and I saw Naomi suddenly appeared next to Tian Luo, and then Tian Luo said happily

  "Nani? When?"

  Several people in the carriage were in chaos, and even the conductor couldn't calm down.

  "Ara, in fact, they were kidnapped..."

  Naomi looked at them with a smile

  “Not at all like it”

  Several people shouted


  Tian Luo smiled, and then the train of God was directly displayed and disappeared.

  "Bastard, stop for me..."

  "Hurry up and chase..."

  "Little Naomi doesn't want us anymore..."

  "Got to kill that guy"

  "Stinky boy, who dares to dig my people and chase after him..."

  Following the command of the conductor, the time-space train suddenly accelerated and disappeared into time and space...


The [-]st chapter comes... bumped into someone?

  Tian Luo was very depressed, really depressed, especially when his throat was locked by Wakana, his hands were held by Naomi, his legs were tied by Mai, and Nana was sitting on top of him.

  "Naomi is holding down, don't let this guy move"

  Wu looked at Tian Luo with a gloomy face

  "Hey, let's see what else you can do"

  Wakana looked at Tianluo with a wicked smile

  The other two girls also laughed together

  "Hey, hey, what about you?"

  Tianluo watched this scene with tears in his eyes. At this moment, he was still holding a second tube in his hand. Yes, it was the second tube.

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