Since there were so many people, Luo was afraid that they would be bored, so he brought back a pair of mahjong. The result was obvious, several people liked it very much.

  But what Tianluo didn't expect was that the brands of the girls were really bad, and they used this method in order not to let themselves be fooled.

  "I hate it, why is it that you win every time, it must be you who play the trick?"

  Naomi looked at Tian Luo unhappily

  "That's right, don't try to win this time"

  Dance nodded in agreement

  "Hey, don't move, if you dare to move, let Nana step on a few feet"

  Wakana said threateningly

  "Don't think that you can cover up the truth, and... Nana, aren't you a referee? What about your work ethic?"

  Tianluo complained gloomily, the most depressing thing for Tianluo was why Naomi joined them, and they were so congenial, shouldn't you both hate each other?There is also Nana, who has clearly stated before that it is fair and just, and will never use power for personal gain, but in the end...

  "Never believe a woman's oath, otherwise you will be miserable..."

  Nana rolled her eyes at Tianluo, and then slammed Tianluo's stomach hard.


  Tian Luo, who was hit so hard, almost spat out a mouthful of old blood. He felt that Nana's blow directly shattered his gallstones.

  "Cough cough, you are ruthless, I admit defeat..."

  The imprisoned Tian Luo can only admit defeat and surrender. It can't be done, he can't beat, he can't scold, it's really tiring to be a man...

  "Cut, it's over if you say no..."

  Wakana let go of her hand when she heard it

  "Hmph, even if you don't admit defeat, you can't win, but I'm very good..."

  Wu glanced at Tian Luo with disdain, and then pointed to the cards on the table.

  "Well, when you secretly changed cards, I didn't see it at all..."

  Tian Luo looked at Wu speechlessly, the girl's face became thicker and thicker, and then Tian Luo turned his head to Naomi

  "That, Tian Tian, ​​people are actually forced..."

  After Naomi let go of her hand, she began to distance herself from the relationship. She looked at Tian Luo with big watery eyes, looking very aggrieved.

  "Well, I believe in you"

  Tian Luo smiled and nodded, his eyes full of sincerity and emotion.

  But when he noticed the scissor hand behind Naomi, he was in a bad mood. Sure enough, women are all liars.

  "Don't look at me, I did it on purpose..."

  Seeing Tian Luo look over, Nana said domineeringly, then put her hands on her hips and looked at Tian Luo provocatively.

  "Don't be too arrogant, believe it or not, I'll take care of you hard"

  Tian Luo walked to Nana's side and said viciously

  "Really? What can you do?"

  Nana said indifferently

  "Don't be complacent, there will be a way to turn you into a human sooner or later, when that time comes, hehehe..."

  Tian Luo suddenly revealed a very wretched laugh


  Nana glanced at Tian Luo with disdain, then walked away with a twist, angrily Tian Luo gritted her teeth.

  "Stinky girl, don't be too complacent, even if you can't become a human, I will be able to pierce steel sooner or later, and then, hehehe..."

  Thinking of this, Tian Luo smiled proudly again

  "Don't laugh, you are so rude..."

  Ruo Cai gave Tian Luo a blank look, and then cleaned up everything on the table.

  "Hey, we're almost there too. After that, I'll take you out to have fun and buy whatever you want..."

  Tian Luo sat aside and said to the girls.

  "Okay, okay, I want to buy a doll, the big one..."

  Naomi was the first to agree. He seldom went out for shopping before. Since Tianluo took her with her, of course she had to have a good time.

  "I want to buy clothes, I didn't bring the previous ones"

  Dance also nodded and said

  "Ok, I don't know if there is a nurse's uniform, it would be better if there is a police officer..."

  Tian Luo said thoughtfully


  A shudder, Tian Luo fell to the ground


  Wu blew her small fist, and then looked at Tian Luo disdainfully.

  "Hee hee, I have to buy some cosmetics. Recently, my skin feels a little dry. If I don't take care of it, I will definitely be disgusted..."

  Wakana touched her cheek and said in annoyance.

  "How come, my family Wakana is the most beautiful"

  Tian Luo quickly stood up to show his loyalty

  Sure enough, Wakana laughed even happier when she heard Tianluo's praise.

  After the three women finished speaking, they all looked at Nana, and now she is the only one who has not said anything.

  "I, I want to buy a bag to pack my shield and scepter. I heard that there is a good lv one"

  Nana thought for a long time and suddenly said

  "Uh, are you sure you said lv and not sack?"

  Tianluo looked at Nana speechlessly, saying that she could take these back, why should she keep holding them, and she still wanted to pack them in LV bags


  Another dull crashing sound came, but this time it was not Tianluo, but the outside

  I saw the train swayed slightly, then slowly stopped.

  "What's the matter? Is it already here?"

  Tian Luo scratched his head suspiciously, then a few people looked at each other and followed Tian Luo down

  The place where the train stops is relatively secluded, and there are no people around, so the expected riots did not occur

  Some quaint houses not far away told a few people that this place should have been many years ago. After all, such old-fashioned houses are rare.

  "Well, it feels good"

  Tian Luo looked around and nodded in satisfaction.

  "Xiaolong, what happened just now? It seems like you bumped into something?"

  Wakana walked to the front row and said


  Xiaolong roared, and then gestured with his big head facing the back.

  Tian Luo also noticed, 1.9 I saw not far from them, a figure fell to the ground and didn't wake up

  "this is?"

  Tian Luo walked over

  Then he found out that it was a man

  This man was wearing a leather jacket, very burly, with long hair, and his appearance was okay, but the fortress-like pattern behind him made Tian Luo very familiar.

  "Hey, hey, you can't do this, right?"

  Tian Luo looked at the unconscious man, then turned to look at Xiaolong


  "You mean, when you were about to land, this second force suddenly rushed over to stop you, and then you bumped him in annoyance, and finally he simply fainted?"

  Tian Luo looked at Xiaolong speechlessly, and then looked at the man who passed out with sympathy.

  "Well, do I want to destroy the body before the police come?". …

Chapter [-] Beauty, do we know...

  "It's really good luck that I didn't get hit and killed."

  Wu came over, put her finger next to the man's nose, and breathed

  To know how much Xiaolong weighs, Tianluo doesn't know how strong he is if he hits at full speed. It's a miracle that this guy can survive. Fortunately, Xiaolong doesn't use his teeth to bite, otherwise this guy will die.

  "Then what should we do? He seems to be fine, doesn't he?"

  Naomi looked at Tian Luo and asked

  "Uh, what will you do after you've done something wrong in the past?"

  Tian Luo turned to look at the girls

  "Of course I ran..."

  The girls said without hesitation

  "Well, that makes sense..."

  Tian Luo nodded in agreement, then ran away with a few girls, Xiaolong quickly became smaller and chased after seeing it.

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