Suddenly, the scene was quiet, only the man was still in a coma...


  "Huh~ This way no one will know about it..."

  Tianluo finally came to the middle of the city and finally saw a living person at this moment.

  The few people who stopped finally relaxed, and then showed smiles on their faces

  Looking at the appearance of several people, no one could have imagined that these guys were drivers who had just hit someone and tried to escape.


  "Then what are we going to do now?"

  Wu shook his head, then looked at Tian Luo

  "Find out what time period it is, then go get some money"

  Tian Luo looked at the surrounding scenery and said

  In fact, Tian Luo's heart is very sad, what is the most painful thing in the world?It's that you have a lot of money, but it's not from this era, hemp, you can't spend it...

  Tian Luo silently took out a 2007 banknote and put it in his pocket.

  But fortunately, it was not difficult for him to get money, so he found a jewelry store to sell some things, and then left the house with the eyes of the boss looking at the uncle.

  At this moment, Tian Luo was finally relieved, his mobile phone was holding his bulging pocket, and then a few people began to buy arbitrarily...


  After a busy day, only a few people stopped in the afternoon. During this period, they also chose a house, a small western-style villa. The space inside is still very large. At least a few people will live in it without being crowded.

  "Wow~ I'm finally done..."

  Looking at her new house, Wu stretched happily

  "Yeah, I'll live here next, I live in the room on the west side, how about you?"

  Wakana also smiled and nodded, then pointed to a room on the west side against the wall

  "I live next door to Sister Wakana"

  Mai points to another room

  "Then I'll dance next to each other"

  Naomi also said

  "I'm next to Naomi"

  Nana pointed to the last room upstairs

  "Why sleep separately, wouldn't it be nice to sleep together?"

  Tian Luo looked at the three girls with a bit of depression

  Originally, he planned to buy a big bed, and then the three girls came together. Who knew that they would have to separate rooms, and the depressed Tian Luo could only sleep in the downstairs room.

  "Satyr, don't think we can't guess your thoughts"

  Wu glared at Tian Luo fiercely

  "That's right, let you be alone first..."

  Ruo Cai also gave Tian Luo a blank look, this guy is too bad, he even wanted to have a big quilt to sleep with

  "I-I'm not ready yet..."

  Naomi said a little embarrassedly

  "Actually, you can come to my room..."

  Nana looked at Tian Luo provocatively

  "You... ok, just sleep downstairs if you sleep downstairs"

  Tian Luo said reluctantly.


  "Shout a wool, you go to sleep on the sofa for me"

  Tianluo looked at the flying dragon in dismay


  Xiaolong looked at Tian Luo with dissatisfaction

  "Yo ro, still dissatisfied, right? Believe it or not, I'll let you sleep in the bathroom"

  Tian Luo picked up Xiaolong and said viciously

  "If you know how to bully Xiaolong, he will sleep with me."

  Wu looked at Tianluo complainingly, then snatched Xiaolong from his hand.


  Xiaolong, who escaped, looked at Tianluo proudly, and Tianluo wanted to stuff him down the toilet.

  "Okay, don't make a fuss"

  Seeing Tianluo like this, Wakana came out and consoled.

  "We've been busy for so long, everyone is hungry, why don't we go out to eat something?"

  "Okay, I'm really hungry"

  Naomi also said

  "Okay, I think there is a shop next to our house, why don't you go there..."

  Hearing the two women say this, Tianluo nodded in agreement. Although he was not very hungry, Naomi was an ordinary person, so of course he couldn't starve him.

  After packing up, Tianluo locked the door, and then walked with a few people to a store not far away...


  "Boss, serve all your best dishes..."

  Tianluo shouted at the store as soon as he walked into the store, looking like a nouveau riche who had just hit [-] million

  After Tian Luo's shout, the guests inside turned their heads, and then looked at Tian Luo with contempt.

  "That, guest, we are a coffee shop here..."

  In the bar, a thin middle-aged man said embarrassedly, it seems that he is the boss here

  "It's a shame..."

  The girls turned their heads away speechlessly, they were embarrassed to admit that they were with Tianluo

  "Café? Is it?"

  Tian Luo looked around suspiciously, and sure enough, there was coffee on their table.

  "Is there no food"

  Tian Luo looked at the boss suspiciously

  "Uh, yes"

  boss nodded

  "That's good, no matter what the dishes are, as long as you have them, come on, by the way, by the way, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 cups of coffee..."

  Tian Luo nodded indifferently, and then called a few women to sit down.

  This cafe is not bad. The decoration around is very simple and it looks very comfortable. The coffee here should also be very good. Just look at the satisfied customers around you.

  "your coffee"

  When Tianluo was around a lot, a beautiful woman came over with 680 coffee.

  "Oh, thank you"

  Tian Luo nodded, but then he was stunned, and then looked at the woman in front of him

  "That, beauty, do we know each other?"

  Quiet, Tian Luo's whole body suddenly became quiet, and several women looked at Tian Luo with strange eyes.

  "No, I don't know you at all, do you say that every time you see a woman..."

  The beautiful woman said calmly, but there was some disdain in her tone. She had seen many chats like Tian Luo.

  "No, it really feels familiar..."

  Tian Luo shook his head, then thought about it.

  "Yuri, come here to deliver coffee"

  Just then, the boss's voice suddenly came


  Tian Luo was suddenly stunned, and then something suddenly came to his mind.

  "Fuck, I finally know who the guy who got hit is?"

  Tian Luo suddenly stood up and said


  The girls were startled by Tian Luo, and then looked at Tian Luo suspiciously.

  Tianluo covered his face helplessly when he saw the eyes of several women, and then said speechlessly.

  "Damn, this is Kiva's world, and we almost killed the "che" among the four chess leaders..."


  The sound of a glass breaking

  A few people looked at the reputation, and saw that Youli was looking at Tian Luo with an unbelievable face, and the coffee in her hand had been thrown to the ground...

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