"That's it, then do as you say, I hope there won't be any accidents."

  The boss also nodded helplessly.

  The cafe fell into silence again, and the two sat there thinking again...


  The next period of time was normal and nothing major happened.

  Tian Luo is also having a good time. During the day, he follows a few people to fight monsters and upgrade. Although he has never killed one, it will not be too boring.

  If it's okay, he and Hongyin will also wander around, nightclubs, entertainment clubs, casinos, in short, following this guy Tianluo has also fallen.

  After getting to know him, Tian Luo completely understood what kind of person he was. Originally, Tian Luo only thought that this guy was just thick-skinned, but after a long time, Tian Luo realized that this guy was completely shameless and skinless.

  As long as there are beauties on the street, this guy will jump right up

  "Ah~ you and I are destined couple"

  I don’t know how many times this guy has said this line. Every time he sees a woman, he will say it shamelessly. What makes Tian Luo even more surprised is that those women are actually very useful.

  "Depend on"

  Tian Luo couldn't help but scolded, what happened to the women now, to give in so easily?Did you make a mistake?

  No matter how Tianluo complains, the days go by like this

  Still, the peaceful days will pass, especially in this dangerous world

  Another day came, and Tian Luo was awake from his dream. Looking at the empty home, Tian Luo knew that the girls were out to play again.

  Just wash up, Tian Luo went to the cafe to eat as usual

  "Boss, have an egg fried rice"

  Tian Luo said to the boss at the bar and sat down

  There was no one in the cafe at the moment, it was still just a few of them. Jiro was drinking coffee in a boring way, Hongyin was still harassing Yuri unrelentingly, and Kojima was sitting there quietly.

  "Ah, it's all there, what's going on today..."

  In the name of Hache, Tian Luo looked at the island lazily

  Although he didn't join the Supreme Blue Sky Club, Tianluo still likes to read some information about the blood-tooth ghosts, especially which beauties the blood-toothed ghosts are

  "It's true, and it's troublesome"

  Kojima looked at Tian Luo and then said, although Tian Luo was just a stranger and did not join them, Kojima shared some information generously.

  "This time the matter is very troublesome, many people have been missing"

  Kojima took out a stack of documents and put it on the table, then continued.

  "And these missing people have something in common, that is, they are all regulars in this cafe..."


  Both Hongyin and Yuri were surprised

  Tianluo glanced at Jiro thoughtfully, while the guy was drinking coffee casually.

  "Did the Tooth Vampire do it?"

  Yuri asked quickly

  "Not sure, but the only certainty is..."

  Kojima said here and glanced at the few people present, Tian Luo, Hong Yinya, Jiro, and Yuri

  'You are all likely to be targeted'

  After speaking, Kojima shook his head helplessly. After all, they can be said to be the most people who come here.

  "Hahaha, since this is the case, let's wait for it to come, this time I must show my manly qualities, you should be optimistic about Yuri..."

  Hongyin also burst out laughing happily, completely ignoring how capable he was.


  Yuri looked at this guy speechlessly

  "I don't care"

  Jiro is drinking coffee casually, of course he won't worry, because it's what he did in the first place

  "I don't care, it seems to be interesting."

  Tian Luo laughed, not worried at all

  "You guys..."

  Kojima looked at the three of them speechlessly. The three guys weren't even afraid. They would die. It really wasn't easy.

  "Well, in that case, you should be careful, remember to contact us when something goes wrong..."

  Kojima nodded at a few people, then left the cafe

  It was time for Yuri to get off work. Hongyin ignored Yuri's attitude and followed Yuri out of the house. As a result, only Tianluo and Jiro were left in the house.

  "Hehe, do you want to go out and talk?"

  Tian Luo glanced at the door and then said


  Jiro nodded, and the two walked out after paying the money.


  "Hehe, little dog, you seem to be playing too much recently."

  Tianluo and the two were walking on a deserted section, and then Tianluo stretched out boredly and looked at Jiro with a smile.

  "My name is Jiro"

  Jiro glared at Tian Luo fiercely, and then said indifferently.

  "There's no way to do this. After all, you have the strength to work when you're full."

  "Yeah, but they seem to plan to protect you first. It's so interesting that they even protected the murderer"

  Tian Luo suddenly laughed and said

  "Isn't this very good? My identity can't be revealed yet, and I have to use the power of those humans to deal with the blood-toothed ghost. It's you, what is your purpose? Also, why don't you expose my identity?"

  Jiro looked at Tian Luo suspiciously and asked

  He really didn't understand Bai Luo's purpose, was it to deal with humans?Or deal with the Tooth Vampire?

  "Don't think too much, I don't like to think about useless things,"

  Tian Luo lazily lay on the railing beside him, then looked up at the sky bored.

  "As for why it helps you hide your identity? Because it's fun..."

  "It's that simple?"

  "It's that simple"

  Jiro stared blankly at Tianluo, Tianluo's appearance reminded him of a person, and that guy often showed such an expression

  "Haha, it's getting more and more interesting..."

  Tian Luo looked at the dazed Jiro and laughed, then walked towards the distance...

Chapter [-] Make trouble

  "Nani? Why this guy can join me but not, it's not fair..."

  Hong Yinya's roar suddenly came from the originally peaceful cafe, her tone was full of unwillingness, as if she had been abandoned by the world.

  "This is something that can't be helped. After all, it was Jiro who saved Yuri, and Yuri agreed."

  Kojima shrugged helplessly, not very concerned about Hong Yinya's dissatisfaction

  "I'm going too, okay? And I'm still injured."

  Red Sound also explained

  Before, he and Yuri investigated the previous matter together. At first, they planned to protect Jiro, but what they didn't expect was that the enemy's target was Yuri, so he was saddened. ko

  "Cut, it was obviously poured down by coffee, but he even said that..."

  Yuri looked at Hong Yinya with disdain, she really didn't see it, because he fainted from the beginning, and he saw Jiro in the last second of fainting


  Hongyin also wanted to cry but had no tears. He couldn't explain why he was right now, and a row of scumbags flew through his mind.

  "Oh, it's so sad..."

  Tian Luo was a little gloating on the side, I don't know why, he felt so good when he saw Hong Yin.

  "Okay, stop arguing, let this matter go first, and then there is an important task..."

  Kojima cleared his throat and said

  "This thing is about a very famous violin, his name is "Dark Star", which was made by a famous violin craftsman a long time ago"

  After speaking, Kojima took out a stack of documents and put it on the table

  A few people looked over and saw a dark violin depicted on it, which seemed to have a very mysterious feeling.

  "This violin has been auctioned many times, but without exception, all the winners have been killed, probably made by the Tooth Vampire"

  Looking at Yuri and Jiro, Kojima explained to the two

  "So, where is it now?"

  Yuri looked at the island suspiciously

  "According to reliable information, there will be an auction tonight, and the Dark Star will appear in it. This is an invitation letter..."

  After speaking, Kojima took out two invitation letters, and then ignored Tianluo and Hongyin and left here.

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