"Auction? It seems very interesting"

  Tian Luo smiled with interest

  "Damn, this guy completely ignores me..."

  Hongyin is also gnashing his teeth and looking at the leaving island. There are only two invitations, so they can't get in.

  "You think it's hard to get me like this, I'm a genius."

  Hongyin also suddenly laughed.Then they came to Tian Luo, and the two were whispering something.

  "Hey hey hey..."

  Then both of them suddenly smiled, how wretched and wretched they looked.

  "Hey, what are you two laughing at? It feels so wretched"

  Yuri felt a chill when she saw the two of them

  "Oh, nothing, nothing..."


  "Hey, is this really okay? Will I be caught..."

  In a dark room, two sneaky figures are sitting, one talking to the other

  "It's okay, this is an underground auction, it's not visible, as long as we wear masks."

  another said

  "The question is what to do with these two fainted guys? Just throw them here?"

  "Of course, they won't wake up for at least an hour, let's hurry in..."

  After speaking, the two walked out of the room. At this moment, their appearances were also revealed, one was Tian Luo and the other was Hong Yinye.

  The two of them knocked out the guard and sneaked in.

  "Hey hey, that's fine, don't let me go, I'll go and make trouble for you"

  Hong Yin also laughed evilly.Then put on a clown mask

  "Hehe, it's the first time to do this kind of thing, I'm a little excited."

  Tian Luo also laughed, with a half mask in his hand

  "Go, the auction is about to start..."

  Hongyin also waved his hand, so the two sneaked in...


  "Okay, the next step is to auction a violin, its name is Dark Star, and it is priced at [-] million. I heard that this is a cursed violin, and the person who buys it will be taken away by the devil..."

  The auctioneer took out the violin and happily introduced it. Although he said it was terrifying, the people below did not show fear, but were very interested.

  "Fifteen million……"

  "Seventeen million..."

  "Twenty million..."

  "Twenty-five million..."

  The originally quiet hall suddenly became lively, and the rich and rich all rushed to shout.

  "thirty million……"

  For a while, the girl suddenly rang, and everyone fell silent. The price was already very good, and other people didn't want to spend too much money on a useless violin.

  Looking at the quiet crowd, Yuri couldn't help laughing proudly. She was determined to get this violin. The Supreme Blue Sky Club has a lot of funds, so she doesn't worry about money.

  "Fifty million……"

  Just when things were about to be settled, a very flat voice came, and I saw two men with masks come out.

  Yuri recognized the two at a glance, because she would never forget Hongyin's slut's voice.

  "Fifty-five million..."

  Yuri glared at Hong Yinya fiercely, and then shouted again.

  "Sixty million..."

  Hongyin was still unmoved, and shouted calmly.

  "Hey, are you sure you have [-] million?"

  Tian Luo looked at this guy speechlessly. He knew that this guy was full of hundreds of thousands, [-] million?what a joke

  "Anyway, we are here to make trouble, they will definitely increase the price"

  Hong Yin also said with certainty.

  Sure enough, Youli raised the price again, and then Hongyin followed suit.

  Time passed slowly, the price quickly soared to one billion, and Yuri was about to be mad, and now he really wants to kill the guy in front of him with a knife

  In the end, Yuri won, and Hongyin was stunned.

  Looking at the fainted Hongyin, Tianluo was speechless, and at the same time, he was ashamed of Yuri's violence.

  "Fuck, am I a soy saucer in this episode?"

  Tian Luo looked at the situation in the field speechlessly. Youri had already left, the people around were still waiting for the next auction item, and he was stupidly looking at the red voice on the ground.

  "No, it's hard to come here, how can it be like this..."

  Tian Luo thought secretly in his heart, then walked over to the auction item, and punched the auction item in the face under the surprised eyes of everyone.

  Quiet, the surroundings were completely quiet, only the sound of the auctioneer falling to the ground remained.

  Tian Luo looked at everyone in the seat fiercely, and finally shouted loudly.

  "Damn, they all sat down for me, from now on... robbery"

Chapter [-] Meeting Luke Again

  "Hoo~ cool..."

  He Hongyin also walked out from the underground auction, and Tian Luo exhaled happily.

  "Hey, Tianluo, what happened just now? You seem to have done something big when I fainted. Those people seem to be afraid of you?"

  Hong Yin also looked suspiciously at Tian Luo

  When he woke up, he saw Tianluo standing there calmly, and then Tianluo walked out with him, but why were the audience's expressions so good?as if afraid of them

  "It's nothing, it should be your delusion, after all, it's easy to be deranged after being knocked out."

  Tian Luo said calmly, it seems that it is not a problem to rob everyone before.


  Hongyin also nodded, and then suddenly thought of something

  "What about Yuri and the others?"

  "I don't know, they left after buying things. They are really rich, and they bought a violin for billions..."

  Tian Luo said with a smile, he now wants to go to the sky to rob, and money should come faster there.

  "Let's find them quickly, maybe there will be danger..."

  Hongyin also suddenly became serious, and then hurriedly ran towards the distance

  "Suddenly become serious? Are you worried about Yuri?"

  Tian Luo looked at Hong Yinye, who was running far away, funny, this guy is abnormal most of the time, and rarely becomes so serious.

  "I'll go too, it seems that something very interesting will happen."

  Then Tianluo followed suit. After all, there will be many accidents around these people, and Tianluo likes accidents the most.


  "crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch..."

  On a street near the sea, there was a sudden sound of sawing wood, the sound was abnormally harsh, and it sounded a kind of uncomfortable feeling.

  "If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed it was the sound of a violin..."

  Tian Luo silently looked at Yuri who was holding a violin with a smile on his face. Sure enough, this woman is still the most suitable for fighting.

  "Cut. The guy who doesn't understand appreciation"

  Youri rolled his eyes at Tianluo, and as for Hongyin on the side, he was directly ignored by him.

  "You guys are insulting this violin at all, hurry up and give it to me"

  Hongyin also scratched his ears and looked at Youli, he felt that his head was too big, this woman doesn't understand music at all, this violin is a waste in her hands

  "Do not"

  Yuri refused outright, and gave Hongyin another punch, and Hongyin went straight to the end

  "You won't be killed, will you?"

  Tian Luo silently looked at the fallen Hong Yin Ye

  "It's better to be dead"

  Yuri rolled her eyes at Hongyin, then packed up the violin in her hand and Jiro left here

  "You are so tragic"

  Tian Luo sat beside Hong Yin and said helplessly.

  "Cough, as a genius, how could he be hit by a punch..."

  Hongyin also struggled to get up from the ground, her tone full of seriousness and confidence, but two nosebleeds completely destroyed this seriousness

  "You are on Youli's blacklist now, be careful to be killed by her"

  Tian Luo looked at the nosebleed red Yin Ye speechlessly, this guy is really persistent

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