"Hey, he's not dead yet"

  Tian Luo came to the hospital bed and looked at the depressed Hong Yin Ye with a smile.

  It didn't take long for this guy to steal lxa, and he was calculated by Jiro. He was directly beaten up by three monsters, and lxa returned to Jiro's hands.

  "You still have a breath, you still know what is the meaning of the white flower in your hand?"

  Hongyin also looked at Tianluo weakly, and then looked at the white flower in Tianluo's hand with a black line.

  "Uh, I originally hung up for you, so I bought one like this, who knew you weren't dead yet..."

  Tian Luo shrugged, then put the flower down beside Hong Yinye's pillow


  Hongyin almost didn't come up in one breath, and looked at Tianluo with burning eyes.

  Just when Tian Luo wanted to say something, the door opened again, and Yuri came up with a book.

  "You really are an idiot. Do you know how much your body hurts..."

  Yuri looked at the book in her hand and looked at Hong Yinye angrily. This guy had lied to him before for nothing, but when the checklist above came out, she was taken aback, and the physical damage was extremely serious. life-threatening

  "Let me see, um, there are multiple injuries outside the body, a slight sprain in the neck, a broken arm, internal bleeding from the heart and lungs, mild Alzheimer's"

  Tian Luo took the book and said slowly

  "Hey, bastard, what the hell is that Alzheimer's?"

  Hong Yin also sat up from the bed at once.Looking at Tian Luo unhappy

  "That, it should mean maturity, don't care about it, you should be glad you are still alive, in fact, it is more serious than what I said..."

  Tian Luo waved his hand and looked at Hong Yin Ye seriously.

  "These are all small problems. I'm a red voice, and I only need a fragrance from Youli* and I'll be resurrected with full blood right away..."

  Seeing Tian Luo speak in such a serious manner, Hong Yin also waved his hand calmly, but the latter words went astray.

  Youri glared at Hongyin and gave her a stern look, this bastard dared to molest her even at this time.

  "You still have the strength to joke, it seems that you can't die, then you can just lie here for ten days,"

  Tian Luo smiled and came to Hong Yin and patted him, and Hong Yin also grinned in pain. Tian Luo was shooting his wound.

  "Asshole, you definitely did it on purpose"

  Hongyin's painful face was twisted together, but he couldn't fight back

  "Yuri, we should go..."

  at this time.Another voice came from the door, and I saw Jiro leaning there and looking at several people in the room

  "Oh, then I'll leave first. We still have things to do..."

  Yuri nodded and said to the two of Tian Luo.

  "You can..."

  Tian Luo nodded.

  Then the two walked out.Leaving Tianluo and Hongyin to stay in the room quietly

  "Hey, Tian Luo, help me follow them..."

  After being silent for a while, Hong Yin also suddenly said


  Tian Luo looked at Hong Yin Ye

  "Help me protect Yuri, and watch over that Jiro..."

  Hong Yin also said seriously

  "That guy has bad intentions towards Yuri, he must not be allowed to hurt Yuri, please."

  "Okay, the tail line or something, it seems to be quite interesting..."

  Tian Luo nodded, then glanced at Hong Yin, and finally walked out cautiously...


  On the other hand, Yuri and Jiro started looking for their target after going out

  Recently, there have been large-scale disappearance incidents, and only clothes were left at the scene. They have determined that it was made by the Tooth Vampire.

  The common feature of those people is that they wear cherry-colored clothes, so Yuri plans to lead the bloody ghost out.

  However, after being busy for most of the day, nothing happened, it seems that there is nothing to do.

  When she was about to give up, she suddenly saw some people, someone she would never forget for the rest of her life, Luke, the guy he hated to the core

  "Bastard, where did you go?"

  Yuri looked around panting, but Luke was nowhere to be seen.

  "No, I must find him, that guy, I must kill him..."

  Yuri's eyes exuded a deep hatred, and then ran away to continue looking for Luke...

  "Hey, are we going to meet?"

  In a bush, Tian Luo's head suddenly appeared

  "That guy Luke is still playing that kind of boring game, it's really boring..."

  Tian Luo spit out the weeds in his mouth, and then followed up


  On a park bench, Luke is slowly enjoying a cup of ice cream

  Every time the game is successful, he will buy something delicious to reward himself, but today he couldn't eat it, a long whip suddenly hit him, and then whipped him. Although he had nothing to do, the ice cream in the cup fell on on the ground

  "My reward...you bastard..."

  Luke looked at the ice cream on the ground with a heartache, then his face became cold, and he looked at Yuri not far away with chills.

  "Luke, I finally found you, this time I must avenge my mother..."

  Yuri's face was also full of murderous intent, looking at Luke full of resentment

  "Kill your mother? Forgot, who would remember killing so many people..."

  Luke was stunned for a moment, then shook his head, and then rushed towards Youli, he would not let this woman bother him.

  bang bang

  The continuous explosions came, and all of Youli's attacks hit Luke, but Luke did nothing at all.

  "die me"

  Luke roared and waved his arm, Yuri's body was thrown out like a puppet, fell to the ground and fainted

  "Sure enough, the human body is still too fragile..."

  Tianluo shook his head as he watched, seeing that human beings themselves could not defeat the blood-toothed ghost, not to mention the cadre-level Luke in front of him.

  On the other side, Luke has walked towards Yuri, getting closer and closer, and will soon walk to him

  Just then, a figure emerged from the woods beside him. It was Jiro.

  "Oh, is there another one?"

  Hearing the sound, Luke turned to look at Jiro

  "You are... Luke?"

  Jiro was surprised when he saw Luke's appearance, then his eyes were cold, and his body began to change. The guy in front of him was the culprit that caused his family to be destroyed.

  "Oh? Werewolves, there are still remnants, so let's have a long-awaited reunion of wolf hunting..."

  Luke laughed out loud, then rushed over

  At the beginning of the battle, Jiro used all his strength and made a quick and accurate step, but those attacks seemed to be tickling in Luke's eyes, and they were useless at all.


  Luke yelled, and then kicked Jiro, who turned back into a human form.

  "Bastard... transformed..."

  Equipped with the lxa system, Jiro transformed directly, wearing the armor like a paladin and rushing up

  "So weak..."

  Luke pouted and blocked Jiro's attack directly. He was still vulnerable. Even if he transformed, Jiro couldn't deal with Luke.


  Jiro flew out again, lxa disintegrated instantly, and he fell to the ground in an embarrassment


  He slammed the ground hard, Jiro could only flee in embarrassment, and disappeared in the blink of an eye, while lxa fell beside Tianluo.


  Tianluo picked up lxa and looked at it carefully. It was a bit like a fist blade, but there was no blade, just enough to hold it in the palm of his hand.


  Luke suddenly roared, and then looked at the grass on Tianluo's side. Obviously, Tianluo's movements had made him discover it.

  "Cough, um, I'm just here to make soy sauce..."

  Tian Luo walked out a little embarrassed, but fortunately his friend passed out, otherwise it would be even more embarrassing, it is better not to let people know about this kind of thing.

  "It's you?"

  Luke recognized Tianluo. He was very impressed with Tianluo. After all, there were not many people who could defeat him.

  "Exactly, this time we have another fight, I will never lose again"

  Luke suddenly laughed and said that he was still very unwilling to lose, so he wanted to play another game with Tianluo

  "That's it, okay, I'll use this to fight you today..."

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