Tian Luo looked at the fainted Youli and found that there was no one around, so he pointed to lxa in his hand and said

  "Hahaha. No matter what you use, I won't lose this time..."

  Luke laughed indifferently, and then the golden light suddenly appeared, his body changed back to the bloody ghost form, and the violent breath radiated out.

  "Uh, transform"

  Tian Luo picked up the belt, and then directly put the fist blade on it

  The cross holy sword suddenly appeared, and then slowly condensed into the phantom armor in the air, and the armor melted directly into Tian Luo in the next second.

  The phantom finally condensed into a solid body, and Tian Luo stood there like a paladin.

  Kamen Rider lxa appears.

Chapter [-] ends

  "The whole body has been suppressed, it really isn't a good thing..."

  Tian Luo looked at himself and moved his body at will. At this moment, he felt a pressure coming. Although it didn't cause much harm to him, it also limited some strength.

  "Hehe, are you hitting me with this? Come on, I'm going to be ashamed this time..."

  Luke laughed when he saw Tian Luo's appearance, and then his body rushed towards Tian Luo.

  This time, he didn't hold back at all, and used the greatest strength. Every step he took, the ground shook for a while, and his strength was much greater than that of the previous rhinoceros tooth vampire.

  "Cut, even if your strength is suppressed, you won't be able to fight me"

  Tian Luo cut, and then directly blocked Luke's impact, the two confronted each other, and the surrounding whirlwind exploded


  The explosion sounded, and both sides retreated several steps at the same time.

  "Sure enough, the power has dropped a lot, but..."

  Tian Luo stood up to feel his physical condition, and then a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

  Luke ignored Tianluo, stopped and rushed over again, but Tianluo did not resist this time, but jumped into the air, and then kicked his feet out in the air, and two slashes immediately hit Luke.


  Luke was startled by Tianluo's blow, and immediately avoided it, and the two slashes slashed into the ground and drew two deep marks on the ground.

  "Hehe, Lan Foot"

  Tian Luo fell to the ground and looked at Luke with a smile


  Luke scolded secretly, then stretched out his hands, and saw that his nails rushed towards Tianluo like bullets

  "I'm going, it's scary..."

  Looking at Mantian's nails flying towards him, Tianluo's feet kicked violently, and he disappeared in place. When he reappeared, he was already in the air.


  Tianluo's feet are constantly stepping on the void, and his feet seem to be stepping on something real, just floating in the air.

  "Bastard, what the hell is this trick?"

  Luke looked fiercely at Tian Luo in the air. He couldn't do anything right now. Although he was powerful, he couldn't fly, and he couldn't jump so high even if he jumped.

  "Hehe, the soul of the otaku suddenly burned..."

  Tian Luo jumped up and down in the air, looking very happy

  "Bastard, get me down..."

  Looking at Tian Luo jumping on his head, Luke's head was full of black lines, and his nails kept hitting, but Tian Luo easily escaped every time.

  "Okay, okay, I won't play with you anymore..."

  Looking at Luke, who was about to explode, Tian Luo shrugged helplessly, and then his body fell down.

  As soon as Tianluo came down, Luke rushed up, and the two of them fought into a ball again.

  At this moment, Youli, who had passed out on the side, woke up. She looked around in confusion, and then saw Tian Luo who was fighting Luke.


  Yuri called

  "Idiot, it's me..."

  Tian Luo flashed past Luke's attack and answered casually.

  "Nani? Are you Tian Luo?"

  Yuri was shocked when she heard Tianluo's voice. She didn't expect Tianluo in the armor. Since Tianluo used lxa, what about Jiro?

  "That guy was beaten away, I happened to pick up lxa so I put it on and tried it on. Seriously, this thing is really rubbish..."

  Seeming to know what Yuri was thinking, Tian Luo explained to Yuri while fighting Luke.

  "Idiot, how can you wear it casually, you know the side effects, and... don't speak ill of lxa"

  Yuri was very worried about Tianluo's safety, but he was even more angry that Tianluo belittled lxa, lxa is her mother's relic, it can be said to be her hope, Tianluo's words made her very angry

  "Bastard, you dare to be distracted when you fight with me, give me death..."

  Looking at Tian Luo's relaxed appearance, Luke was extremely angry in his heart. This was contempt. Tian Luo didn't take him seriously. He was still in the mood to chat during the battle, which was an insult to him.

  "A fight is a fight, and a talk is a talk, these are two different things"

  Tian Luo explained to Luke very seriously

  However, Luke was even more angry when he heard Tian Luo's words, the strength in his hand continued to increase, and the speed became faster.

  Magnetic pull, magnetic pull, magnetic pull...

  Just as the two became more and more brave, sparks began to appear on Tian Luo's body, and bursts of electric current floated on Tian Luo's body.

  "Fuck, there's still electricity leakage? It feels like the second pulse of Ren and Du has been opened up..."

  Tian Luo looked at the belt around his waist speechlessly, lxa started to become unstable because of the load movement

  However, these currents can't do much damage to Tian Luo, and Tian Luo still quickly attacked Luke.

  "Six round gun..."

  "The Great Whirlwind of Konoha..."

  "Lushan Shenglongba..."

  "Millennium Kill..."

  One by one, they kept attacking Luke, whether it was good or bad, yes or no, Tian Luo shouted it out.

  In short, the battle was very fierce. Although Luke resisted a wave of attacks, there were still many punches on him.

  "This guy is so strong..."

  Yuri watched the battle in surprise. He found that Tianluo was pressing Luke to fight. That was Luke. Tianluo was so strong.

  Magnetic pull, magnetic pull...

  Another flash of electricity flashed, Tian Luo suddenly felt that his body was resisted, and his movements began to slow down.

  "Damn it, it seems like it's going to die..."

  Tian Luo cursed secretly, and then took off the glove from his belt. The moment he took it off, there was a burst of electricity and high temperature from his belt, and there was steam coming out.

  "Okay, I can't play anymore, let's solve you..."

  Clenching the glove, Tian Luo accumulated strength, and a fiery energy radiated from above


  Luke roared, and the surging power also emanated from his arm, and then collided with Tianluo


  A huge explosion sounded around the two of them, and bursts of energy fluctuations blew away the surroundings.

  "Who's winning?"

  Yuri hid aside and looked suspiciously at the situation on the field

  The smoke gradually dissipated, and the figure inside was revealed. It was Tianluo, but Luke's figure was gone.

  "Tian, ​​Tianluo, did you win?"

  Yuri came to Tianluo's side and asked excitedly

  "Uh, I won, but the guy ran away, it doesn't seem to work anymore..."

  Tian Luo sighed, and then saw that the armor on his right arm was shattered, and Tian Luo's arm was exposed, looking a little black.

  The armor slowly disappeared, and Tian Luo was also liberated from it, but now 4.0 is very embarrassed as if his clothes were burned by fire.

  "How are you feeling? Let's go to the hospital to check..."

  Yuri didn't look lost, and looked at Tian Luo with some worry. The two who had used lxa before were in danger, not to mention that Tian Luo seemed to be more serious this time.

  "I think, instead of going to the hospital, it's better to take a bath quickly. I swear, I will never use this crap again..."

  Tian Luo helplessly looked at his charred body, whether he was hurt or not, but this is too ruined.

  "You are still in the mood to joke, hurry up and take me to the hospital..."

  Yuri gave Tianluo an annoyed look, and then, ignoring Tianluo's objection, he dragged him and ran towards the hospital.

  With a helpless sigh, Tian Luo could only leave with Youli

  The figures of the two walked farther and farther, and the surrounding became quiet again...  

Chapter [-] The sad red sound is also

  "You are really a monster. You used lxa. After such a fierce battle, nothing happened?"

  Yuri looked at Tian Luo in shock when he came out of the examination room

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