The inspection report said that Tianluo's body was not injured in the slightest, not even a bit of skin was broken, and his body was in a mess, and there was no red sound at all.

  "I just said, I just need to take a bath..."

  Wearing brand-new clothes, Tian Luo shrugged helplessly. At this moment, he seemed to be in a good mood.

  "How could this be? Shouldn't it be?"

  Youli looked at Tian Luo with some doubts, he couldn't believe it, this guy has no side effects at all, how is this possible

  "It's very simple, how can you roar a group of wives without a strong body, this is all tempered..."

  Seeing Youli's doubts, Tian Luo proudly showed off his muscles. Of course, in Youli's eyes, this guy is still a scum.


  Bai Tianluo glanced at him, and Yuri never wanted to talk to Tianluo again.

  "I'm so envious..."

  Hong Yin also muttered to the side.

  13 "You envy your size, bastard..."

  When Yuri heard it, she shuddered and looked at Hong Yinye angrily.

  "Oh? Don't get me wrong, I'm not envious of that, I'm..."

  Covering his head, Hongyin quickly explained

  But Yuri didn't want to hear his explanation.


  He glared at Hongyin, then Yuri looked at Tianluo again, and finally strode out.

  "Sad reminder, it's all your fault..."

  Hongyin also wanted to cry without tears and lay down, silently looking at Tianluo

  "None of my business"

  Tian Luo looked at Hong Yin with disdain, and then said

  "However, are you sure you want to chase her? Be careful which day you get scolded by her"

  "Of course, we are connected by fate, even if we are killed, it is beautiful..."

  Hongyin didn't care what Tianluo said, and looked at the door obsessively.

  "Okay, whatever you want..."

  Tian Luo silently looked at this young man in estrus, he really wasn't afraid of death.

  "By the way, didn't that Luke escape? That Yuri she..."

  Hongyin also suddenly looked at Tianluo and said

  "Well, she definitely won't give up. She should be looking for Luke like crazy..."

  Tian Luo nodded.

  Yuri's hatred for Luke filled her whole heart, she couldn't let Luke escape, she would definitely seek revenge for Luke

  However, from Tian Luo's point of view, the chance of Yuri killing Luke is [-]%, which is impossible unless a miracle happens.

  "That's it, it seems to get better soon, or you will be in danger..."

  Hongyin also looked at her body. With the current injury, it will take at least half a month to recover, and it may take longer. If something happens to Youli during this period, it will be broken.

  "Hehe, do you want to get better soon?"

  Tian Luo suddenly laughed when he looked at Hong Yinya, and there was a different kind of fluctuation in his eyes.

  "What? Do you have a solution?"

  Hong Yin also looked at Tian Luo suspiciously

  "Of course, the way to make your wounds and bones heal quickly is simple, but it's a little uncomfortable, can you bear it?"

  The smile in Tian Luo's eyes became more and more intense, and he looked at Hong Yin like a guinea pig.

  Hongyin also felt Tianluo's gaze, and his whole body was agitated, and a bad premonition rushed to his heart.

  "Well, I think it's better to slowly recover from the injury..."

  Hongyin also refused Tianluo's help very simply. He didn't believe that Tianluo had a way. It would be no fun if he was killed by this guy.

  "is it?"

  Tian Luo nodded, but the smile on the corner of his mouth became more and more intense.

  "There is no turning back..."


  Hearing Tian Luo's words, Hong Yin was also stunned. He didn't know what Tian Luo meant, but then he understood.

  A very special feeling was born from his body, and then he felt a warm current swimming continuously along his body, and soon it reached the position where he was injured.

  "Wait, wait, this, what's the situation?"

  Hongyin was also taken aback. He also felt that there was a vision in those wounds, as if they were alive, they were constantly moving, and a feeling of soreness and numbness swept through the whole body.

  "Hehe, don't worry, this is because your muscles and bones are growing rapidly, it won't hurt, it'll just itch..."

  Tianluo smiled and comforted, but Hongyin felt treacherous no matter how he looked at it.

  As soon as Tianluo finished speaking, Hongyin suddenly felt more soreness and numbness, and the fractured arm also felt itching, like tens of thousands of ants crawling.


  Hongyin also scolded loudly, is this a little itchy?This is the rhythm of itching to death. Sure enough, this guy is not at ease.

  "Yinya, hold on, it will be fine after an hour, I believe in you,"

  Tian Luo also made a cheering gesture at Hong Yin.


  Hongyin also wants to die, one hour?What a joke, he doesn't want this feeling for a minute

  "By the way, my wife asked me to go home for dinner, and I will leave first, so I must hold on..."

  Looking at Hong Yinye's gaze, Tian Luo ignored it and ran out in a hurry.

  "Tianluo, your uncle's..."

  Seeing Tianluo disappearing, Hongyin really cried at the moment, that 460 itching feeling to the extreme is not acceptable, but no matter how much he scolds, there is nothing he can do, and now he can only bear the slapstick

  "For the sake of Youli, Ma Dan, I worked hard..."


  "Wow, that's so kind..."

  Tianluo, who ran out, laughed while walking.

  In fact, if Tianluo takes action and makes Hongyin recover directly, it will be fine, but this guy just wants to see Hongyin's depressed appearance, there is no way, who calls us good friends?

  "However, that guy won't come to me desperately, will he? Probably not. Although it's a little uncomfortable, it does heal the wound. Forget it, don't care..."

  Just thinking about Tianluo and walking forward

  There are more and more people, and soon Tianluo came to the city center stage. There is a lot of traffic here, and people on the road are in a hurry. These are for ordinary people who are busy with their lives.

  Tian Luo bored through it, looking around

  Just when Tian Luo was not looking around, a figure suddenly passed by, Tian Luo looked at it subconsciously, and then he was stunned.

  "This one……"

  Tian Luo stared blankly at the figure.

  It is a woman, a very beautiful woman, in a black tight trench coat, with a very graceful figure, long hair draped behind, showing a beautiful face

  Perhaps feeling Tian Luo's peeping, the woman turned to look at Tian Luo with a curious look in her big eyes.

Chapter [-] Tianluo's Weakness

  In the messy crowd, the two looked at each other like this, and the atmosphere seemed a little weird.

  "Am I pretty?"

  The woman suddenly spoke, and Tian Luo was shocked by the clear voice, and then he came back to his senses.

  "Cough, that, it's beautiful"

  Tian Luo scratched his head a little embarrassedly, and said again.

  "Beauty, you look familiar."

  "is it?"

  Hearing Tian Luo's words, the woman was stunned for a moment, a smile appeared on her face, but then she became cold again

  "I'm sorry, I don't remember you"

  After the woman finished speaking, she turned around and left, leaving behind a slender figure for Tian Luo

  "Uh, she really has a personality, she deserves to be the "queen" among the four cadres."

  Tian Luo looked at his back with some embarrassment as he walked farther and farther, and then a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.


  The next period of time was very quiet. Tian Luo still came out to fool around during the day and came back to fool around at night. The days were very moist.

  Hongyin also went through hell for an hour and was finally discharged from the hospital. The first thing he did after he came out was to seek revenge from Tianluo, but Tianluo dismissed it by saying, "Aren't you okay?"

  At that time, Hongyin was also really depressed, but he couldn't deny that Tianluo's method was really effective.

  Yuri has been following Luke for the past few days, and Hongyin, who is a supporter, never misses the opportunity to please his goddess, so in some conspiracies, he successfully got lxa from Jiro and gave it to him Yuri

  But things didn't go as smoothly as they thought. Luke found it, but Yuri didn't do it. She was scared.

  Since the death of his mother, Yuri has been in the shadows of his life and wants to kill him all the time, but he has a great fear of Luke in his heart.

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