There was also a sudden breakdown of the Ferris wheel, but Tianluo used a little trick to get on the road safely.

  Even after being crazy for so long, the girls were still not enjoying themselves, so Tianluo took them to other places, and didn't stop until it was getting dark.

  The Tianluo people are very happy, but some people are very depressed, such as... the bishop

  After some clues and Wang's reminder, the bishop also knew Tian Luo's identity, so he followed a few people to watch

  He is a very smart person, and he is very good at seeing people, but that man makes him unable to see through

  roller coaster, ferris wheel, pirate ship

  Which powerhouse would play this kind of thing, he couldn't feel the power of the powerhouse at all on Tianluo, he looked like an ordinary person

  "Is there a mistake?"

  The bishop scratched his head in confusion.

  "No, you're not mistaken"

  A voice suddenly remembered from behind him


  The bishop was shocked, and then he rushed forward, and then turned to look behind him.

  I saw the guy I observed today, as well as those girls, have appeared behind him

  "Hmph, you voyeur, I have noticed you for a long time, tell me, what do you want to do?"

  Wu glared at the bishop in front of her and said fiercely.


  "Bishop of the four chess officials, I know you"

  Tian Luo directly interrupted the bishop's words.

  "You know? Who are you?"

  The bishop was taken aback. Tian Luo actually knew their identities. It seems that the guy in front of him is really not simple.

  "Didn't you see, man, a very ordinary man..."

  Tian Luo shrugged and said weakly.

  "Are you kidding me?"

  Hearing Tian Luo's words, the bishop's eyes became cold, and then his body began to change. An ugly-looking blood-tooth ghost with two horns appeared in front of several people, but the appearance of this blood-tooth ghost was different from that of other teeth. There are some differences in blood ghosts, standing in front of him has a creepy feeling, similar to Luke

  "Wow, he's also a blood-toothed ghost."

  Seeing the bishop's transformation, the girls were not afraid, but their eyes became excited.

  "Husband, husband, let me do this, I'm going to catch him up with the kitten..."

  Wakana said happily, and then geared up for a big fight.

  "Uh, why are you becoming more and more violent recently? Also, aren't you afraid that the two of them will fight in the cage?"

  Tianluo looked at Ruo Cai and said helplessly, they are the first to use the blood-tooth ghost as a pet, not to mention this is not an ordinary blood-tooth ghost.

  "It's okay, just get another cage..."

  Wakana waved her hand casually.

  "You guys..."

  At this time, the bishop was about to go mad, and the people in front of him were going to put him in a cage. Unforgivable, really unforgivable

  With a loud roar, the bishop rushed towards Wakana...  

Chapter [-] gang fight bishop

  "Che, let me be a pet honestly."

  Ruo glanced at the bishop in disdain, and then a powerful force poured out of the body, and then the body continued to grow, and in the blink of an eye, it had exceeded five meters.


  The bishop stiffened his steps and looked at Wakana in shock.

  "Give me a hand and take it"

  The long whip behind Wakasa rushed directly towards the bishop, and the huge force brought a hurricane

  "not good"

  The bishop secretly said something bad, and then jumped up to a nearby tree.

  Fortunately, it is relatively remote and the sky is dark, otherwise such a big movement will cause panic

  "Can't run away"

  Wakana's body floated in mid-air, and then a ball of purple energy flew towards the bishop


  The tree was blown off in the middle, and the bishop jumped again, and his body had already jumped more than ten meters away.

  "Damn, don't underestimate me"

  The bishop roared as he watched Wakana who was chasing after him, and then his arm suddenly raised, and a golden light spot like an ordinary star rushed towards Wakana.

  "what is this?"

  Wakana looked at the light spots suspiciously, 13 But then she knew it, and the moment those light spots touched Wakana, they exploded violently.

  Countless sparks emerged from Wakana's body, looking extremely dazzling

  "Sister Wakana..."

  The girls were shocked when they saw Wakana being attacked, and looked at Nani with some worry.

  At this time, Wakana has been surrounded by golden light spots, and every touch will explode

  "Hehe, don't worry, if you can't get over this difficulty, it's not the ultimate form..."

  Tian Luo smiled and comforted the girls.

  Sure enough, as soon as Tianluo finished speaking, he saw Wakana's body burst out with a powerful energy, a violent storm erupted from Wakana at the center, and the sand in the ordinary storm was blown everywhere. Fly away from Wakana

  "I am angry"

  Without the obstruction of the light spot, Wakura roared at the bishop.

  Countless energy balls appeared all over the body, and all rushed towards the bishop with an order, and the power contained in it was very terrifying.

  “What a hassle”

  The bishop also felt the power of the energy ball, and he did not dare to resist and jump away

  But those energy balls are chasing like life

  "Damn, how could this be..."

  Running the bishop while calculating how to face

  Soon she stopped and shot a few balls of light.

  The purple and golden energy collided together, and suddenly an overwhelming explosion resounded through the sky, and all the surrounding trees were broken.

  "Cough, I've played a bit too much, and if I continue to do it, this place will become ruins..."

  Blocking the aftermath of the explosion, Tian Luo coughed and said

  At this moment, the surrounding area is already dilapidated, the trees have fallen, and the ground is full of potholes, as if it had experienced an earthquake.

  Tian Luo was very speechless. Every time Wakana made a shot, it was like this. There was no way. The most powerful thing of Wakana was that endless power. No matter what enemy he was, he could directly bombard him with energy. One, ten if two can't work, one hundred if ten can't work, if the city doesn't get destroyed, she can get more

  "Really, he's not dead yet..."

  Wakana's unhappy voice came

  It turns out that the bishop at this moment is still standing there safe and sound, as if there is no injury.

  "Hmph, I didn't expect a woman to be so powerful."

  The bishop snorted coldly. Today he is too aggrieved. If he hadn't become elemental, he might have lost the lottery. As one of the four chess officials, this is the first time he has been so embarrassed.

  "Che, I'm not going to keep you as a pet, I'm going to kill you this time"

  Ruo Cai looked at the bishop unhappy

  Obviously stronger than the guy in front of him, but he didn't take much advantage, which made Wakana very upset, so he decided to kill the guy in front of him

  The two long whips smashed like a meteor hammer like a bishop. They were extremely fast, and they were in front of the bishop in the blink of an eye.

  But the moment it hit the bishop, the bishop's body slowly dissipated, and the long whip suddenly flew into the air.

  "Oh? Elementalization? A tricky ability"

  Tian Luo looked at the bishop in surprise

  He will also have this ability. It is a very strong ability. It completely ignores physical damage, but it consumes a lot. It should not be used too many times based on the appearance of the bishop.

  After using the elementalization, the bishop suddenly became more difficult. Every attack of Wakana was ignored by him, but he couldn't cause damage to Wakana. After all, the gap in level was still very large. After a long time, Wakana would naturally win.

  But Tian Luo didn't want to wait too long, he gave Xiao Wu and Naomi a wink

  Seeing Tian Luo's expression, the three girls immediately became excited.

  "Hey, then I'm going too"

  Wu smiled, and then a belt appeared around his waist, which was the Genesis Drive, and in his hand was a heart-shaped lock seed.

  "And us"

  There was also a belt around Naomi's waist, which was exclusively for King Electric, and the golden card box in his hand was given to him by Tianluo.

  Since Wakana and Mai are both strong, Tianluo certainly won't let Naomi feel depressed alone, so Tianluo gave Naomi the ticket, and Nana gave it to him casually. After all, Naomi's combat experience is really bad



  The two let out a coquettish cry, and golden rays of light flashed from their bodies.

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