A peach hit Wu's head directly

  And the little Lolina's body on the side flashed into Naomi's body 657

  Mai stood there majestically with a long bow in hand

  Naomi is wearing golden armor, holding a scepter and a battle shield, and the wings on the back are spread out, looking very beautiful

  "Ok, let's start the gang fight"

  Tian Luo snapped his fingers, and then saw the two women rushing up, and the scene suddenly turned into a three-on-one

  "Look at me"

  The longbow was pulled up, an energy arrow suddenly condensed and formed, and Wu shot at the bishop.


  The bishop was taken aback, and then his body hurriedly avoided

  But just after jumping aside, countless thunder and lightning rushed to her face. Nana was holding the scepter and facing him, and the lightning flashes kept flashing on the scepter.


  The bishop was again an elemental dodge, and then appeared twenty meters away

  There was thunder and lightning, the ground suddenly roared, and the trees were charred black

  The battle stopped for a while, and none of them attacked again. Wakana fell from the sky and danced side by side with them. They all stared at the bishop in front of them.

  The bishop looked at the three figures on the opposite side with vigilance. Now he has been surrounded, and the situation is very unfavorable for him.

  "Hehe, it's also terrible for women to fight..."

  Tian Luo scratched his head looking at the dignified atmosphere in the field, but now he has become a spectator.

  But he is not worried, the final outcome is easy to predict, the bishop will definitely be beaten.

Chapter [-] Hong Yinye's help

  in the forest

  At this moment, the bishop pushed the door and entered the castle, his face was a little ugly, he stumbled when walking, and there were many bruises on his face, looking very embarrassed

  "came back?"

  A voice suddenly came from inside, and I saw Wang Zheng sitting in his seat and being confronted by him.


  Bishop nodded

  "How about it?"

  Wang asked without looking back, his tone was very indifferent.

  "Very powerful, it will definitely threaten us"

  Bishop said with certainty

  He didn't explain the situation in detail, because he was beaten by those women and couldn't afford to lose that person, so he can only say that Tian Luo is very powerful, after all, that guy is the backbone, right?

  "Well, let's go back first"

  Wang nodded

  Then the bishop respectfully backed out.

  "What? Have you found that person?"

  Maya came out from another room and looked at Wang with a smile.

  "Well, it's really powerful. With the strength of the bishop, he was injured..."

  Wang stood up and turned his head to look at Zhenye

  "I'm getting more and more curious about that guy"

  "Oh, yes? Remember to let me see after you catch it, I'm also curious about that guy..."

  Maya nodded, and then walked out casually, with a black page in his hand, which was the list of people who needed to be executed.


  "Ah, Ah..."

  At this moment, Tian Luo at home suddenly sneezed twice.

  "Damn, who is thinking of me?"

  "I feel like I should curse you"

  Little Lolina sat aside and said

  "Fuck, how is it possible, I'm so good, who would curse me..."

  Tian Luo glared at Nana, then sat on the sofa beside him watching TV with the girls

  How many women were shocked by Tian Luo's words, is this guy a good person?I don't know how many people want to kill him, but they didn't say anything, they are used to Tian Luo's thick skin

  "Husband, who is that guy today? He seems to be coming after you"

  Dancing asked Tian Luo while watching TV

  "Well, it seems that someone has been staring at it, it's a headache..."

  Tian Luo lay there scratching his head

  "What's the matter? If it weren't for the guy's ability to be a little tricky today, we would have left him long ago, and we won't be able to spare him next time we meet..."

  Wakana said fiercely

  He still cares a little about the bishop's escape.

  "That is, every day is so powerful, they will definitely beat them all over the place to find their teeth."

  Naomi encouraged him again. He is absolutely confident in Tian Luo's strength. He has never seen him fail since he met Tian Luo. He has always been so strong, no matter how big the trouble is, he can easily solve it.

  "Of course, this kind of thing is a little kiss"

  Seeing that Naomi is so confident in herself, Tian Luo is in a very good mood, with a smile on his face like a flower

  The family quickly forgot about this, and the few people watched some old TV programs together, the atmosphere seemed very harmonious...


  The next few days passed peacefully, as if nothing had happened before

  Tianluo's family still goes out to play every day. When they are tired, they go to sit in the cafe. After introduction, they are familiar with several women and friends. Leaving Tianluo aside, several women have become very good friends.

  Hongyin has also had a good time these few days. After confirming the relationship with Youli, they have been very happy. The two have also put aside the affairs of the Supreme Blue Sky Club these days and jointly take care of their own nest.

  However, the peaceful days did not last long. Yuri was a warrior after all, and there were still goals to complete, so it didn't take long for him to return to the Supreme Blue Sky Club.

  Defeat Luke and avenge his mother, this has always been Yuri's wish

  As Yuri's current boyfriend, Hongyin is also obliged to follow behind him, lxa has now been handed over to him, and everything in the future will be faced by the two of them.

  "Hehe, everything is so beautiful, so happy."

  Tian Luo was lying on the table, stirring the coffee in the cup with his hands, and opposite him were the happy faces of Yuri and Hong Yinye.

  "You are happier than me"

  Hongyin also gave Tianluo a blank look, but when he saw Youri's gaze, he shut up. Although Youri has become gentle now, it is still very scary to start a rage.


  Seeing Hong Yinye's appearance, Tian Luo couldn't help but sigh.

  "Sorry for your size, drink your coffee well, it will be cold in a while..."

  The boss looked at Tian Luo unhappily. This cup of coffee has been served for half an hour, and Tian Luo didn't drink a single sip. This makes the boss think that his craftsmanship has deteriorated.

  "Boss, you should get something iced in this weather, otherwise how can you eat it?"

  Tian Luo looked at the boss with some complaints

  "Really? It seems to change the taste."

  The boss froze for a moment and then nodded.

  "I'm leaving first, there are still some things to deal with..."

  Yuri looked at Hongyin and Tianluo and said

  "Oh, whatever you want"

  Tian Luo nodded.

  Seeing Hongyin also nodded, Yuri stood up and walked out

  As soon as Youri left, the room suddenly became quiet. The two sat there quietly, while the boss was bored reading the newspaper.

  After a while, Hong Yin finally couldn't help but speak.

  "Tianluo, can you help me once?"

  Tian Luo stopped the movements in his hands and looked at Hong Yin Ye quietly.

  "I know that Yuri has always wanted to defeat Luke, but I also know that it's impossible, not even with me."

  Hong Yin also looked a little serious

  "You are very powerful. If you add you, maybe we can succeed..."

  "So, in fact, besides me, you can also find someone else, such as... Jiro"

  Tian Luo paused and said

  "Nani? That guy? How is that possible?"

  Hongyin also looked at Tianluo in surprise. Jiro wanted to kill him, how could he help him deal with Luke together?

  "The enemy of the enemy is the friend, you have the same enemy"

  Tian Luo waved his hand and said

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