But Tian Luo didn't have that thought. How should I put it, he felt that Ma Ye still didn't understand what true love was. Maybe he would understand it after a while, but definitely not now. What, about a gun?

  "Of course, I wouldn't mind if you were firm..."

  Soon, Tian Luo's helpless expression turned into a cheap look. It seems that it is not bad to have a gun or something, right?

  Seeing Tian Luo's appearance, Ma Ye immediately rolled his eyes at him. This man was thinking about something serious again. Although he didn't understand what love was, he still knew that kind of thing.

  The two ate the food in front of them talking and laughing, and soon, the time was approaching the afternoon

  There are still a lot of things going on in the night, so the two finally separated.

  Walking out of the store, Tian Luo smiled and walked into the distance

  The sun is shining, it is not a good weather to go out, so there are not many people outside

  Scattered people walking on the street look a little deserted

  Tian Luo walked forward slowly, still holding the ice cream he bought on the street.

  Just then, a dark shadow suddenly flashed


  Tian Luo turned his head to look, and saw nothing around him, nothing.

  Looking back, Tianluo ignored him and continued to walk forward. He didn't walk fast and looked very leisurely.

  When he walked under a tree in front of him, Tian Luo suddenly stopped, and then the corner of his mouth was slightly raised, and he punched the tree.


  There was a violent shaking, and the not-so-thin tree in front of him was directly broken as if it had been hit by a heavy object.


  A small black shadow flew up from the tree, it turned out to be a black mechanical bat

  "Hehe, little guy, didn't your master tell you that it's not a good habit to follow?"

  Tian Luo looked at the little bat above with a smile on his face

  "Stupid guy, dare to be rude to Lord Dark Kiva"

  The little bat looked at Tian Luo angrily

  "Lord Dark Kiva? Hahaha... just you?"

  Tian Luo smiled and looked at this little guy the size of his palm.

  "What's so funny, this uncle is a great Kiva family, a noble existence that has been assisting the king from generation to generation"

  Seeing Tianluo laughing at himself, the little bat became even more angry. At this moment, his eyes were burning, and he looked at Tianluo with a fierce look. It was a bit funny to look at it with that slap-sized physique.

  "Cough, okay, Lord Dark Kiva, don't you know what's wrong with you following me?"

  Stopping laughter, Tian Luo coughed dryly and looked at the little bat

  "Hmph, I am monitoring you under the king's order, boy, you are so close to Her Lady Queen, the king will not let you go."

  The little bat said with some disdain, showing a proud look when he mentioned the king

  "Well, since it's an enemy..."

  Tian Luo nodded, then suddenly laughed strangely, and then looked at the little bat with a playful face

  "Can I arrest you?"

Chapter [-] Shall I arrest you too?

  "Hey, hey, bastard, it's unforgivable that you put the great Dark Lord Kiva in a cage, hurry up and let me go, or the king..."

  At Tian Luo's house, the little bat was locked in a cage and roared angrily, his tone full of threats

  But Tian Luo didn't pay any attention to his words.

  Wakana and the others are curiously looking at the little bat in front of them

  They haven't seen this kind of thing before. The IQ can be comparable to Tian Luo's Xiaoti, completely surpassing the technology of this era. It's really surprising.

  "It's so cute, Tian Tian, ​​why don't we adopt it, it's more interesting than a kitten"

  Naomi looked at the little bat in the cage in surprise

  Because Tianluo felt that the cat-shaped blood ghost was too annoying, so he was very rude to kill him. This incident also made him beaten by several girls, but the little bats that suddenly appeared now made them active again. stand up

  "Stupid human, you dare to say such rude words, but I..."

  Hearing Naomi's words, the little bat became even more angry. It was like a mad fly banging around in the cage, but the cage was imposed by Tianluo, and no one except Tianluo could open it.


  Tian Luo pointed a finger over, and the little bat that was still tossing around suddenly became quiet.

  "You'd better be honest. As for that king, I will kill him if he dares to come... 117..."

  Tian Luo glanced at the dazed little bat and said, and then said

  "Seriously, I'm very interested in your abilities. If you don't hang out with me, it's better than following that guy..."

  "As beautiful as you think, our family follows the king. You are not a blood-tooth ghost at all, so I am useless to you and will die..."

  The little bat looked at Tian Luo disdainfully

  The kiva family was created by the ancient blood-tooth ghost family, so the user must have the blood of the blood-toothed ghost, or he will die directly.

  "Really? That's really embarrassing. The last thing I'm afraid of is death..."

  The corners of Tian Luo's mouth drew a curve, and there was a playful expression in his eyes.

  "Let this guy take care of you first, and let him out after he thinks about it."

  Tian Luo smiled and looked at the girls

  "Don't worry, we'll take care of it"

  Wu smiled at Tianluo

  "Well, we'll take good care of such a cute little thing..."

  Wakana smiled and nodded.

  Naomi and Nana also looked at Tian Luo with a smile on their faces

  "Ok, I'll leave it to you"

  Tian Luo nodded and then walked out.

  Tian Luo's figure disappeared, and only a few women were left in the room.

  "Hey, what are you guys trying to do?"

  The little bat roared unhappily when he looked at the four women around him.

  "What are you doing? Hey, what do you say..."

  The four women who were smiling and charming suddenly showed gloomy smiles, and suddenly, the whole room became cold.

  "You, what are you doing..."

  "Hey, I promised I would love you, stand there obediently and don't move, I will be very gentle"

  Wakana snapped her fingers and said with a smile, but with her movements, the surroundings became more gloomy.

  "Hey, my husband asked you to think about it, we'll help you..."

  Wu is also gearing up, and the fingers are cracked.

  "Oh, you don't want to be like this, what should you do if you scare people?"

  Naomi looked at the girls with some worry, and then said again.

  "Why don't you just put a cat in there. I wonder if he's the same as a real bat?"


  "..." Wakana

  "...Little Bat"

  "This idea is good. I heard that snakes are also natural enemies of bats. If not, you can put them in the fire, or use [-] light bulbs to surround them to take pictures..."

  Nana said thoughtfully

  "..." Little Bat

  "Hey, are you demons? How can you come up with such a vicious way?"

  The little bat shuddered, and he suddenly realized that Tian Luo was actually pretty good, at least better than these beautiful big sisters

  "This arm is too annoying, why don't we help him take it off?"

  Nana ignored the little bat, ran aside and took out a vise

  "Hey, did you hear me, don't do such a dangerous thing..."

  Seeing Nana's movements, the little bat flew back and forth in horror, but the cage was too narrow, no matter how it flew, it would spin around in one place.

  "Hey, it's useless, even if you scream, no one will care about you"

  Nana said with a gloomy face

  "No, no, help..."


  "Speaking of which, the dark kiva was caught by me, so that tragic man should already know..."

  Tian Luo was walking on the street alone, there were still very few people, and the sun was very poisonous, but Tian Luo didn't feel it at all.

  While walking Tianluo, he thought about the next thing, Kiva is in his hands now, then Wang will definitely be the first to know

  As the most powerful assistant of the king, the dark kiva will never let it go, so it is very likely that he will do it himself.

  "Haha, interesting"

  Tian Luo smiled

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