He is looking forward to the battle with the king. Although he has fought before, it is not the body after all. The king of the body will definitely be more powerful.

  "But that little bat is a bit difficult to deal with, its mouth is too hard, I have to think of a way, I'm looking forward to dark kiva."

  Thinking of that little bat that is a stupid guy and a big man, Tian Luo is a little troubled

  It's not easy to make that guy betray.

  "It doesn't matter, when the time comes, look for Ma Ye to see, he should have a solution."

  Throwing off the messy thoughts in his head, Tian Luo stretched his waist.

  In this hot weather, Tian Luo didn't feel uncomfortable, but felt very comfortable. The faint golden light melted into his body, and a very comfortable feeling came.

  bang bang

  A streak of golden rays of light suddenly rushed towards Tian Luo, and then Tian Luo's whole body began to explode, and suddenly the entire space was filled with smoke and dust, and it was impossible to see the front.

  a minute later

  The smoke and dust slowly dissipated, and the surrounding ground was in a mess. Tian Luo stood there in a daze, as if nothing had happened.

  "Hey, if I were you, I would definitely find a tofu to commit suicide. I didn't get a single shot with so many cannons. What are you making a fuss about?"

  Tian Luo silently looked at the four-eyed man in front of him

  "Hmph, it's you, the dark kiva caught it"

  The four-eyed male bishop ignored Tian Luo's words, but said his intentions directly.

  "Uh, yeah"

  Tian Luo nodded happily.

  "Asshole, do you know what you're doing? You..."

  "Death, I know"

  Tian Luo directly interrupted the bishop's words, and then shrugged indifferently.

  "I also know that your king must be very angry, but he didn't come in person because of his face, and then you came here to die. Do you want me to arrest you too?"

Chapter [-] War Bishop

  "You want to arrest me? What are you kidding?"

  The bishop looked at Tian Luo with a bit of grimness. The guy in front of him could be said to be his enemy. He was beaten up by those women last time.As a bishop, as one of the four cadres, this makes him unacceptable, who has always been aloof

  And the man in front of him is the culprit. Although he didn't do it himself, he was definitely instructed by this guy.

  "What? It seems that you hate me very much. Is that what happened last time? It's really embarrassing."

  Seeing the bishop's eyes, Tian Luo deliberately said~

  Sure enough, when Tian Luo mentioned it, the bishop's face darkened.

  "I've never met such a rampant person before. Are you planning to start a war with us?"

  "Go to war? No, no, no, I just want to find some collectibles, like that little bat, I think it's very good, it should be better after I have a good training."

  Tian Luo looked at the bishop with a smile, and in his tone he regarded the little bat as his own.

  "Bastard, what are you kidding..."

  Hearing Tian Luo's words, the bishop was furious.

  The body changed directly, and the bloody ghost form appeared in front of Tian Luo in an instant.

  As the king's most loyal subordinate, the bishop's everything is for the king, and the dark kiva is the king's property. Tian Luo in front of him dares to say that, that is absolutely not allowed by the bishop.

  "Ah, angry? What a good dog."

  Tian Luo stood still, still looking at the bishop with a smile, but his words were very harsh

  "Give me death..."

  A short sword suddenly appeared in the bishop's hand, and then he rushed towards Tian Luo. In a flash, he came to Tian Luo, and then the short sword slashed directly at Tian Luo's head.


  A crisp voice sounded, as if a cookie was torn apart from the middle, Tian Luo's head was directly divided into two

  "Hmph, it turned out to be just a big talk."

  Seeing that Tian Luo was hit, the bishop snorted in disdain.

  But the next second he was stunned.

  I saw that Tian Luo's split head didn't flow out a drop of blood, and this guy was still laughing

  The eyes, nose, and mouth are divided into two. The strange thing is that the eyes are still blinking, and the corners of his mouth are still raised, which looks very strange.

  "What the hell is this?"

  The bishop took a few steps back in surprise, then looked at Tian Luo in surprise.

  At this moment, Tian Luo laughed, but his appearance was a little intimidating.

  "Hey, are you surprised, have you been scared to pee?"

  Tian Luo looked at the bishop with a smile, and then pulled both hands on his head, and the originally separated head suddenly appeared in front of the bishop.

  It's very strange, Tian Luo's brain has nothing, the blood that should have existed in the brain and some messy things, just like a watermelon has been cut in half, a layer of faint golden light wrapped in it

  "Actually, I have also been involved in elementalization, and I know more than you. I really liked this ability when I watched One Piece, so I studied it carefully for a while. Well, I know you haven't seen Pirate..."

  Tian Luo explained to the bishop

  Then he put his head together, golden light flashed through the middle, and then Tianluo returned to normal.

  "How could this be? What the hell are you?"

  The bishop looked at Tian Luo in shock. This was the first time he saw Tian Luo's power. This kind of power is not something that everyone can have.

  "Well, let me think about it... Oh, by the way, this uncle is the most handsome man in the world, remember it for me..."

  He waved his hand arrogantly, and Tian Luo said something shameless, and then the magic circle appeared, and Tian Luo once again became a magician.


  The bishop snorted coldly, and then charged towards Tianluo again, the short sword in his hand emitting golden lights


  Seeing the bishop rushing over, Tian Luo suddenly let out a weird roar, and then a whirlwind kick collided with the bishop's dagger.


  The dagger flew out immediately, and the bishop couldn't help but took a few steps back.

  "Come on, Ada, Ada, Ada..."

  Weird screams came from Tian Luo's mouth, and his legs kicked out continuously, his movements were sharp with a hint of unrestrainedness. If Bruce Lee was here, he would definitely give Tian Luo a thumbs up, his movements are really standard

  bang bang

  There was a constant crashing sound, every foot of Tian Luo hit the bishop, and the foot hair was coherent and not in the slightest.

  With the last kick, Tianluo's strength condensed on his feet, bursts of golden light flashed, and then slowly lifted up and passed in front of the bishop.

  "Light Speed ​​Side Kick"

  As soon as the words fell, the bishop flew directly behind him as if he had been hit by a cannonball.

  Tian Luo shows with facts that kung fu is practical everywhere, it just depends on who uses it, at least he can use Jeet Kune Do to play the effect of a missile cannon, and there is a trend towards c4


  A loud noise came from a distance, and the bishop who had crashed through several buildings finally stopped.

  A large hole in the shape of a person is printed on the wall, and the figure of the bishop goes missing

  "What a coward, just ran away? There are still a lot of decisive moves that are useless..."

  Unhappy pouted, Tian Luo looked at the broken buildings speechlessly.

  "But forget it, that one time just now was enough for him, it's so boring, when will that sad man come to me..."

  Release the transformation, Tian Luo stretched his waist

  He feels that fighting with the bishop and the others is boring now, and he can't have a good fight at all. Maybe that king's will satisfy him.

  Thinking of this, Tian Luo is looking forward to the arrival of the king even more.

  "Forget it, let's go to the coffee shop for a cup of coffee, I don't know if the guy in Hongyin is there or not"

  Putting all this aside, Tian Luo's mood returned to normal, and then walked towards the cafe.


  "Cough, I didn't expect that guy to be so powerful, miscalculated..."

  Deep in the woods, the bishop leaned against a tree with a pale face. A trace of green blood flowed from the corner of his mouth. It seemed that he was not seriously injured.

  "No, it looks like I can only ask Wang to do it himself..."

  "Oh? What are you doing, Bishop, you seem to be injured?"

  A clear female voice suddenly came, and the bishop turned his head to see Ma Ye looking at him curiously.

  "Queen? Why are you here?"

  The bishop looked at Zhenye in surprise

  "Of course I'm going back. It's you who got hurt. Who did it?"

  Ma Ye looked at the bishop and asked

  "You don't need to know this, Queen, you seem to have been very close to a man recently?"

  Ignoring Maya's question, the bishop looked at Maya thoughtfully

  "Oh, you said Tianluo, he is a very interesting person."

  Maya said without concealment, with a bright smile on her face.


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