Wang roared loudly, his body did not stop, and the Demon Emperor Sword swung straight out

  The magic seal collided with the Demon Emperor Sword, and the magic seal was directly split by the Demon Emperor Sword like a piece of paper.

  "I'm going, it's good"

  Looking at Wang's blow, Tian Luo sighed, but he couldn't help but sigh, Wang had already come to his side, and the Demon Emperor Sword in his hand slashed directly at him


  The crisp sound of impact came, Tian Luo's arm collided directly with the Demon Emperor Sword, and bursts of sparks flashed from the middle of the arm.

  "Hahaha, kill me"

  Wang roared loudly, his arm was hard, and the Demon Emperor Sword suddenly appeared fierce, and the powerful force directly knocked Tian Luo back several steps.

  "I'm going, it really hurts."

  Shaking his numb arms, Tianluo looked at the king unhappily. This time he was really strong, much stronger than before.

  "It turned out to be just a few steps back? It seems that I still underestimate you..."

  Looking at Tian Luo who was only taking a few steps back, Wang also looked surprised.

  "No, you look too high on you"

  Tian Luo put his hand down and looked at the king with disdain, then black light appeared in his hand, and a long black sword suddenly appeared in his hand


  With a cold snort, Wang rushed towards Tianluo again, the red light of the Demon Emperor Sword emerged, and violent murderous intent rushed towards Tianluo.

  "Hey, let's see whose sword is powerful"

  This time, Tianluo did not resist hard, dodged the king's attack, and swung his sword in the past.


  Wang retracted his long sword to block Tian Luo's attack, and then retreated to the back.

  "Don't try to run"

  Tian Luo chased after him, the long sword swung again, the tip of the sword pointed directly at the king's head


  With a cold snort, the king's head twisted, and the Demon Emperor Sword in his hand struck again

  Wang's sword is fierce and domineering, while Tianluo is brisk and weird. The two of you came and I went back and forth for a while, until...

  "Hmph, get out of hiding for me"

  Tian Luo, who was fighting against Wang, snorted suddenly, then jumped up and slashed behind him.

  The sword was so fast and fierce that even the king didn't react.


  The sound of the long sword hitting the object came, and sparks suddenly appeared in the empty void, and then a figure suddenly appeared.

  The moment the figure appeared, it flew out backwards, and a slender sword mark on his body looked extremely terrifying.

  "Cough, how come?"

  The figure struggled to stand up from the ground, his body swayed a little, and it seemed that the injury was not minor this time.

  "Bishop, are you brave? Do you think a sneak attack will work for me?"

  Tian Luo looked at the figure with disdain

  That's right, that figure is the bishop

  In the battle between Tianluo and Wang, this guy dared to hide behind and plan to attack


  The bishop glared at Tian Luo fiercely

  "To shut up"

  Wang directly stopped the bishop

  "Go away"

  "King, I..."

  When the bishop heard this, he was taken aback by 4.0, and then looked at Wang

  "Didn't you hear? I'm going to kill this guy myself this time..."

  The king's eyes turned blood red, and a terrifying pressure hit the bishop.


  Feeling Wang's terrifying aura, the bishop finally bowed his head, turned around and staggered towards the distance.

  "Okay, the annoying guy is gone, I'm going to have a good fight with you today, I hope you can hold on a little longer."

  After moving his body, Tian Luo looked at Wang and said

  "Hmph, arrogant guy"

  Wang didn't say much, and rushed again with the Demon Emperor Sword.

  Tian Luo's body flew towards the sky, and Wang followed closely. The figures of the two collided back and forth in the air, and bursts of sword energy fell from the sky, and ripples were splashed wherever they passed.  …

Chapter [-] besieged

  bang bang bang...

  The sound of the crash resounded through the heaven and the earth, and the two figures constantly staggered back and forth in the air. Every collision of 7 would bring endless whirlwinds.

  "Bastard, give me death..."

  Wang couldn't take it anymore. After such a long battle, Tian Luo on the opposite side was still so energetic, as if a fighting machine had no bottom line.

  Wang feels that his physical strength has declined a bit. If it lasts for a long time, he will lose sooner or later.

  "Damn, I'm the king..."

  With a roar, the terrifying blood-red magic power was continuously input into the Demon Emperor Sword, with more and more energy, and the Demon Emperor Sword also continued to grow larger with the input of energy, and it grew to a size of tens of meters in the blink of an eye.

  "Hmph, is that all that good?"

  Tian Luo snorted, and the black magic power was also transmitted in the sword in his hand, and the fitness continued to grow, ten meters, twenty meters, thirty meters... [-] meters...

  The black giant sword continued to expand, reaching [-] meters in the blink of an eye

  "Let me go down..."

  With a loud shout, Tian Luo grabbed the [-]-meter giant sword in both hands, and then slashed towards Wang Pi fiercely.

  The huge blade slashed, and the surrounding air seemed to be cut in half, and an unstoppable breath smashed towards the king.

  "Damn, how come, go back to me..."

  Wang looked at the flying giant sword in disbelief, but then he reacted with a roar, and the Demon Emperor Sword in his hand slashed towards Tian Luo's giant sword without flinching.


  The two swords collided, and a feeling of annihilation erupted from the middle, the space began to distort, and bursts of broken sounds entered the ears of the two of them.

  "Hahaha, let me down"

  Tian Luo suddenly burst out laughing, the strength in his hand increased again, and the energy was injected into the sword again.

  The giant sword skyrocketed again, and a more terrifying aura came than before.

  The king holding the Demon Emperor Sword suddenly felt a strong pressure, followed by a sharp pain in his arm, and the Demon Emperor Sword came out of his hand.


  The giant sword slashed at Wang's body, and a light green sound came, and then Wang's body smashed towards the ground like a powerful arrow, at a very fast speed.

  A blood-red light and shadow crossed, followed by a strong impact, the ground shook for a while, and a huge crater appeared below.

  Tian Luo retracted the giant sword, and then his body slowly fell from the sky. With his hands behind his back, Tian Luo looked at the king in the pit lightly.

  "Hehe, can you still fight?"

  Looking at the king who still has breath, Tian Luo said lightly.

  As soon as Tian Luo finished speaking, he saw Oh in the pit moving, and Wang, who was covered in blood mist, struggled to stand up from the ground.

  "Cough, I didn't expect that even if you use the Demon Emperor Sword, you will not be your opponent..."

  Wang stared at Tian Luo, his body was a little weak, and a huge centipede-like wound from head to toe was imprinted on his body, which made people look horrified.

  "Do you still want to fight? You look like you don't have much fighting power?"

  Looking at the embarrassed king, Tian Luo shook his head and said, the king at this moment has no fighting power for Tian Luo, so there is no fun in playing.

  "Cough, do you think you can defeat me so easily? You are too naive, and you underestimate our blood-toothed ghost clan."

  Wang said weakly, but his blood-red eyes were still full of icy cold, and he could not wait to eat Tian Luo directly.

  "Oh? Do you still have a hole card?"

  Tian Luo slightly looked at Wang with interest. He really wanted to see what other tricks Wang had.

  "Hehe, the undead compatriots from the ancient tooth blood ghost family, obey the king's call to come to this world, and destroy everything here for me..."

  Wang closed his eyes and sang slowly. As Wang's voice came out, a magical energy radiated from the city and began to condense.

  "this is?"

  Tian Luo stared blankly as he gathered more and more energy.

  "Wake up, my clan..."

  Wang shouted again

  More and more energy condensed in the air, more and more, more and more, until...


  Terrifying energy erupted recklessly, and a huge monster with a height of [-] meters appeared above the space like a huge dark cloud.

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