"Hey, are you sure this isn't playing Bumpman?"

  Looking at the huge shadow in the sky, Tian Luo was speechless for a while. This big guy has a fingernail bigger than him, standing there like a devil.

  "Hahaha, this is the great power of the blood-toothed ghost clan, Tianluo, this time you are dead..."

  Looking at the huge figure above, the king on the ground couldn't help laughing

  "Great? Sorry, I just feel big..."

  Watching Wang Tianluo, who has become arrogant again, shrugged indifferently.

  "Hmph, are you still holding on? Do you think you have a chance?"

  Looking at Tian Luo who did not move at all, Wang said contemptuously.

  "Oh, yes? Haven't you heard a word?"

  Hearing Wang's words, Tian Luo suddenly laughed and asked


  "Hey, too many ants can kill an elephant..."

  Tian Luo smiled happier

  I saw him snap his fingers lightly, and zippers suddenly emerged from the air, the zippers slowly opened, and suspicious-looking strange things drilled out from the inside, but in the blink of an eye, the whole ground was covered with this kind of stuff. thing

  "This, what is this?"

  Wang looked at Tian Luo in shock. He was stunned by this sudden scene. He had never seen such a thing before. Where did they come from?

  "Go, crush him..."

  With a light drink, Tian Luo pointed his hand towards the huge figure.

  As if receiving some instructions, those dense monsters all rushed towards the huge figure, the ground and the sky were all filled with such monsters, and people who looked like locusts were horrified.

  The huge figure slammed his fist, and the huge force directly knocked out the first dozen monsters, but as the number increased, his crawling was full of such monsters.

  This is not strong enough to deal with. The overwhelming monsters surround him like flies. Even if the power is strong, he cannot get rid of it.

  "So, in this case, you need a strong insecticide..."

  Looking at the situation over there, Tian Luo couldn't help but teasingly looked at Wang

  "Bastard, how could this be? Who the hell are you?"

  Wang looked at Tian Luo with a bit of a breakdown.

  "Me? Just a traveler in a very bad mood, remember it for me..."

  Tian Luo stopped smiling and looked at Wang and said lightly.

Chapter [-] Resolved


  Accompanied by a miserable standing roar, the huge figure suddenly disappeared to the end, and then disappeared into a light spot, and there were not many of those unknown monsters left.

  Tian Luo looked at this situation and nodded, then waved his arm again, and the surroundings became calm again

  "Okay, just the two of us left, have you figured out how to die?"

  Withdrawing his gaze, Tian Luo once again looked at Wang who was not far away.

  At this moment, the king has no strength to fight at all, and the breath on his body is still very weak, as if he will completely disappear after a while.

  "Cough, I didn't expect that I would lose again..."

  Coughing violently twice, Wang looked at Tian Luo in loneliness

  "No, it should be said that since I came here, you have no chance of victory. After all, it is God who is fighting you."

  Tian Luo smiled and slowly walked towards the king

  "God? Haha interesting..."

  Watching Tianluo approach, Wang couldn't help showing a wry smile

  "So you won't be wronged if you die under my hands, are you ready?"

  Standing beside the king, Tian Luo looked down at the king, and a black long sword appeared again in his hand.

  "Yeah, it's not wrong...you die for me"

  Wang, who was still smiling bitterly, suddenly turned hideous, and a red light flashed in his hand, and then grabbed it towards Tian Luo's stomach.


  Time seems to stand still at this moment

  The king didn't move, because a blade of light suddenly appeared, and then it cut down the king's head. A black light flashed from the king's body, and then the king remained motionless.

  "I told you a long time ago that you can't beat me"

  Looking at the figure of the king, Tian Luo said lightly, and then walked towards the distance without looking back, there is no need to stay here.

  Tian Luo's figure went farther and farther, until he could no longer see it.

  Where is Wang still standing, he looked at his body blankly

  "Hehe, I didn't expect this king to die here, I'm not reconciled..."

  With a roar, black light continued to flash in the king's body, and then spread to his whole body.


  Like a gun battle, the king's body suddenly exploded.

  At this moment, the most powerful king among the blood-toothed ghosts has completely disappeared from the world...


  "Huh? It disappeared..."

  Tian Luo, who was in the distance, suddenly frowned, and then the mental wave animation spread.

  But what surprised him was that the bishop had completely disappeared, the whole city could not search for him, and the breath of Taiya disappeared at the same time.

  "Did you escape the city or..."

  Tian Luo thought for a while, then looked at a place not far away, where there was a small castle, dragged by a dragon, Derain Castle

  "This guy seems to have a very magical ability, I don't know if it is..."

  Looking at Derain Castle, Tian Luo secretly thought

  Derain Castle has a very magical ability, that is, it can travel through time and space, but it is not permanent, and it will come back here after time passes.

  Tian Luo didn't know if the bishop used this kind of power, or if he fled the city with Taiya

  "It doesn't matter, there shouldn't be anything wrong..."

  Scratching his head, Tianluo is no longer in the mood to take care of this matter. According to the bishop's character, he should not take action against Taiya. If something happens, he can let Xiaolong go back or take a look in the future. how did he choose

  A gust of breeze blew, and Tian Luo's figure disappeared in place, and the surroundings returned to calm again.


  Tian Luo's house

  It's very lively in the hall at the moment

  Several women were chatting, and the table was already filled with all kinds of delicious food

  "Really, that guy's speed is too slow"

  Nana sat there complaining

  "I don't know how? Will something happen?"

  Maya asked worriedly

  "Don't worry, my husband is very good, I haven't seen him suffer any losses yet."

  dance confidently

  "Should be back soon"

  Wakana nodded in agreement.

  "Then should we leave him out in the cold?"

  Naomi looked at the others suspiciously

  "Well, go on"

  After thinking for a while, Wakana nodded heavily.

  Even though they said that, the girls still didn't eat with chopsticks. They were all well-bred women and would not eat until the master came back.

  After a while, the door was slowly pushed open

  Tian Luo stuck his head out, hesitantly looked inside.

  "Cough, are you all there?"

  Seeing that the girls were all there, Tian Luo coughed a little awkwardly, then pushed the door and walked in.

  "Well, let's eat first"

  Ruo Cai nodded lightly, but he didn't ask Tian Luo anything.


  Nodding, Tian Luo sat down obediently.

  It was very quiet during the meal, no one spoke, Tian Luo was so depressed, the food on the table kept stuffing into his mouth to distract his attention.

  half an hour later

  "How are things going?"

  Seeing that Tianluo was full, Wakana finally spoke.

  "That, Wang has already solved it, but the bishop doesn't know where to go"

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