"Do you feel anything?"

  "I feel it, the blood of the blood-toothed ghost is very strong, and there is a very familiar aura."

  Hearing Tian Luo's words, Ma Ye nodded and said.

  "That's right, let's go up and have a look."

  Nodding, Tian Luo and a group of women walked towards the elevator beside

  "I'm sorry, sir, what's the matter with you? You can't enter here casually."

  Just when Tian Luo and the others were about to go in, a sweet voice suddenly came from behind them, and they saw a beautiful woman in business attire looking at them with a smile, and the voice came from this woman's mouth. of

  "Where's your boss, Mr. Dong, I want to meet?"

  Looking at the beautiful woman in front of him, a smile appeared on Tian Luo's face.

  "Excuse me sir, do you have an appointment?"

  The beautiful woman in professional attire still looks at Tian Luo with a smile on her face


  Tian Luo was stunned for a moment, then looked at the women beside him

  The girls also shrugged helplessly, which means we don't know anything, you can solve it yourself

  "All right"

  Glancing at a few girls, Tian Luo's eyes turned to the beauty in business attire again, but no one saw it, and a pale golden light appeared in his eyes.

  "I have an appointment. Today is an appointment with your old director."

  A slightly magnetic voice came out of Tian Luo's mouth, and his eyes met the beauty in business attire.

  Just for a moment, the beauty of the professional attire froze, and then her eyes became a little confused

  "Okay, sir, please have..."

  Nodding in agreement, the beauty in business attire walked directly in front to lead the way for Tianluo

  "ok, done"

  Seeing this, Tian Luo showed a happy smile to the girls behind him

  "Hehe, your ability is really convenient..."

  Looking at the beautiful woman in professional attire who was leading her group without realizing it, Wakana whispered in Tianluo's ear.

  "Hey, a little hypnosis is a piece of cake for me..."

  Tian Luo laughed, and then walked into the elevator, followed by several women.

  Walking into the elevator, the beautiful woman in business attire pressed the button on the top floor, and then the elevator moved quickly upward.


  "Wang, the guy who developed the super metal has been dealt with..."

  On the top floor of the company, in a luxurious office, the bishop looked at Tai Ya who was sitting there and nodded.

  "Well, I see, continue to observe, all the technologies that are useful to human beings are destroyed, this is the responsibility of the king..."

  Taito nodded with satisfaction.

  "Understood, by the way, Wang, some strange people have appeared in this observation recently, are we..."

  Having said that, the bishop made a wiping action on his neck.

  "No, it's just some reptiles. You can warn me when necessary."

  Taiya waved his hand, he is not even interested in killing those weak guys

  "Yes, I understand"

  Bishop nodded

  At this moment, a burst of footsteps suddenly came from outside. The footsteps were very noisy. There should be many people listening to the sound.

  The bishop's brows wrinkled immediately. This is the highest level, only core members can enter, and the people outside are obviously not.

  Tong Tong

  There are two knocks on the door


  The bishop snorted coldly, and there was a cold light in his eyes.

  "I'm sorry, a guest came to see the chairman"

  The light voice of the beautiful woman in professional attire came

  "Guests? What kind of guests? Who asked you to bring people up casually..."

  The bishop's voice became even colder, but before he could finish speaking, with a bang, the person in front of him was kicked away, and there were some panicked beauties in professional attire and Tian Luo's group with a smile.

  "Hehe, it's been a long time since I've seen it, it really makes me look for it..."

Chapter [-] tit for tat

  "You, you are..."

  The expression on the bishop's face changed instantly, and a trace of panic flashed across his eyes.

  "Hehe, you won't let us stand here, it's rude"

  Tian Luo smiled even happier when he saw the bishop, it seems that this guy still remembers him

  "You, how did you come here, it's impossible, it's been so long, you should have left long ago..."

  A hoarse voice came from the bishop's throat, and the bishop's face was squeezed together.

  "It's been a long time? I'm sorry, it's only less than a week for me."

  Tian Luo waved his hand, and then rudely put it on the chair beside him

  Several women also followed him and sat neatly on both sides of Tian Luo. As for the beauty in business attire, she was signaled by Tian Luo to leave.

  Originally, there were only two people running the company. It changed instantly, and it looked like it was in a meeting.

  "Bishop, who are they?"

  Taiya's voice interrupted the bishop's chaotic mood. Although he was asking, Taiya's eyes kept on Ma Ye. He felt a familiar aura from Ma Ye's body, it was very warm, and that aura fascinated him. , so that his calm heart brought a wave of waves

  "King, he is the murderer who killed the previous king, your father's enemy"

  The bishop gritted his teeth and said, and then his eyes shifted to Maya again.

  "Queen, you betrayed the previous king, and I didn't expect you to come to the door yourself."

  Following the bishop's words, the hall suddenly became quiet, the atmosphere was solemn, and there was a suffocating feeling in the air.

  The Tianluo group didn't care, but there was a hint of worry in Ma Ye's eyes.

  "Really? Then you are my mistress."

  Although he had already noticed something in his heart, Taiya's heart was churning again after hearing the bishop's voice, but his expression did not change in the slightest, and he still looked at Zhenye calmly. As for Tianluo, he was directly blocked by him.


  A gentle look on Ma Ye's face

  "Long time no see, Mrs.

  Hearing Maya's voice, Taiya nodded lightly.

  "I didn't expect you to grow so big in the blink of an eye."

  Looking at the handsome young man in front of him, Maya nodded with a sigh

  Before he came, Taiya was just a little guy who shouldn't be able to walk. He didn't expect to become an adult after not seeing him for a few days. It really makes people sigh

  "In the blink of an eye? Not for me. Do you know how I've been through the past ten years?"


  Hearing Taiya's words, Maya's eyes flashed a hint of guilt, and she said in a sad tone.

  "Hehe, I'm sorry? What's the use of talking about this? But that's all, I'm the king, and the king doesn't need these boring feelings..."

  Suppressing the throbbing in his heart, Taiya said indifferently.

  "Tooth, I..."

  "Damn it, the little bastard is insane, isn't it, you are in the early stage of secondary disease, do you know..."

  Without waiting for Ma Ye to speak, Tian Luo couldn't help but said aloud.

  "You are the murderer of my father, right? It doesn't seem to be anything special. Why does the queen mother like you?"

  Hearing Tian Luo's words, Tai Ya's eyes finally caught sight of him, but then he shook his head in disappointment.

  "Damn, what do you mean by that? Isn't I handsome?"

  Tian Luo suddenly jumped up from the chair, and he was said to be nothing special. How could such a thing be tolerated? Tian Luo is very confident in his appearance. Although he is not handsome and earth-shattering, he has the potential to be a little white face. Still there, isn't that special?

  "Hmph, I can ignore you for the rest, it's all your business, but you should give me back what belongs to me..."

  With a cold snort, Tai Ya stared at Tian Luo closely.

  "Still? What else?"

  Tian Luo was stunned for a moment, then he understood what Taiya meant.

  This guy wants to return the little bat. After all, this belongs to the king and represents the authority of the king. However, is Tian Luo the kind of person who will spit it out after eating it?of course not

  So Tian Luo looked at Tai Ya very arrogantly, with a hint of provocation in his eyes, as if to say, the sample, there is something to come over and grab it.

  "Hmph, the arrogant character is the same as what the bishop said, then I will take it back with my own hands."

  Looking at Tian Luo's appearance, Tai Ya said with a cold expression.

  Slowly taking off the gloves in his hand, a dark bat mark appeared on the back of Taiya's hand

  Taiya's momentum suddenly soared, and then the ground slowly overflowed with ink-like liquid, and ferocious black snakes crawled out of it.

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