The black snake is very big, with a cold bloodthirsty feeling in his eyes, Xinzi kept spitting it out, and then rushed towards Tianluo

  "Well, it is indeed a very powerful force"

  Seeing the dense group of snakes rushing towards him, Tian Luo couldn't help nodding his head.

  "However, this situation is of no use to me,"

  As Tian Luo's voice fell, an icy feeling suddenly enveloped the entire space.

  Immediately afterwards, under Tai Ya's astonished gaze, the group of snakes running towards Tianluo stopped abruptly, and then began to be covered with a thin layer of ice, and in the blink of an eye a lifelike statue of group of snakes appeared in front of everyone.

  "The Art of Ice, Living Statues"

  Looking at the frozen snakes, Tian Luo spit out a chill and said lightly.

  "Sure enough, you have a power different from your appearance"

  Looking at the group of snakes that have no fighting power, Taiya's face has returned to calm

  "Are you complimenting me? Why am I so upset?"

  Tianluo looked at Taiya silently

  "Oh, but that's the only way it can be"

  With Tai Ya's chuckle, a disc-like object suddenly flew out from outside door 4.1, and rushed towards Tianluo.

  bang bang

  There was a violent crash, countless sparks flashed in the air, and Tian Luo stood there unharmed.

  "Hey, your opponent is me"

  There was a loud roar, and I saw that the little bat came to Tianluo at some point and blocked the attack of the disc.


  An obscure sound came out of the disc, and then he flew towards Taiya

  "Finally out? The ultimate armor, dark kiva"

  Looking at the little bat Taiya's eyes, there is a glimmer of light

  "If you want, come and get it yourself, just let me try what you can do..."

  Tian Luo smiled and hooked his fingers at Taiya enough.  …

Chapter [-] Teaching


  The disc creature made an elusive sound again, but Taiya understood it. With a faint smile, the disc flew to Taiya's waist.


  With a light drink, a small white hilt suddenly appeared in his hand, and then inserted directly into a groove of the disc

  A silver light flashed across Tai Ya's body, and a faint silver phantom began to flash, and then gradually condensed a pair of silver armor.

  The armor is like the shape of a knight in ancient Europe, with azure and pale gold runes carved on it, and the head looks like a crown, which looks very gorgeous and majestic, and the noble aura immediately permeates the entire space.

  This is the armor belonging to Taiya... saga

  "Well, it looks pretty good"

  Looking at Taiya's shape, Tianluo nodded secretly.

  "Hmph, I will snatch Kiva back from you again, swear by the glory of the king..."

  Holding a blood-red energy sword, Tai Ya looked at Tian Luo and said

  "I'm really familiar with the words, but it's better to say less about the middle school..."

  Tianluo laughed, and then transformed himself. The red and black dark kiva appeared again, and the terrifying aura immediately blew away the pressure of Taiya's condensation.

  "Is this the dark kiva? It's really strong"

  Feeling the power emanating from the armor on the opposite side, Taiya was secretly surprised, but he did not flinch, but his fighting spirit became stronger.


  Maya cried out in concern.

  "Don't worry, I'll be merciful."

  Tian Luo patted Zhen Ye's head and comforted him. He knew that Zhen Ye was worried about Tai Ya. After all, he already knew Tian Luo's terrifying power. If Tai Ya was not careful, his life would be in danger.

  Hearing Tianluo's assurance, Maya also felt relieved, and then backed away. She also wanted to see how strong her son had become. If she could protect herself, she could leave with confidence.

  "Boy, do you want to fight here? I'm afraid I'll ruin this place accidentally"

  Looking at the small space, Tian Luo looked at Tai Ya and said

  "Then go outside and fight"

  Taiya nodded, and then the figure disappeared, as if it had never appeared.

  "Haha, interesting"

  Looking at the disappearing Taiya, Tianluo laughed, and then his body disappeared as if it had become blurred.

  After an hour between the two of them, the hall suddenly became quiet, and only a few women were left looking at each other.

  The bishop looked coldly at the place where Tian Luo disappeared and turned to look at the girls.

  "What are you looking at, you want to die, right?"

  Nana gave the bishop a stern look.

  "Damn girl, you..."

  The bishop looked at Nana fiercely

  "What's the matter, do you want to fight..."

  The girls also stared at the bishop, and a terrifying sense of oppression instantly enveloped the bishop.


  The bishop's expression froze for a moment. At this moment, he immediately thought of the unbearable scene, the embarrassing scene of being surrounded by several women.

  "If you talk, you will be fired"

  Looking at the bishop, Wakana said lightly


  After Ruo Cai finished speaking, the bishop was quiet. Although he was very depressed, he didn't dare to say anything. After all, he couldn't even deal with a few women without talking about Tianluo, let alone joining a queen.


  Glancing at the honest bishop, the girls ignored him, and then chatted

  They don't want to do anything about this guy now. When Tianluo comes back and hands it over to him, he can kill or cut it as he pleases.

  Ignore this, the battle between Tianluo and Taiya is about to begin

  In the dense forest, two figures stand opposite each other

  Taiya pointed at Tianluo with a rapier in hand, and blood-red energy continued to radiate from above.

  "Hehe, don't you remind me that your face will grow longer?"

  Tian Luo looked at Tai Ya with a smile and said

  The long sword in Taiya's hand is formed by ability, and it can change the length at will. It's very strange. If you don't know it, it's really easy to get caught.

  "Don't you know? Did I use too many explanations?"

  Taiya said coldly

  "Cut, what an unlovable kid."

  Tian Luo glanced at Tai Ya, and then a black sword appeared in his hand, which was also formed by energy.

  "Come on, let me see how strong you are"

  Hooking at Tai Ya, Tian Luo looked at him provocatively.


  Tai Ya snorted coldly, and the long sword in his hand shot out like a spirit snake. The speed was very fast, and he came to Tian Luo in the blink of an eye.

  "Hehe, it would be even more perfect if there was a sentence "shoot him, the gun" before the move."

  Quickly dodge the incoming long sword.Tianluo still didn't forget to complain, but obviously Taiya didn't know what it meant. He was not lost because Tianluo avoided the attack. The long sword in his hand turned sharply and charged towards Tianluo again.

  "It's useless, the speed is still too slow" Tianluo said with a joke, jumping out of the encirclement of the long sword again.

  However, Tai Ya still insisted, and the long sword was chasing Tian Luo like a living thing.

  "Well, it seems that you can only face the reality."

  The black long sword was raised, Tian Luo suddenly swung a light blade, and the long sword that rushed up was directly chopped into several pieces by the light blade, and finally turned into nothingness

  "You should know that this kind of attack is meaningless to the real powerhouse. Only the power of its own is the most powerful guarantee."

  Putting away the black sword, Tian Luo looked at Tai Ya and said

  At this moment, Tai Ya stared blankly at the long sword that was restored to its original state. He knew that these really did not work for Tianluo. Although his saga was very powerful, it was 100 worse than the dark kiva. grade

  However, this made Taiya want to snatch the dark kiva, throwing away his own safety, and Taiya rushed directly towards Tianluo

  A silver light flickered on Tai Ya's fist, and then slammed towards Tian Luo.


  Tianluo raised his hand and directly caught Taiya's fist, then with a wave of his arm, Taiya's body couldn't keep its balance and went backwards.

  "In the face of an enemy stronger than you, it's not a good idea to fight hard"

  Tian Luo said lightly behind his hands

  "you shut up"

  Taiya roared angrily, then rushed up again.

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