"Don't worry about it, as long as you have this power...as long as you have..."

  Looking at his hands, Perseus finally made up his mind, and then he slowly raised his hand. As long as he exerted a little force, Gentaro would directly turn into a stone.

  "As long as you have this power, you will be blown up by me sooner or later"

  A voice suddenly came from behind the two

  "Tian Luo is honest?"

  Seeing the people behind the two, Gentaro couldn't help but exclaimed

  "How's it going? Come on time, right?"

  Tian Luo said with a smile

  "It was so timely"

  Gentaro was almost moved to tears, if he didn't come, he would die immediately

  "Tianluo teacher, you..."

  Seeing that it turned out to be Tianluo, Perseus was also a little surprised

  "Little guy, don't play with this kind of thing, it's too dangerous."

  Tian Luo smiled and looked at Perseus

  "You are doing something bad again, do you really want to be our enemy?"

  Libra looked at Tian Luo coldly, how many times, this guy came out to disrupt the situation every time, it was really annoying

  "Oh, don't be like this. It's an unforgivable crime to make one's starving students become murderers."

  Tian Luo shook his head.

  "Perseus, kill him together"

  Hearing Tian Luo's words, Libra roared angrily

  "But he..."

  Seeing Tianluo Perseus hesitated, after all Tianluo is a teacher, if you shoot him

  "Don't be so entangled, you can completely let go and shoot at me, after all, it will be boring if you don't."

  Tian Luo shook his head indifferently, and then an oval switch appeared in his hand.

  "This is……"

  Seeing Tian Luo take out the switch, the three people present widened their eyes

  "Teacher Tian Luo, are you here?"

  Gentaro asked aloud

  "Oh, I got it from an old man, it's been repaired for a long time, and it finally came in handy today"

  The corner of Tianluo's mouth evoked a smile

  "Damn, dare to insult adults"

  Hearing that Tian Luo actually called the chairman of the board, Libra was immediately angry, and then a huge energy ball appeared and shot towards Tian Luo.


  Tian Luo smiled, and then his fingers gently pressed the switch

  The black energy burst out and enveloped Tianluo, and the energy ball seemed to be swallowed up.

  "This power...Impossible. Why does someone who is clearly not the Twelve Apostles have the power of a cadre?"

  Feeling the breath emanating from Tian Luo, Libra feels that his brain is not enough

  "Although it's just an ordinary switch, it has swallowed so much energy. Even if it doesn't evolve, it still has the power of a cadre. Thank you Shenmu Shenna."

  The black fog disappeared, and a fiery red Tianluo appeared in front of everyone, and ordinary eagle-like eyes stared at the few people in front of them.

  "Devouring? How could there be such power"

  Hearing Tian Luo's explanation, Libra is even more unbelievable. Even a cadre like him doesn't know this kind of thing.

  "Of course you won't understand, but I can let you see it later. After all, I'm also very interested in the power of Perseus."

  Tian Luo waved his hand.

  "Damn, don't be too arrogant..."

  Hearing Tian Luo's tone, neither Libra nor Perseus looked good. They understood what Tian Luo meant, and they wanted to seize the power of Perseus.

  Looking at each other, the two rushed towards Tian Luo at the same time, one left and one right, both fists smashed towards Tian Luo 5.6's head

  "It's ridiculous, let you see the power I collected"

  Tian Luo calmly stood there and waited for the attack to come.

  However, just when the two were about to hit Tianluo, their attack suddenly slanted, yes, it was slanted, and the two powerful and experienced guys would hit the slant.

  "So, you are still too young"

  Tian Luo's voice entered the ears of the two, and then taking advantage of this moment of effort, Tian Luo moved, and saw that he quickly shot and directly hit the stomach of the two, and then the two figures flew like cannonballs. out

  "Although the strength is not strong, in a real battle, even a little mistake can be fatal."

  Tian Luo raised his right hand and said lightly, this is the power obtained from the compass, control...  

Four hundred and fortieth chapters small tadpoles

  "What's the matter? Is this... the power of the compass?"

  Feeling the changes in the body just now, Libra looked at Tian Luo in disbelief

  "Yes, I acquired a few days ago, a very interesting ability"

  Tian Luo snapped his fingers, and then saw the footsteps of the two who had just struggled to stand up, and then fell down again.

  "You two should be careful, if you don't pay attention, you may suffer a big loss."

  Seeing the embarrassment of the two, Tian Luo couldn't help laughing.

  Now his power belongs to the cadre level, which is no double stronger than the previous Compass.

  "Damn, look at me..."

  Perseus roared, and saw his left hand raised, a red ray suddenly shot out and rushed towards Tianluo

  "Although it is about to break through the cadre level, the difference is still too big."

  Tian Luo shook his head, then snapped his fingers again.

  I saw that the red ray suddenly stopped, and then took a sharp turn and shot towards Libra.


  With a muffled sound, Libra flew 17 out again, but he did not turn into stone

  "After all, there is still a gap in the level, and the ability of petrochemical is of no use to the current cadres."

  Tian Luo shook his head.

  "how so……"

  Seeing the tragic situation of Libra, Perseus was a little dumbfounded. Now he feels that he is in a dilemma, how should he act?

  "To be honest, I feel like evolution is really ridiculous. From a dog to a scorpion, from a horse to a crab, I can't understand it at all. If you evolve, you won't know what it will become, Medusa. It would be bad if his ability disappeared, it would be better for me to let him carry forward."

  Tian Luo looked at Perseus with a smile on his face

  Although I don't know what Tianluo is talking about, it is certain that he wants to snatch his switch. At this moment, Perseus is extremely angry.

  "die me"

  The big knife was raised in his hand, and a powerful energy hovered above the big knife, and the surrounding air seemed to be drained.

  When the ability is almost condensed, Perseus slammed out

  A violent whirlwind suddenly formed, as if there were countless knife lights rushing towards Tianluo around it.

  "Flame Slash"

  Tian Luo let out a low voice, and a huge wave of flame suddenly appeared, and then directly slashed towards the whirlwind.


  A terrifying explosion sounded, and the wind blew towards the outside, with a fiery flame in the middle.

  "Oops, overplayed"

  Seeing this scene, Tian Luo scratched his head, then disappeared and appeared in front of Gentaro.

  This kind of explosion may be nothing to him, but for Gentaro, who is the main body, he will definitely die without a whole body, and there will be no scum left.

  Protecting Gentaro, Tenra waited for the explosion to disappear

  A minute later, the surroundings finally recovered, but all the trees dozens of meters here were destroyed and turned into coke.


  Tian Luo looked at the empty forest and shook his head. There are no signs of Libra here.

  "Teacher, are you and Gentaro all right?"

  At this moment, a noisy voice suddenly remembered that I saw two human figures walking towards here.

  "Xianwu and Dawen Senior, we are all right, Teacher Tianluo saved me"

  Seeing the two of them, Gentaro said happily.

  "Fortunately, I thought you would turn into a stone when we came..."

  Seeing Gentaro's appearance, singer Kengo and the others finally breathed a sigh of relief

  "Almost changed"

  Gentaro was also secretly relieved. Today was so exciting that he almost took his life into it.

  "By the way, now that Perseus and Libra have escaped, where are we going to find it?"

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